Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3068: Crystal Mine

Chapter 3068 Crystal Mine

Chapter 3066 Crystal Mine

"The rebellious veteran Pan has become a monster now!" Ding Hao was shocked.

However, this monster is very powerful. I am afraid that the elders in the Senate will come up to three or five, and they are not Pan's opponent now!

"If Pan discovers my true identity, I will be finished!"

In the next few days, Ding Hao did not dare to go to watch the runes in front of the big beast's house, but sat in his own retreat, meditating with peace of mind.

In fact, this rune had been firmly remembered in his mind, and he began to perceive and learn based on the memory in his mind.

Day after day passed, when the rebellious veteran Pan came back for more than a month, the big beast came to Ding Hao.


This behemoth is quite large, with fire spar inlaid all over its body, blood-red eyes, and flames erupting from its mouth and nose.

It shouted at Ding Hao, and then walked out.

"Let me follow it?" Ding Hao was secretly surprised, wondering what this guy was calling himself for?

"Let's go with it first."

The ice and snow behemoth that Ding Hao had disguised then stood up and followed the bull's head behemoth out of the palace where he lived. After going out, he discovered that many such behemoths were standing outside the palace!

"Are there any major events that failed?"

There were as many as hundreds of various rune beasts called out by the giant bull beast, and they all lined up neatly and walked out of Pan's palace.

Outside the palace, a strange-looking flying palace has been parked. The monster-like rebellious veteran Pan is already standing on the top of the flying palace at this moment. In his low voice, he called out, "From today, you will wait with me. Go to the mine of Skyfire Crystal! You are a rune beast that I can trust in my palace for a long time! Therefore, when you arrive at the mine, you will all be entrusted with important tasks! You will manage it. For those low-level rune beasts who open mines, you will be regularly rewarded by Skyfire Crystals!"

"Go to the mine of Skyfire Crystal!" Ding Hao knew where he was going.

At this moment, even if Ding Hao was unwilling or daring to resist, the Bull Head Giant Beast had the strength of a senior veteran, and Pan could not beat a few senior veterans. Ding Hao did not say a word and followed the other rune beasts to the flying palace.

Ding Hao mixed in with hundreds of rune beasts, and Pan did not pay attention.

Ding Hao was relieved that the bullhead beast did not board the flying palace. In fact, this guy was very shrewd and doubted Ding Hao many times. Now that the bullhead beast left, Ding Hao was mixed among the other rune beasts, and it seemed even more so. Safety.

The Flying Palace took off immediately and flew in the sky for three days and three nights. Ding Hao secretly guessed that he should have reached the edge of the sub-world here!

Sure enough, when the flying palace stopped, the surrounding scene was very strange. The forest of origin had completely disappeared. There were huge barren mountains everywhere, endless and endless. The sky here was strange and chaotic, shining with strange light!

And in a valley here, as many as tens of thousands of rune beasts are busy back and forth, digging up the deepest rock in the valley, looking for the skyfire crystal in it! The output of Skyfire Crystal is not large, it is difficult to find, and after digging a deep hole, only one Skyfire Crystal can be found!

Pan looked at the working scene below, and suddenly yelled, "Give me hard work! Lazy people, die! Thieves, die! If you don't listen to the manager, die!"

When he finished speaking these three dead words, some of the rune beasts who were in charge of management suddenly became nervous. Some rune beasts held a long whip in their hands and began to beat their subordinates to make them work diligently; some rune beasts There is no long whip at all, for those slow-moving people, directly jump on it, biting on the spot!

Those rune beasts who were responsible for the lowest level of mining work were so scared to see this scene. They hurriedly worked hard to mine, and suddenly there were blocks of Skyfire Crystals being mined.

After all Skyfire Crystals are mined, they will be sent to the small palace on the side of the mine.

Pan Ping usually lives in this small palace, and the number of Skyfire Crystals stored in this small palace is amazing!

Therefore, when Ding Hao arrived, he could see that a strange rune was slowly taking shape above the palace...

"This is another extremely complicated rune!" Ding Hao was quite shocked, these runes far exceeded his previous imagination!

"Quickly get down!" Ding Hao wanted to take another look. The rune beasts present had already stepped down from the flying palace and rushed to their respective locations.

Soon after, Ding Hao was arranged for the transportation process in the mine. It was probably because he saw that there was no rune on his body, and other rune beasts didn't really value him. He treated him as the lowest rune beast and ordered him Transport!

Fortunately, because Ding Hao came from Pan's palace, he did not ask Ding Hao to transport the stone bumps, but to transport a large number of Skyfire Crystals! When batches of Skyfire Crystals were mined and arranged neatly, Ding Hao and other giant beasts transported these crystals to the palace on the side of the valley in batches.

"Damn it, I didn't expect me to come here to be a cow and a horse for you!" Ding Hao's disguised ice and snow beast, pulling a large number of skyfire crystals slowly from below the valley to the side of the valley, came to Pan's small palace .

There is a small hole here. Ding Hao wants to transport all the Skyfire crystals here and put the crystals into the hole.

Deep below the entrance of the cave, there is a secret warehouse in which all Pan’s Skyfire Crystals are stored!

Ding Hao's work is not too heavy, and he has to transport him one or two times a day. At other times, he can watch the formation of that huge rune in the sky!

The huge runes in the sky are changing almost every day, becoming more and more complex and unimaginable.

"The rune in the sky has a lot to do with the number of skyfire crystals stored in the warehouse! Every day we add skyfire crystals to it, so this rune will become more and more complicated! What we need to study is, The principle of this rune change!"

Because there are too many Skyfire Crystals stored in Pan's warehouse, and the runes in the sky are too complicated, Ding Hao would not be able to study the rune of the sky thoroughly without more than a thousand years!

Ding Hao doesn't have so much time to study, so he can only study the changes of runes.

"How many crystals are added every day, and what kind of changes do runes have?" Ding Hao focused his research on this, so that he could understand the principles and power of these runes more quickly.

Just like that, time is in a hurry.

Although the rune beasts who came with Ding Hao were able to receive Skyfire Crystals as wages on a regular basis, Ding Hao, a transport worker, had never received a crystal; but Ding Hao’s daily life was very fulfilling, and he could clearly grasp how much each day. When the crystal enters the palace, how does the rune in the sky change?

Slowly, his heart gradually became transparent...

(End of this chapter)

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