Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3370: Red eyes

Chapter 3370 Eyes are red



There was a terrifying sound of drinking animal blood, and I saw the huge Primordial Seed, slowly stopped struggling, and finally lay there motionless, completely dead.

Drinking up the blood of this behemoth, the red giant figure is still unfinished, and with his weird hands, he cut open the corpse of the Primordial Seed. The **** internal organs of the Primordial Seed were also taken out with a big mouth. Swallow, the voice came, and a chill was heard behind the person!

Although it is common for giant beasts to fight each other and even prey on each other.

But like this red figure, it does make people feel not so good.

But the four powerful kings who came with Ding Hao and the others didn't feel too much, but waited quietly, looking for opportunities.

This blood-red behemoth, after eating a lot of flesh and blood, returned to the lair, lying there, motionless.

After more than ten days, I finally saw the abdomen of this behemoth, turning violently.

"It's about to lay eggs!" The four powerful kings all looked overjoyed.

Ding Hao was also secretly delighted. Their purpose this time was to grab it. This was the giant red beast sticking out. It could be bought back for a big price. If Ding Hao helped them get it successfully, they would not only be able to get one by themselves. , And can be separated from these people, go to the altar of Fenghou that is deeper!

When the red giant beast lays its eggs, it is very painful, and its mouth keeps uttering earth-shaking painful screams, scaring the giant beasts in the nearby cliff cave, all of them dare not move!

A few days later, I finally saw a blood-red giant egg being born.

When the first blood-red giant egg appeared, one giant egg after another began to roll outward.


When he got out of a giant egg, King Qinghuan chanted, until the ninth one did not stop.

"Get rich!" The faces of the four powerful kings are full of ecstasy. According to everyone's sharing rules, nine blood-red giant eggs, one for Ding Hao, and the other eight for each of them two. This is definitely a great asset!

"When will you shoot?" Ding Hao couldn't wait. If he could finish this task earlier, he could also go to his own business.

To be honest, he doesn't have much favor with this dome.

Although he once passed an egg of the Primordial Demon Wing, and later hatched into Ding Xiaohei; but what will the **** life in front of him look like and what characteristics will the hatched descendants look like? Ding Hao knew nothing at all, but felt a little panicked!

"It should be at this moment!" King Qing Huan and another king-level powerhouse looked at each other, and both nodded at the same time.

Immediately I saw that these four figures rushed out, and at the same time King Qinghuan’s voice came into Ding Hao’s ears, "Be prepared, come and pick us up and escape!"

"Okay." Ding Hao also released Ding Xiaohei immediately.


The blood-red behemoth just after giving birth was when its body was weakest, but it was also its most violent moment; when it found that someone was about to steal its eggs, it immediately let out a terrifying roar, and turned to the four who leaped back. The famous king-level powerhouse opened his mouth and spouted a large amount of **** liquid.

"No, hide!"

The four of Qinghuan King and the others were already prepared and immediately released their defensive treasures. Some people’s defensive treasure is like a small umbrella to block the spray of **** liquid; some people’s defensive treasure is like a shield to resist all attacks; others’ defensive treasure is a light curtain to use Block the **** liquid!

"I got it!" The middle-aged man who rushed to the front laughed wildly.

He quickly gathered the red dome in front of him one by one, and laughed.

But when he was excited, a few drops of red liquid accidentally landed on him, but the middle-aged man did not take it seriously, and was still busy putting away the nine red domes.

At this moment, King Qing Huan had already taken other people and was resisting the attack of the red behemoth.

The red behemoth not only sprays blood-colored liquid, but its limbs will also change, the changes are extremely slender, like tentacles, sweeping here.

King Qinghuan and the others used their weapons to deal with it with all their strength, blocking the blood-red tentacles; what is surprising is that there is a large amount of blood-red mucus on the surface of the tentacles. After any weapon attack, the effect will be discounted!

"No! We can't beat this thing at all!" King Qing Huan was surprised, and shouted again, "Hurry up and put away the beast eggs, we can't stand it a few times!"

The middle-aged man was so fast that he had put away all the nine red domes and shouted, "I'm done, where is Ding Hao?"

"Here." Ding Hao is not a tender seed. He has a lot of experience in battles for so many years, and he has a good understanding of cooperating with others.

He flew over for the first time, caught the middle-aged man, and then went to connect King Qinghuan and the others to Ding Xiaohei's back.

"Go!" Qing Huan Wang jumped on Ding Xiaohei fiercely.

But at this moment, an unexpected slender scarlet tentacle suddenly appeared behind!

"No!" The expressions of the several powerful kings changed drastically.

It turns out that in addition to the few tentacles released on the surface, this scarlet behemoth actually has a few hidden tentacles. At this moment, it suddenly appeared behind King Qing Huan, and King Qing Huan was in danger...

But at this time, Ding Hao quickly took a step forward, and a black giant cut appeared in his hand!

A black light slashed down, just hitting this slender tentacle, although the black giant slash could not sever this tentacle, it could be regarded as saving King Qinghuan's life! But what is surprising is that when the black giant cut fell on the tentacles, a drop of blood-red liquid on the tentacles unexpectedly fell on Ding Hao's hand!

"What is this?" Ding Hao's expression changed, and he quickly threw it away.

"No matter! Go!"

Under the reminder of King Qinghuan, Ding Xiaohei turned around and fled quickly.


The tentacles of the blood-colored behemoth behind, chased up like crazy, but these things are not as fast as Ding Xiaohei; I saw a huge black light flying out of this cliff hole, drawing an arc , Leading them to escape quickly.

Ding Hao promised them to send them to safety, so he ordered Ding Xiaohei to move in one direction.

When Ding Xiaohei was also advancing, the middle-aged man laughed, took out all nine blood red domes, and said with a smile, "This time there will be surprises and no dangers, everyone will cooperate with each other! Now it is here Baby moment!"

Ding Hao raised his hand and put a blood-colored dome into his bag. The four people in front of him also took two of them. Everyone was satisfied.

Ding Xiaohei also continued to fly forward, flying for three days and nights before reaching an exit.

But at this moment, King Qing Huan suddenly pointed to the middle-aged man in surprise and asked, "Why are your eyes red!"

(End of this chapter)

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