Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3071: Awkward super constant

Chapter 3071 Awkward Super Constant


After a short period of hesitation, the strongest Black Dragon immediately chose his own position, and in the end he still stood on the opposite side of Ding Hao.

"Very good! You are all fine!" Ding Hao's expression turned gloomy, and he said word by word, "This is not the host system security zone, this is the origin forest! And you two have not received the task granted by the host system. I will not let you pass today. If you want to pass, walk over my body!"

At this moment, it was time to see Tuqiong Dagger, Ye Kong was fusing inside, Ding Hao would never let the two of them enter, vowing to defend!

"Ding Hao!" Chao Heng and Heilong were also so angry, Chao Heng said angrily, "I treat you as a friend, but don't challenge my tolerance!"

"Challenge your tolerance?" Ding Hao sneered, "You have been investigating my friends for these years, and I am afraid you have investigated my body now! You are investigating your friends behind the scenes, are there friends like you?"

Chao Heng was immediately speechless. He was actually a loyal eagle dog of the host system. In front of him, there was no real so-called friend!

Ding Hao said again, "So I will never let you enter this gate today! My friend is practicing in retreat. No one can enter until he finishes his cultivation!"

When Ding Hao was so strong, Chao Heng and Heilong looked at each other, and their eyes were firm.

Obviously, the people outside the Tianhuo tribal realm they were looking for were in the cave right now, and Ding Hao was so desperately blocking the door!

If the two of them wanted to catch Kongzi with their own hands, the only way left was to use force against Ding Hao!

"In that case, there is nothing to say!"

At the moment, Chao Heng and Heilong both raised their hands to reveal their weapons, and Chao Heng took off the black giant sword that had been carrying him behind him!

However, at the moment when the two sides are about to meet each other in battle, a figure walked out of the cave behind and said, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Ding Hao suddenly turned his head and saw that Ye Kong had already walked out, and in the center of Ye Kong's eyebrows, an eyebrow chakra of the Skyfire tribe was firmly inlaid on it!

Seeing Ye Kong coming out, Chao Heng suddenly became excited, pointing at Ye Kong and said, "Ding Hao, is this the person you want to protect? Did you know that! He is a person from outside the territory, and the chakra between his brows is Stick it up!"

Ding Hao suddenly laughed, "Super-constant, can you speak with confidence? Just kidding, can you just think about it? You said that the brow chamfer on the center of his eyebrows is glued on top, and I also said that your brow chakra is sticky. On top!"

Chao Heng said, "Absolutely, after a detailed investigation, I have a lot of evidence!"

"It's a joke, why don't I know it myself!" Ye Kong had successfully merged the brow chakra after the retreat just now. He didn't feel ashamed. He took two steps forward and said with his hands behind his back, "So few of the strongest. , Since you suspect that my brow chakra is glued on, now I let you check it!"

"Okay, I'll check it!" Chao Heng didn't believe it at all, and took two steps forward, pressing Ye Kong's eyebrows with his hand.

With this press of him, a light curtain suddenly appeared. Obviously, this brow chakra is not fake, but can be used!

"What's the matter?" Chao Heng's expression changed.

Heilong also walked up. He wanted to pull off Ye Kong’s eyebrow chakra with his hands, but after trying several times, he found that he couldn’t do it. In the end he could only shook his head and said, “This chakra, It shouldn't be posted!"

"This..." Chao Heng's face was immediately embarrassed.

After various investigations and evidence collection by him, he has completely determined that this guy named Kong is an outsider; but now it turns out to be like this, and his brow chakra is used normally!

He still didn't give up, and said, "Then you give me a rune, and I want to verify each other with you!"

Each survivor of the immortal tribe has its own rune. After communication, the chakras between the eyebrows can communicate with each other and send and receive information; even in areas without a host system, within a certain range, they can also communicate!

Ye Kong knew that the other party wanted to verify this, without any fear, immediately gave a rune.

Chao Heng swept the rune with his brow chakra, immediately communicated with Ye Kong, and found that the communication was smooth, without any doubts!

"This..." Chao Heng suddenly had nothing to say, standing there looking very embarrassed.

The black dragon of the Seven Dragon Tribe paused before he smiled and said, "Ding Hao, I'm really sorry! It seems that we made a mistake. This is a misunderstanding! Since your friend is not an outsider, then this is the case. It didn't happen!"

After speaking, Heilong patted Chaoheng and motioned him to leave.

Chao Heng knew that it would be of no avail to continue, so he immediately threw out his flying palace, and the black dragon rose into the sky, flying farther and farther.

The two flew to a faraway place, Chao Heng reacted, "This guy called Kong, could it be that the brow chakra was merged not long ago? I heard that some rebellious fairy clan generals The brow chakra can be fused with rune beasts, and with people outside the territory, it’s probably not a difficult task!"

Heilong shook his head and said, "But you said that there is no evidence! Since he has successfully integrated, and the tribe leader of the Skyfire tribe is willing to testify for him, who else will believe your words? No matter if he was from outside the territory, he now It is a remnant of the fairy clan!"

"Damn it!" Chao Heng's face was pale and gritted his teeth, what he thought of again. He said, "As far as I know, they were three people at the time! One of them should have not merged with the brow chakra so far! If this person is found, their origin will be pryed out of their mouths! In this case, these three people The true face of the game will be revealed! Report to the host system at that time, there should be no problem!"

Hearing this, Heilong nodded slightly and agreed, "This is one way!"

Chaoheng said again, "It's just that the remaining person has escaped into the Origin Forest. It is difficult for me to find the trace of this person!"

Heilong said with a smile, "Our Seven Dragons tribe is outside the host system security zone, and has a lot of its own doorways! If you need, I can inform the tribe, in the origin forest, through the secret channels of our Seven Dragons tribe! Come to help you investigate!"

"So!" Hearing this, Chao Heng suddenly looked surprised, and quickly clasped his fists and said, "Brother Black Dragon, please this time! I Chao Heng and Ding Hao have no hatred, but I must guard the host system in my life. When I find a problem, I have to pursue it to the end, but I want to see it, and when their old ways are revealed by me, what expressions will they make?!"

(End of this chapter)

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