Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3365: To the inner cave

Chapter 3365 to the inner cave

3363-Inner Hole

"I entered the inner cave of Jiuyadong again!"

Ding Hao stood on Ding Xiaohei's back, advancing through the dark inner tunnel.

He was not here for the first time. The last time they ventured into the inner cave in order to complete the desperate task, they also lived in the inner cave for a while.

"This time I didn't receive the map that Mengao gave me. I went to the Neidong settlement to buy a map."

When Ding Hao and the others came last time, they were just a few nobles in the inner world, and they were cautious about everything, but this time, he already had the strength far surpassing Fenghou-level powerhouses, so he was much bolder.


Amidst Ding Xiaohei's sharp screams, they soon came to the settlement in the inner cave.

When Ding Hao stopped at the gate of the Neidong settlement, several guards wearing uniforms blocked the gate, and all those who entered had to be identified.

"There is no identity, you must pay, 100,000 talisman jade every day!" The guard man in battle armor watched Ding Hao walk over, and said bluntly.

Ding Hao walked over, raised his hand and threw 100,000 Fuyu to him, but just when Ding Hao was about to walk into the inner cave, Ding Hao suddenly stopped and asked, "Do you still recognize me?"

Last time Ding Hao and the others were in trouble and entered the inner cave settlement. This guard man accepted the benefits of the white-haired old man Yin Shanhou; therefore, he was quite arrogant towards Ding Hao and the others, and even directly broke into Ding Hao and his retreat, with a very unfriendly attitude!

Now that Ding Hao has enough strength, of course he cannot help but ask, "Do you still recognize me?"

"How about recognizing it? How about not recognizing it?" The man in the guard armor was still so arrogant and coldly snorted, "I know that your name is Ding Hao, you are a newcomer in the inner world who has been a bit strong recently! How? I'm still a powerful prince, my cultivation base is higher than yours, I don't need to look down on you!"

Ding Hao nodded, pointed at him and said, "When I become a Fenghou-level powerhouse, I will come to you again!"

"Haha!" The guard man laughed mockingly, "It's only been more than ten years since this batch of Inner Endowment upstarts entered Inner End End! You have become a Fenghou-level powerhouse so quickly? How could it be possible! I advise you not to be too arrogant. , No one will collect your corpse when you die in the inner cave!"

This person spoke quite viciously, but Ding Hao was helpless for the time being, he could only look at this person viciously, and then walked into the inner cave settlement in front of him.

"The latest map is sold, and there is an area where the crazy king-level powerhouses are active!"

"I'm the latest model, it just came out yesterday! Buying my map is like buying a life!"

"Buy mine, I am newer than them!"

When Ding Hao walked over to buy the map, many poor cultivators who were selling them all came up.

"A crazy king-level powerhouse?" Ding Hao raised his brows. He had already heard about this in the outer cave, but he didn't expect that the inner cave would be even more heated.

"Then I will buy the latest version."

The price of Neidong settlements is very high, and this map cost Ding Hao 500,000 Fuyu.

His own thoughts were released into the map to watch, and his eyes were startled at this sight, "No! The Fenghou altar I want to go to is where the crazy kings are intensive activities! Especially when going to the Fenghou altar. All the passages are in dangerous areas, and no road is safe!"

Ding Hao, annoyed, walked into the tavern in front of him.

Generally, in the tavern, there will be many teams that do missions, among them there are some nobles with good strength, here team up to the Fenghou altar!

However, when Ding Hao sat in, the nobles in the inner world in front of him all sighed.

"It's really unlucky this time! How come this kind of thing happens when it's our turn to do the task of extermination?"

Ding Hao stepped forward and asked, "Seniors, I am also here to do the task of entrusting the marquis, it seems that you are not in a good mood."

"Of course it's not good." An Inner Tianya nobleman shook his head. "There was a small team the day before yesterday. A whole group of eight people went to the Fenghou mission. Who knows that they haven't reached the Fenghou altar, in a cave that must be passed through. Encountered a king-level powerhouse who went crazy! The original strength of eight people can temporarily withstand this king-level powerhouse, everyone can escape! But who knew that behind the passage, another mad seal appeared King-level powerhouse! It's dead now..."

"Are they all dead?" Ding Hao was dumbfounded.

"Of course not all died, or else where do we know the situation? But the ending of 7 deaths and 1 injury is really a bit miserable! It makes us dare not go now!" Another Inner Tianya nobleman took the wine glass and shook his head. "Now we only have to wait, wait for three or five years, when this situation is over, let's go to complete the task of sealing the Hou!"

"How can I afford to wait?" Another Neitianya nobleman smiled bitterly. "Here, I have to pay 100,000 Fuyu every day. How much is it for three and five years? Forget it, I will go back to retreat after drinking this glass of wine. Complete the task in three years!"

"This way..." Ding Hao looked at the desperate Inner End Aristocrats before him, and his heart sank sharply.

Originally, he was thinking of being able to complete the task as soon as possible and become the Fenghou-level powerhouse, and then continue the trial, striving to become the Fengwang-level powerhouse as soon as possible! After all, he has ten years to come, and he is going to have a life and death duel with Xiao Tang's teacher, Tian Guang Wang!

"Others can wait. I have no time to wait for three or five years." Ding Hao frowned and asked again, "Seniors, I want to ask these crazy king-level powerhouses, what is special? Go crazy What happened after that?"

"We don't know this. After all, we haven't seen a mad king-level powerhouse! The brother over there is the only one who survived the day before yesterday. You can ask him about it."

Ding Hao raised his head and noticed a middle-aged man in a broken armor sitting in the corner of the tavern.

This middle-aged man had already taken the pill and recovered from his trauma to the same extent, but his equipment and weapons were severely damaged, and he seemed to have experienced a bitter battle.

Ding Hao immediately took a pot of wine he bought and walked over, poured a glass for this person, and then toasted, "Senior, if you don't die in a disaster, you will have luck!"

"Hope." The middle-aged man had a drink with Ding Hao and asked, "You also want to find out what is going on with the mad king-ranked powerhouse, right?"

He is the only Neitianya noble here who has seen a crazy king, so many people are asking him, what are these crazy kings like?

Ding Hao nodded and said, "It is true! I am going to the Fenghou altar this time, and I have no time to delay! So this time I have to go, I will ask you to find out, and I have a bottom!"

Hearing what Ding Hao said, the middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Then I advise you to wait for a while! You also know that the king-class powerhouses who mix in Jiuyadong are not too strong, but after they go crazy, they become stronger. A lot!"

(End of this chapter)

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