Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3453: condition

Chapter 3453 Conditions

Chapter 3450

"Even if Carlo was killed by Ding Hao, he should not have the strength to deal with the two core powerhouses!"

These words of Yang Shuhao can be said to show his ambition!

He and King Pangsun have obviously agreed to take down both of the core quotas together, so that both of them can become core powerhouses!

When the time comes, their two core powerhouses will form a team, then even if Ding Hao is stronger, it will not be their opponent!

King Pang Sun thought the same, and couldn’t wait to step up and say, “Senior Cangcang, please hurry up and let go of the competition! Don’t delay any longer! Soon after, Yang Shuhao and I will be like you and core powerhouses. Sitting on an equal footing, I will also miss your kindness!"

King Pangsun’s words were quite rude. Although he said "remember your kindness", the meaning was actually saying "Don't start quickly, be careful that we will retaliate in the future!"

"Asshole!" Fuxi's face was furious, "You have a little respect for my teacher. You haven't become a core powerhouse yet. Even if you really become a core powerhouse, you are still a younger generation of my teacher!"

Cang Cang waved his hand and said, "No need to care, I am a person who has always been indifferent among all the core powerhouses! As for today's matter, I don't want to support any party. Whoever has the strength will grab these two places! The door is about to open, so I have to open the fighting space. If Ding Hao comes here before the core door opens, he can enter the game; but if Ding Hao does not come here before the core door opens, don’t blame me Up!"

Now that time is urgent, Fu Xi's heart is also extremely anxious, he also wants to delay time, but the key is that the core door may open at any time.

"No matter what, I will try my best to delay!"

Thinking of this, Fuxi hurriedly said to Shenyou, "Sister, if we don't organize, then this place belongs to both of them..."

But before he finished speaking, Shenyou said in a mocking tone, "Then if I help you delay time and Ding Hao comes here, then the last two places belong to you and him!"

"What good is this for me?" After Shenyou asked this sentence, Fuxi was also speechless.

What Shenyou said is correct, no matter which side wins, Shenyou will be excluded and become an outsider!

"Haha! Sister Shenyou is thoughtful, so why not..." Yang Shuhao walked out happily, "Shenyou, if you don't help Fuxi, even if you are eliminated at that time, I can promise you three major terms!"

"Three conditions?" Shenyou's expression changed.

Yang Shuhao said again, "The first condition is that King Pangsun and I will support you as the administrator of the Yin Ruins. At that time, whether it is the inner or outer layers of the Yin Ruins, you have absolute power, and the treasures here will also be assigned to you. ;"

"The second requirement is how your teacher Qiuqiu will treat you? After that, King Pangsun and I can worship your brothers and sisters. Then you will have our support and the help of your teacher. You can say that it is the core The strongest besides the strong;"

"As for the third major condition, that is, King Pangsun and I will promise to owe you a favor. If you have any danger or need in the future, we will both help you!"

"These are the three conditions we set out, what do you think?"


When Yang Shuhao's three conditions were released, there was an uproar at the scene. Everyone was surprised that Yang Shuhao and others were so trifling with this competition. They used such conditions to threaten and seduce opponents before the competition; and what shocked everyone was that, This condition offered by Yang Shuhao is indeed very tempting!

For Shenyou, no matter what aspect of becoming a core powerhouse, it has nothing to do with her! Then if she agrees to these three conditions now, she is equivalent to a share of the pie, and she will definitely not lose!

"This..." Even Shenyou couldn't help but hesitate.

As far as Shenyou is concerned, she has no obligation to help Ding Hao. If it goes smoothly, she is still willing to help Ding Hao.

But now, with such good conditions in front of her, it is impossible for her to give up such conditions!

But at this moment, to everyone's surprise, the tall Fuxi suddenly roared, "Shenyou, if you are willing to help me, then I will give you this place!"

"What!" When Fuxi said this, everyone around was shocked.

You know, everyone is here to compete for the place of a core powerhouse. For this place, even at all costs, the master and the disciples are against each other, intrigue, and intrigue!

But Fuxi worked so hard, but in the end he had to give up and give this place to others!

Even Shenyou couldn't believe it, looked at Fuxi dumbfounded, and asked, "Fuxi, are you serious?"

Fuxi's face was low and solemnly said, "I swear by Fuxi here today, if you can help me withstand the two people in front of me, then Ding Hao will come and get two places, I will give you this place of mine! Everyone present is a testimony. If I Fuxi breaks my promise, I will not die, and I will be spurned by the entire family of immortals! I will have no face to see people in the future!"

"Hush!" I heard Fuxi swearing all around, and there was silence everywhere, and everyone had an expression of unbelievable expression.

Shenyou was also stunned, and blurted out, "Fuxi, you really work hard, but after you fight everything, in the end you have to give the share you deserve to others. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I'm sure to do this!" Fuxi said solemnly, "Ding Hao is not only my third brother, but also my savior, and also my fellow villager, a friend who can use my life to make things happen! Our three brothers have walked countless times together. In this world, through difficulties and obstacles, you can work hard for others! I don’t need this opportunity, I can let go of this place, but I must fight for this place for my brother! So Shenyou, don’t say anything. Yes, as long as you help, this place is yours!"


There was an uproar everywhere, and everyone admired in their hearts that the feelings of Fuxi and their three brothers were really rare in the world!

Fuxi is fighting desperately here, not for himself, but for Ding Hao to get this place!

"This kind of brotherhood and friendship is really admirable! People admire!" Everyone present looked at Fuxi with respect.

Sitting on the stand not far away, Dong Cheng Ling moved her lips and called out "Big Brother Fuxi" silently. Her beautiful eyes were already filled with tears. She was moved by the friendship of the three brothers and envied her. These three people who came out of the earth are thinking in their hearts: If one day, I can also go to the earth to see and see what it is like to walk out of these three real men!

(End of this chapter)

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