Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3406: Exceptional admission

Chapter 3406 Special Admission


When he saw these contents and classics, Ye Kong suddenly understood.

Why did you fall into this pool of water, seal all your feelings about runes, and prevent you from practicing for so many years.

Because this is a kind of cultivation method of Tianwaitian aborigines!

"If I'm not mistaken, the first thing the aboriginal people of Tianwaitian had to do when they were growing up practicing is to soak in this pool of water! Seal their body's response to the law of runes!"

"Don't think this is a bad thing, it's actually a great thing!"

"When in the body, all the induction to runes disappears, although I can't practice the laws of runes, but when I face other people’s rune attacks, even facing the rune power of this world, I am in A state of detachment! They cannot affect me!"

These classics and exercises, the more Ye Kong watched, the brighter his eyes.

In front of his eyes, it seemed to open the door to a new world!

Many ideas, many theories, and many cultivation techniques were all that Ye Kong had never thought of before.

"It's hard to imagine! It turns out that the cultivation of the celestial immortals has fallen into a misunderstanding! They think that the practice of runes is justified, that is, they have mastered the pulse of the world! In fact, this is not the case! If the runes are completely blocked, in fact, what we are in front of More space, more opportunities for improvement!"

"It was precisely with this theory and derived techniques that the natives of Tianwaitian were able to deal with the powerful Yin people!"

Looking at these techniques, Ye Kong, a person who loves cultivating, was completely immersed in it, and even completely forgotten everything around and the passage of time!

"Second brother!"

The next day, Fuxi realized that Ye Kong had left.

He searched the neighborhood carefully, but he never found it, "What's the matter? Second brother, I will definitely help you find a cure for recovery, why are you leaving?"

Fuxi thought that Ye Kong was afraid of hurting him, so he left.

At the moment, he was searching nearby, searching for a whole month, but no news of Ye Kong was found!

"Fine! Believe in the second brother, there will be my own chance! It is useless for me to find this way. I must make myself stronger. When the time comes, whether I am looking for the second brother or helping him heal, I will be more confident!"

Therefore, Fuxi immediately began to practice.

In fact, the qualifications of the three brothers are very good. After Fuxi began to practice, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and his cultivation level has also been increasing. After 30 years, he will definitely participate in the next selection of Inner End of the World Upstart!

But 30 years is still a long time. Fuxi did not wait for that day at all. It was only two years later that in the area where they lived, an old man with a back-to-nature appearance came. From the appearance, the old man did not have any cultivation base, but that one Being calm and calm, you are a master at first glance.

"Are you Fuxi, who is said to be very qualified nearby?"

The old man waited on the way back from Fuxi's purchase of the classics. He smiled and said, "All these years I have wanted to accept a disciple, but it's a pity that I haven't met a suitable one! Yun Tianke, Qiuqiu, and Carlo all have their own disciples. , There is more than one! I don’t have a disciple! I originally wanted to be selected from this group of Inner End's upstarts, but that female disciple has an unusual relationship with Yun Tianke’s disciple! My disciple will definitely fight with them in the future. To choose an outsider..."

Fuxi listened to the old man talking to himself, but couldn't understand what he was saying?

But fortunately, Fuxi is relatively simple and honest, he hehe smiled, "Senior, you have no cultivation base, what kind of disciple are you still accepting? Could it be that you are an old man with dementia? Then, you can tell me where is your home, and I will send it for you. Come back home."

"Old man with dementia?" The old man suddenly laughed, "Fuxi, you are a very cute young man, that's you! I decided to take you into the inner end of the world to practice now!"

"Is it impossible?" Fuxi still couldn't believe it.

You know, there is only one channel from Outer End of the World to Inner End of the World, and that is through the selection of upstarts in Inner End!

The old man in front of him is going to take him into the inner world out of thin air.

"You are right. If you are allowed to enter Inner End of the World, those old things are likely to use your identity! Then I will help you make up an Inner End of the World upstart!"

"Replacing an Inner End of the World upstart?" Fuxi became more confused as she listened, wondering what the old man was talking about?

"Then look at it." Amidst the old man's laughter, a force rose out of thin air, and a light blue light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Fuxi.

"What is this?" Fuxi looked puzzled.

The old man in front of him seemed to have no cultivation level at all, but between his gestures, he summoned a strange light curtain! Moreover, the power that this light curtain possesses is obviously very powerful, and it is impossible for ordinary cultivators to get it.

"This light curtain leads directly to the Inner End of the World Palace. As long as you put your identity rune on this light curtain, you will immediately become this batch of Inner End of the World upstarts! Then there is no problem with your identity. I can take you to Inner End of the World!"

"What the hell?" Fuxi felt like she was going crazy.

I don't know whether this old man is a lunatic, or he has a problem with his ears.

"How is it possible! As far as I know, this batch of Inner End Aristocrats has been decided long ago, and it happened more than two years ago! Now, I didn't participate in any selection, so I just became Inner End Aristocrats?" Fuxi Can't believe it at all.

"You'll know if you try it." The old man smiled, "Do you really have to wait another 30 years? The opportunity is right in front of you. If you believe me, you will immediately become Inner End's upstart; if you don't believe me, then I am I don’t want to accept disciples this time!"

If it were someone with complicated minds like Ye Kong, he would definitely not believe this old man.

However, Fuxi is very simple and honest, and he is willing to trust others. He thought for a moment and said, "Senior, I don't think I can let you deceive, so I still want to try! But senior, you must not harm me. , Because I am a person with a terrible temper. If you harm me! Even at the end of the world, I will find the place back!"

"Haha!" The old man laughed, "Your personality is similar to mine, simple and indifferent, but you must do it resolutely if you make up your mind! So I won't lie to you, you will know when you release your identity rune Up!"

"Okay!" When Fuxi released his identity rune, placed it in front of him, above the light curtain.

Suddenly, the time curtain shrank, turning into a drop of blue stars, flying straight up, flying towards the inner end of the world, and finally falling in the end of the world palace!

And shortly afterwards, in the Tianya Palace in Inner Tianya, the electorate of Tian brought a few noble women to one side quickly...

(End of this chapter)

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