Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3445: Shocking speculation

Chapter 3445 Stunning Speculation


"Can you kill the core powerhouse?" Fuxi and Dongcheng Ling couldn't believe this.

Fuxi said again, "If you really have the strength in this area, then you don't need to enter the core at all!"

Cultivators want to enter the core, in fact, to enter the core cultivation and improve their cultivation!

You core experts have cultivated in the core for so many years, if you still can't beat Ding Hao, it means that the core is useless!

"No, no, no!" Ding Hao shook his head and said, "The role in the core is extraordinary, not just the role of cultivation! The Yin people have left powerful strength and precious weapons in the core, and as far as I know, go to Yin The secret of people’s true home is also at the core!"

"What? The real homeland of the Yin people..." Fuxi was stunned. He always thought that the outer world was the real homeland of the Yin people, but it didn't seem to be the case now.

Ding Hao said, "After I took over and became the master of the Hall of Sealing Kings, according to the information I got here, the world of Tianwaitian is not the whole world of Yinren! The world of Tianwaitian, the most important function is to cultivate offspring! Whether it is The altar of Fenghou is still the Hall of Fengwang, don’t you feel that these places are actually used to train future generations of disciples!"


Fuxi was said to have nodded immediately, "Jiuyadong where the Fenghou altar is located, and the Yin Ruins where the Fengwang Palace is located! Including the various facilities in the Fengwang Palace and the arena! It seems that they were built to cultivate future generations. In order to cultivate his own offspring, the people of Yin have created a world. Is this really the case?"

Fuxi felt that he couldn't believe it. Although they had gone through many worlds along the way, it was indeed shocking to cultivate their descendants with such a large-scale effort, which made people even unable to believe it.

Ding Hao nodded and said, "I think my guess is correct! The people of Yin attach great importance to their own inheritance and the life group of their offspring. I think the world outside the sky is a training ground for them to train their offspring, and all the functions in this training ground, In the end, it’s all about cultivating their offspring strong! After these offspring strong have cleared the customs, they should be able to go to their real home..."

"Oh my God!"

Fuxi and Dongcheng Ling were stunned at Ding Hao's speculation, because no one in the entire Gai Shixian clan had mentioned such a statement!

"If you really guess it, then you are definitely the only one among the Gaze Clan who knows the truth!"

Although Fuxi felt very convinced, Dongcheng Ling couldn't help but ask another question, "If it's really as you said, then our Geshixian clan has occupied this world for hundreds of millions of years! After so many years, all the descendants of Yin people have Don’t they worry if they are not trained?"

The question raised by Dongcheng Ling was approved by Fuxi.

Fuxi also smiled, "This question is well raised. Since the people of Yin pay so much attention to cultivating offspring, then no offspring can be cultivated for hundreds of millions of years! Why didn't the people of Yin use any methods?"

"This is what I want to pursue!" Ding Hao said, "The above statement is just my guess. I am not sure what the final result will be. So I must go to the core to observe and find evidence this time!"

"I think with your current strength, it shouldn't be a problem to get this number one!" Fuxi said, "It's just that you said that it is impossible to kill a core powerhouse, so I still think you are the one People can enter the core! I will try to keep you in when the time comes!"

"I still want to give it a try!" Ding Hao said, "To tell you, I became the master of the Palace of the Kings and the first real king in hundreds of millions of years. Therefore, the Hall of the Kings rewarded me very high! I can Get the bonus of heaven and earth power, and the amount is amazing!"

"So!" Dongcheng Ling asked worriedly, "but those are core powerhouses, and everyone has the ability to break the void!"

"Broken the Void is not a skill!" Ding Hao said again, "Actually, my strength should be able to fight them, but it is really difficult to kill them!"

We must know that his opponent is the core powerhouse, and the strength of the core powerhouse is amazing. Even in the era of the rule of the Yin people, the strength of the core powerhouse can be called the best among the crowd!

So Ding Hao and the core powerhouse are easy to fight, but the real result, or want to kill the other party, is really not easy!

But Ding Hao said again, "But I have an idea, I want to use the power granted to me by the Palace of Kings to avenge my personal revenge!"

"What, can it be like this?" Fuxi was a little surprised, "That is to say, if the core powerhouse enters the Palace of Kings, you will have a way to kill him!"

"There is a certain chance!" Ding Hao said gloomily, "If I don't engage in these conspiracies and let me kill a core powerhouse now, I don't have that strong strength at all!"

"But what if the core powerhouse is unwilling to enter the assessment?" Dongcheng Ling asked worriedly again.

But as soon as she asked these words, Ding Hao's face showed a triumphant smile, "Your worry is simply impossible, because at this moment, a core powerhouse has already entered the assessment!"


Both Fuxi and Dongcheng Ling's expressions changed in shock. They didn't expect these core powerhouses to come so fast!

"Ding Hao, if you decide to do that, we won’t waste your time! I’m also hurrying to the area where all the disciples compete. When there I will help you delay the time. Until you arrive, I will not The last one will be allowed to be born!" Fuxi said.

"Then I will trouble you!"

At this moment, the situation is urgent, Ding Hao can't bother to tell them more, and then arranges, "Ling'er, you just follow Big Brother Fuxi first and wait for me in the martial arts area. Once my affairs are over, you can go right away! And I As the owner of the Hall of Conferred Kings, he has many privileges, and he can get there very fast!"

Dongcheng Ling was still very worried, and said, "No matter what, you must remember that your opponent is a core powerhouse! If you can defeat, you will do your best. If you can't, you will stop in time! After all, with your strength, you can Enter the core steadily!"

"I see, you also take care."

Ding Hao retracted his mental power, raised his hand, and a light curtain appeared in front of him. On top of this light curtain, an old man wearing pierced armor flew in, who was among the core powerhouses. Carlo strong.

As a core powerhouse, Carlo came here very fast. After arriving, he was unwilling to make a kingship again.

But after he arrived, he yelled at the door for a long time and found that it was useless, even Ding Hao might not be able to hear it!

That’s why Carlo flew directly into the Palace of the Kings and shouted loudly, "Ding Hao, the master of the Hall of Kings, what you did, come out for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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