Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3424: How strong are you

Chapter 3424 How strong are you


"It's just a chicken and shingle!"

When Ding Hao finished speaking, he took a step forward!

Before he moved, Xiao Tang was already in a state of combat, his figure flashing constantly, like an erratic lightning!

The giant cut in Xiao Tang's hand is also a copy of Ding Hao's black giant cut, but this weapon of Xiao Tang is even more fierce, like a poisonous snake about to unsheath at any time!

When Ding Hao took a step forward, Xiao Tang also knew that the time for the decisive battle had arrived, and the giant cut in his hand was full!


But when Xiao Tang made a shot with confidence, he suddenly felt a bad feeling.

Because Ding Hao just took a step forward, but the position of this step is really good, as if standing between the sky and the earth, but all the runes between the sky and the earth confirm each other, as if at that moment, Ding Hao himself has become An eternal and immortal rune!

"How is it possible! Is this my illusion?"

Xiao Tang's thoughts were anxious, and he suddenly understood that Ding Hao had just stepped into an excellent position with this step!

The time and place are right and the people are harmonious. Ding Hao is lucky, and he has the right place!

Xiao Tang is a cautious person, and he does not fight uncertain battles. His viper-like weapon instantly stops attacking!

"I want to choose a better time!"

He stepped back half a step, his figure continued to flash, in fact, when he flashed, he was already calling countless fundamental runes in this world!

When these runes that can communicate with heaven and earth were called, the situation on the field changed again. Ding Hao, who had just occupied a favorable geographical position, suddenly declined, and his geographical advantage disappeared instantly!

"it is good!"

Xiao Tang saw the opportunity again, and he will not let go of this chance to kill. "Just now your kid was lucky, and accidentally stood at the hub of the runes of heaven and earth, causing me to passivity! But after my adjustment, The rune of heaven and earth changes, and you do not have any advantage! That is when I shot!"

In the next second, the giant cut in Tang's hand was raised, launching a second full attack!

Suddenly, an extremely huge knife mark appeared in the sky, as if it could remove all the darkness in the inner cave of Jiuyadong!

Bright, illuminate the world!

When this knife was cut, it was shocked in the hearts of those who watched the battle. Even King Pangsun who was watching the battle agreed with him, "If I was a hundred years ago, I wouldn't be able to make such a blow! Xiao Tang, your 100 years , No cultivation in vain!"

Having said that, he looked at Ding Hao with a cold look, wanting to see how Ding Hao blocked the blow? !

But to his surprise, Ding Hao did not make a move, nor did he release the same huge attack, but...

Take a step forward again!


Xiao Tang's move was about to make contributions, but when Ding Hao took a step forward again, he suddenly felt that his cut was extremely naive! Not to mention killing Ding Hao, you can touch Ding Hao's hair, it is a fantasy!


In the loud noise, the knife shadow flashed and disappeared instantly.

It turned out that at that instant, Xiao Tang once again withdrew his attack!

"What's the situation?" This time even Xiao Tang's men felt strange.

Standing there, King Pangsun's brows also frowned. "The blow that Xiao Tang has already occupied the right time, the right place, and the harmony of people, and it is confirmed by countless heaven and earth runes that he can definitely kill Ding Hao! But Ding Hao just stepped out lightly In one step, such an attack was resolved by coming in, how could it be possible!"

Suddenly, King Pangsun found that he couldn't understand Ding Hao's methods!

"Is it another coincidence?" Xiao Tang was in it, feeling the most obvious.

That kind of feeling is like a sneeze is about to come out, but at a critical moment, it is very uncomfortable, extremely uncomfortable!

But what horrified Xiao Tang was that this was the second time!

If Ding Hao can get to such a position after every cut, wouldn't he never be able to hit Ding Hao?

"Impossible, this kind of position cannot be discovered by a cultivator! This kind of heaven and earth position can only be found by chance!"

Xiao Tang is very clear that this kind of place where the world meets, even those with the strongest core knowledge of runes, are difficult to find! With Ding Hao's strength, it is impossible to find such a position in such a short period of time!

"Two coincidences! You will never succeed the third time!"

Xiao Tang gritted his teeth and issued his third attack again!

But this time, Ding Hao didn't want to fight with Xiao Tang anymore. He snorted coldly, "You think you have the right time and place, but I tell you, you don't have any control! I have let you make two shots. Three times you have no chance to shoot!"

"Really?" Xiao Tang didn't believe it yet, and once again let out his sharp sword light!

However, in the light of the knife that can illuminate everything, there is a more slender and bright knife mark. No one can see how Ding Hao made it!

As if it appeared out of thin air, a slender knife mark was cut through Xiao Tang's body like this!

At that moment, the meteor lightning healed quickly!

"How can it be!"

Xiao Tang lowered his head and stared at his chest dumbfounded. I don't know when Ding Hao's black giant cut has penetrated his body!

His powerful weapon still stayed in the air. Just as Ding Hao said, he couldn't get out with this knife, so he was killed by Ding Hao!

The purpose of Xiao Tang's death was that he didn't know what kind of ancient runes Ding Hao used? In order to show such power, to kill him in an instant!


Xiao Tang's body was directly exploded to pieces, Ding Hao would never show any kindness to his enemies. Either he didn't make a move, he would kill him!

Ding Hao didn't need to come up with any means to torture the other party. In Ding Hao's view, to kill is to kill.


When Xiao Tang was killed, everyone present was stunned and dumbfounded.

Xiao Tang's men thought that Xiao Tang would win this time, but who knew? Not only did Xiao Tang fail, but he died so quickly!

When Ding Hao walked towards them, they remembered what Ding Hao said just now!

Ding Hao said just now, it was them who killed Xiao Tang!

"Run away!"

These people only thought of running away at this time, but it was too late, Ding Hao stood on Ding Xiaohei's back, faster than lightning, and no one wanted to run away in front of Ding Hao!

"You and I have no grievances and no grudges. There is no conflict between you, but you chased me Ding Hao and tortured my friends, so you must die!"

These people didn't even want to escape, they were beheaded one by one by Ding Hao, and in a blink of an eye, they all died clean!

Seeing Ding Hao's supernatural power, even Gongsun Bo and Xingye were stunned. They felt that Xiao Tang was too powerful, and neither of them could beat Xiao Tang! But even such a strong man, it turned out to be only Ding Hao!

"Ding Hao, how strong are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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