Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3345: Commander level

Chapter 3345 Commander Level


"This flying treasure is not bad, it can be compared to the flying treasure of a Fenghou-level expert!"

"There is also this defensive armor, which you also need!"

In the settlement of the old monks, Shenyou took Ding Hao and the others to start a big purchase.

Shenyou has lived in the Yin Ruins for a long time, and has a better understanding of the situation here. With Ding Hao and the newcomers, they all chose some good old shops.

Ding Hao and the others have gained from Death Manor this year and a half, and now they have all been sold. Gongsun Bo and Hoshino have also received a lot of money, which gives them the funds to buy and replace their various treasures!

Looking at the busy Gongsun Bo and Hoshino, Ding Hao could only smile wryly and shook his head.

Although he is not short of money in his hands, the treasures in front of him are not suitable for him.

The treasures in each of these shops are either too high-end, and he cannot use them temporarily; or they are not as good as the ones he uses now.

The weapons and full defensive armor he currently uses are all top-notch items in his class! The black giant cut created by Hua Yihou is so powerful that these weapons are incomparable; and the full set of defensive armor he grabbed from Xiang Yonghou is also the best of the Fenghou level!

As for his flying pets like Ding Xiaohei, he doesn't need to buy flying treasures.

So he couldn't look down on all the treasures in front of him.

"I'll go there for a turn."

Ding Hao walked to the small shop next to him alone. The small shop looked dark and there were no people shopping inside.

But when Ding Hao walked in, his eyes were bright, "This is a small shop selling ancient treasures!"

The fragments of ancient treasures are generally less popular. After all, they are expensive and most of them are damaged and unusable.

Therefore, no one came in at all in this small shop, and it was also messy and messy. Shenyou didn't like this kind of small shop, so he didn't bring Ding Hao and the others.

But Ding Hao found it by himself, but he was secretly delighted.

In this small shop, there is not even the owner. Every piece of ancient treasure is marked with a price. In addition to the price, there is a barrier.

Ding Hao walked over and saw an ancient treasure rune ring that was quite cheap.

This ring can be worn for a long time and can slightly increase the comprehensive abilities of the cultivator in all aspects. Although the increase is small, it is better than nothing.

Ding Hao also stretched out his hand to touch the Gubao ring, and suddenly, the prohibition on the ring surface lit up.

The shopkeeper behind the small shop got sensed and walked out. This is a small old man with a long beard.

"Young man, you really have vision! This ancient treasure rune ring is made of very tiny ancient runes. Now such tiny ancient runes are rare."

The ring that Ding Hao gave to Ling Tianwang before was better than this one.

But he didn't say anything. He smiled and paid to buy this rune ring. Then he asked again, "Boss, what I want to buy is the Tianhaoyu fragment, do you have it here?"

In fact, Ding Hao came here just to ask by the way. After all, he has only found three of his 369 fragments, and he himself has lost hope. But unexpectedly, the old man in front of him is also an expert in this area!

"Tian Haoyu!" The old man suddenly brightened his eyes and waved to Ding Hao and said, "Come with me."

From now on, I don't know where the old man will take him, so he follows him into the small courtyard behind.

In this settlement, the high-rise buildings where each cultivator lives are very empty. The so-called small courtyard is about the size of a square. In this small courtyard, piled up all kinds of messy things, all of which are some antiquities.

"Here." The old man thought for a while and brought Ding Hao to some very old and obsolete objects.

"This..." Ding Hao's eyes were shocked when he saw the old items in front of him.

I saw a lot of rusty antiquities here, but the shape made Ding Hao feel very familiar, and it was somewhat similar to his Tian Haoyu? But when he watched it carefully, he felt something different!

These rusty items in front of them, although their appearance is very similar to Ding Hao's Tian Haoyu, but the material is very poor. After so many years, they have been completely rusted and become very ugly and can't be used at all!

But Tian Haoyu in Ding Hao's hands was shiny, completely different.

"What is this?" Ding Hao asked.

The old man said, "This is Yin's soldier armor!"

"Could it be that Tian Haoyu was worn and built by the Yin people?" Ding Hao was shocked again.

No wonder he saw that Tian Hao Yu was a good thing at the first glance, and more importantly, Tian Hao Yu was used as a weapon, and it was no less than an ancient rune weapon! This is quite shocking! It is not an ancient rune weapon, but its power is no less than that of an ancient rune weapon!

"It turns out that this is an ancient treasure created by the Yin people!" Knowing this, Ding Hao suddenly realized again, "No wonder all the origins of Tian Haoyu are in the Yin Ruins!"

The old man said again, "The armors worn by Yin soldiers back then were all called Tianhaoyu! However, according to the rank of the soldiers, the Tianhaoyu level they wore was different! The ones you see in front of you are the most Ordinary soldier armor! So after so many years, all these armors have been corroded to be unusable!"

"Then what level of mine is this one?" Ding Hao quickly took out the Tian Haoyu "giant sword" he had originally obtained.

The old man with a short white beard took it and approached the fragment with his face, feeling the overflowing power.

He nodded and confirmed, "This is a Tianhaoyu of the commander level!"

"Thousand commander level?" Ding Hao's expression changed and asked, "What level is it? Is it high grade?"

"I just said that Tian Hao Yu is worn by Yin soldiers! The commander, among Yin soldiers, has reached the limit! One step further, instead of wearing Tian Hao Yu, he wears God Wings instead. A! Divine Wing Armor, that's a general Yin's armor!"

"So that's it." Ding Hao's eyes lit up, "It turns out that the three Tianhaoyus I got are all the top items among Tianhaoyu!"

Knowing this, he was quite surprised.

Divine Wing Armor, that thing is too rare and far away, Ding Hao has no idea at present.

What he wants to do most now is to collect this set of commander-level Tian Haoyu. Back then, the commander of the Yin people was in the periphery of the Yin Ruins, and he was considered an extremely noble powerhouse. If he could collect this set , Ding Hao's combat power and defense power will have an amazing breakthrough.

"Senior, I don't know if you have any fragments of Tian Hao Yu of the commander-level rank here?" Ding Hao asked impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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