Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3450: Won't let you delay

Chapter 3450 won't let you delay


"Ding Hao will not die, the core powerhouse will die!"

When Dongcheng Ling said these words, there was a curse around him.

All the cultivators sitting nearby screamed in disobedience, "Really nonsense! Although you are a beautiful woman, she speaks quite disgustingly! What makes Ding Hao not dead, it is the core powerhouse who died? You dare to curse the core powerhouse of our celestial immortal clan, you really disrespect the elders and have a distorted mind!"

The female girlfriend's male couple also slowly shook his head and said, "Dongcheng Ling, I used to see you beautiful and thought you were good in character! You were good in every aspect, so I introduced you to Yang Shuhao! But you disappointed me too much! You This kind of person is almost the same as that Ding Hao. He doesn't repent and he doesn't regret his death!

Even Dongcheng Ling’s girlfriends persuaded, “Dongcheng Ling, your sentence is too much, and it will arouse public anger! I urge you to explain it or take it back! I think everyone will forgive me. you!"

But listening to the curses of these people, Dongcheng Ling didn't have much expression on his face, just shook his head, "You don't know the situation?! I am not cursing the core powerhouse, but stating a fact! This time, Ding Hao will definitely do it. Kill a core powerhouse!"

Dongcheng Ling trusted Ding Hao very much since Ding Hao was in the Asian world.

The situation at that time was even more critical. Ding Hao was just a small and insignificant cultivator in the sub-world, and he could finally rescue her from the elder tower! Therefore, Dongcheng Ling has always believed in Ding Hao very much. Even if Dongcheng Ling is worried now, she still believes that Ding Hao can do it!

Ding Hao's tone was so firm at the time, and Dongcheng Ling also firmly believed that Ding Hao could really kill a core powerhouse and give Fuxi a place!

Originally, Dongcheng Ling didn't want to tell this matter in advance, but these people in front of him were too much and said Ding Hao was useless!

Even saying that Ding Hao is no better than Yang Shuhao, Dongcheng Ling was so angry that he told the matter in advance, but to the person in front of him, his words were simply rebellious!

Seeing the reaction of everyone in front of her, this was all within Dongcheng Ling's expectation. She smiled lightly, "You wait and see!"

"This woman..."

Everyone in front of him shook their heads with anger, thinking that Dongcheng Ling was pure nonsense.

Even the best friend and patriarch, who has always wanted to match Dongcheng Ling and Yang Shuhao, shook his head to her best friend, saying, "Don't persuade! A woman like this is already dying of illness, crazy! This kind of woman has such a virtue! I believe that after Yang Shuhao knew about this, he would never want such a woman!"

Dongcheng Ling's best friends were also quite dissatisfied with Dongcheng Ling, so they simply moved away from the other side.

In this way, the cultivators sitting around Dongcheng Ling also moved away from each other, clearly isolating Dongcheng Ling there!

For these situations, Dongcheng Ling just smiled faintly, sat motionless, and continued to watch the battle on the field.

Among the four arenas, the first to win is the one where Yang Shuhao is.

"I have to be famous as early as possible, I'm in a hurry!" Yang Shuhao coldly snorted. After all, he was the first to practice with the core strong, so his strength is really extraordinary, and he can't catch his opponent at all. He quickly got out of the ring. Knock out!

"it is good!"

Yang Shuhao was the first to win, and there was a shout of applause below, and the girlfriends and others around Dongcheng Ling applauded loudly, clapping and applauding.

At the same time, they also looked at Dongcheng Ling from the corner of their eyes, the meaning of which was self-evident!

Dongcheng Ling ignored these considerations, but just stared at the last ring of the ring, Fuxi was fighting Ren Pingsheng!

Ren Pingsheng was still a little happy to deal with Fuxi, because among the eight disciples in front of him, Fuxi was the last one to follow the core powerhouse to practice! The training time is the shortest, and from a logical point of view, the strength is of course the weakest!

Therefore, Ren Pingsheng felt that he was determined to win!

But when the battle started, Ren Pingsheng found himself, with good eyes and low hands, he couldn't defeat Fuxi at all!

"How is it possible!" Ren Ping has always believed that the outside world's comments on him are all envy, jealousy and hatred!

He has always thought that he is strong, others think that he is weak, it is because others have no vision!

But when a fight really happened, Ren Pingsheng realized that he was really weak!

Fuxi was also quite surprised, picking up a soft persimmon, he chose a soft persimmon! His purpose is to delay time!

But he didn't expect that Ren Pingsheng's soft persimmon was so soft that he didn't want to show any real strength at all, and his opponent would have been beaten back step by step!

In this way, if Fuxi wants to delay time, she can only pretend that she is weaker!

So, a weird battle was held in the ring!

With the delay of this battle, the other three arenas got results!

The first victory was Yang Shuhao, the second victory was King Pangsun, and the third victory was Shenyou!

When the winners were decided on the three arenas, everyone's eyes were on the fourth arena. Everyone shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

"What's the situation in this fourth ring? This is too exaggerated. The strength of these two people seems to be very weak!"

The two people fighting in the ring, you and me, the movements are very slow, there is no point at all, fighting with two old people!

"How is it possible! How can the battle between the disciples of the core powerhouse be fought like this? I think these two people can't beat me together!"

But there are people with discerning eyes, Yang Shuhao stood under the ring and shouted, "Fuxi, you are too much! You are completely delaying time, you are too obvious, you are like this, I ask you to disqualify you from fighting!"

The people present suddenly realized that Fu Xi was deliberately suppressing his strength, and his purpose was to delay time and wait for Ding Hao to come!

"Unexpectedly that Ren Pingsheng is so bad, Fuxi has already let him do this, he can't win!"

Suddenly the sound of cheering from below!

After Ren Pingsheng found that Fuxi's strength was not enough, he was happy for a while, but now listening to the shout, he immediately understood that the opponent was not unable to beat himself at all, but deliberately teased himself!

Ren Pingsheng was also a disciple of a core powerhouse, and he also had his own face, after discovering this situation.

He shook his head and said, "Fuxi, you want to delay time, right? I won't let you delay time if I fail!"

After speaking, he jumped directly from the ring and laughed, "I give up!"

As a result, Fuxi was very upset, even if he wanted to delay time, he couldn't delay it at all.

Cang Cang nodded and said, "The first round of the elimination round is over. The four disciples who passed are Yang Shuhao, King Pang Sun, Shenyou and Fuxi!"

(End of this chapter)

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