Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3060: Old beast

Chapter 3060 The Old Beast

Chapter 3058 Old Beast

Based on what this person said, Ding Hao has basically determined that this person should also be a fake fairy rebel!

The real purpose of this person here is to get Skyfire, pretending to be a rebellious immortal clan, just to facilitate his actions here.

However, because everyone didn't have a deep friendship, Ding Hao couldn't reveal his identity, so he didn't say much, and followed this person to the forest in front of him.

When entering the forest in front of him, Ding Hao noticed that from all directions, there were many figures wearing black robes marching into the forest.

"No, the news has leaked, let's hurry up!" The person called out and quickly speeded up.

Ding Hao also quickly followed. The two were almost already galloping in the forest. As they rushed, the flames in front of them flashed, and on the branch of a giant tree, a flower appeared A flame like a strange flower!

But it was not the turn of Ding Hao and the others to go to pick it up, and a rebellious fairy clan standing under the tree flew up, swiftly, and took the sky fire into the bag.

"This is Sky Fire!" Ding Hao's eyes flickered. This was the first time he saw Sky Fire.

The flame is really peculiar, like a fiery red rose, blooming very beautifully, like a kind of fire, but also like a flower, it should be a kind of precious natural treasure!

"No, I'm a step slower!" The person who rushed with Ding Hao seemed quite impatient, and he couldn't possibly rob him!

However, there were many rebellious immortals present.

Between the rebellious celestial clan, they generally don’t fight to **** treasures. If someone rushes to **** it at this time, 80% of them are the rebels of the celestial clan and will be besieged by all the rebellious celestial clan!

"Let's continue searching!" The two figures galloped through the forest in front of them, looking for the sky fire that appeared.

It may be their bad luck. When they searched along the way, they didn't even get a sky fire. What was depressing was that they saw at least three sky fires on the road, all of which were snatched away by the rebellious immortals!

The fake immortal clan who walked with Ding Hao was rebellious, and the anger rose in his heart, and he said, "Friend, let's separate now! I have something else!" This person finished speaking and left to a clan rebellious. Chased in the direction of the past.

Ding Hao watched this person leave from behind, and slowly shook his head. This person is too anxious and has a violent temper. It shouldn't be his eldest and second brothers!

Since this is the case, this person is going to kill people to win treasures, which has nothing to do with Ding Hao, anyway, Ding Hao continues to search in this forest alone.


When Ding Hao was walking alone, his luck suddenly recovered. From a distance, he saw a bright sky fire not far away, and there was no other fairy clan rebellious around him.

"This belongs to me!"

Ding Hao was ecstatic in his heart, and raised his hand and took out a small storage box the size of a palm. This thing was specially used to store Skyfire. He had bought a lot from Black Ship before coming here.

But just as he got closer and closer, when he wanted to take down this sky fire, a white figure suddenly jumped out in front of him, grabbed the sky fire, turned his head and fled!

"Bastard!" Ding Hao was furious, and quickly followed behind.

He noticed that this guy who snatched the sky fire turned out to be a small white ape!

"you wanna die!"

Ding Hao followed behind, chasing him, one man and one ape ran farther and farther, and soon rushed out of this forest and came to another completely different forest; the forest in front of him looked very dark, and entering it was like night , Only the back of the white ape was very eye-catching, Ding Hao was still chasing behind.

Soon after, the small white ape disappeared very suddenly.

"You must be hiding in a tree hole nearby!"

Ding Hao was quite experienced, he stopped immediately and looked under the huge ancient tree nearby.

It's quite dark here, the old trees grow strangely, and they are covered with huge branches. It is not easy to find one of the tree holes.

However, Ding Hao searched here with great effort, and finally found a relatively high tree hole hidden by a large number of leaves.

"If you want to grab my sky fire, you are looking for death!" Ding Hao looked angry, pulled the leaves in front of him, and got into the tree hole.

The giant tree here is quite big, and the tree hole is also very deep. He plunged into the hole and swiftly moved downwards. After a while, he came to the underground passage. Entering it, he let go of his thoughts and even put the black robe off. The headgear is lifted so that it is easier to find the escaped white ape.

"Over there!" Ding Hao soon discovered that this white ape was quite stupid. This tree hole turned out to be a dead end, which meant that the white ape was hiding in the deepest part of the tree hole.

"Looking for death!" He cursed again, took off the rune spear behind his back, ready to kill at any time.

Soon after, he found the deepest part of the tree hole. Here, two white apes were cuddling with each other, and one of the little white apes was holding the bright sky fire in his hand!

Ding Hao was not very polite to these beasts and was ready to make a move right away, but when he made the move, the larger white ape suddenly screamed and threw himself in front of Ding Hao, constantly. kowtow!

"You..." Ding Hao was taken aback for a moment, then his face moved, and he even recognized the white ape, "It's you!"

In order to destroy the stronghold of Venerable Huanglong, Ding Hao pretended to be a rebellious immortal and got into Venerable Huanglong's side. At that time, Ding Hao kept a rune beast for others to believe!

And when he escaped, this rune beast also gave him considerable help; when he rushed back with a large number of the strongest, he also saved the life of this rune beast, and then he took this rune Wen Beast into the Origin Forest!

Ding Hao never thought that he could meet this rune beast again!

But now, I actually encountered it!

This female ape who robbed his skyfire little ape was actually that rune beast!

"Unexpectedly it was you, very good!" Ding Hao saw the rune beast he had raised in the past, and stopped attacking, but smiled slightly and sat next to him.

The rune beast uttered a whistling sound and ordered its little ape to send the sky fire on.

Ding Hao took out the storage box, put the sky fire into his bag, and asked, "What is the use of this sky fire?"

The rune beast immediately turned around and showed Ding Hao his back. What shocked Ding Hao was that there were as many as nine sky fire marks on the back of this rune beast.

"You also refine Skyfire and strengthen yourself!" Ding Hao was shocked, and asked quickly, "I haven't seen you in many years. I don't know how strong you are? Show me!"

I saw this white ape suddenly resembled a white lightning, rushing out quickly, I don't know how many times faster than that little ape!

"This is your true strength?" Ding Hao was overjoyed. The strength of the white ape now is much stronger than before. He quickly asked, "Will you continue to act with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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