Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3455: Easy escape

Chapter 3455 Easy Escape


"You were murderous to me, but you are my teacher after all, and I will not be murderous to you!"

"But this relationship between master and apprentice will be cut off from today!"

Ding Hao's words were actually quite sad.

He is a person who knows his gratitude and repays his gratitude. Teacher Yun Tianke has helped him and guided him a lot in his cultivation and promotion, and he has also defeated the King of Heaven! He even sent him precious wing armor!

But now, the two people have already embarked on different paths, and they are not conspiring. Obviously, the relationship between the master and the apprentice is over!

When Yun Tianke heard these words, he was even more furious and shouted, "You rebel! Don't you have to wake up, kneel down to explain the situation to the seniors, and vowed never to practice evil techniques again, this is what The only way to survive, otherwise you will be the public enemy of the entire Gaze Immortal Clan, you will die!"

The gray-haired old woman next to her gritted her teeth and said, "Yun Tianke, what are you talking nonsense with him? This kind of rebel kills a good one. Everyone, hurry up and don't let him run away!"

A glamorous woman in palace dress also walked up to persuade him, "Ding Hao, I actually understand the sadness in your teacher's heart! Yun Tianke has never ordered to kill you, how can you do this again and again, you as a disciple , You have made a big mistake! Take advantage of the last chance, otherwise everyone will be ruthless..."

Ding Hao waved his hand and said, "No need to say, I have decided!"

Ding Hao can see clearly now that if he changes his mind now, Yun Tianke and others might still accept him!

But his cultivation is over. Please he will never be able to practice Yinren's exercises in the future! This is no longer a question of personal grievances between him and Yun Tianke, but a question of which cultivation path to take!

Ding Hao had already decided to take a new path of cultivation, and after his previous verification, this path of cultivation is definitely accessible!

"Teacher, there is a saying in my hometown, "Different ways are not conspiring!" Ding Hao said, "Now we have embarked on a different path of cultivation, I want to persuade you to follow my path, and you also want to Persuade me to go your way, and the result is that no one can persuade each other! That is to let everyone walk and see, and finally see the result!"

Ding Hao said these words quite objectively, wanting to live peacefully with Yun Tianke and others, and then verify his end.

However, these core powerhouses have stood at the top for a long time and cannot listen to Ding Hao's words.

The old woman gritted her teeth and said, "Listen to Yun Tianke, he has already admitted that he has embarked on a different path of cultivation. Isn't he a remnant of Yin? Like the scum and traitor in this race. , There is nothing to say, let's kill him!"

Hearing this, Yun Tianke strengthened his conviction, nodded slowly, his eyes became solemn, and said every word, "Then kill the rebel!"

Hearing these words, the palace-dressed woman standing behind shook her head helplessly.

However, in the face of the killing order issued by these seven powerful men, Ding Hao did not make any drastic actions except that his eyes became cold. He just said indifferently, "You will regret it."

After speaking, he remembered one more thing, and said to the imperial costume girl, "I once promised Hua Yihou, if I saw the core powerhouse Qiuqiu, I would help him inquire, but remember that Huayi back then, you gave him Is the punishment enough?"

Ding Hao promised Hua Yihou that year and kept this matter in his mind. He had never seen this core powerhouse named Qiuqiu before. Since I saw it today, although it seems that the timing is wrong, Ding Hao still hurry to help Hua Yihou said this.

However, what Ding Hao did not expect was that after hearing these words, the beautiful woman in palace clothes suddenly flushed and said furiously, "Not enough, no matter how he accepts the punishment, he wants me to get rid of the punishment, never may!"

Ding Hao was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect the result to be like this, and he didn't know what happened that year.

However, the words he brought to Hua Yihou have already arrived. If he is not in his jurisdiction, he nodded and said, "Dear core powerhouses, I am going to the core of the outer world, and I have to become the core powerhouse. I have no time. Entangling with you, goodbye!"


When Ding Hao finished saying these words, the faces of the seven core powerhouses were shocked. They were already very concerned about Ding Hao's strength. If Ding Hao was becoming a core powerhouse and gaining core power, then they would not be Ding Hao's opponents.

The white-haired old woman jumped anxiously, and said angrily, "Why are you all standing? Don't hurry up and take this kid down! If he becomes the core powerhouse, then we, the immortal clan, will be finished. !"

Hearing this, the seven core powerhouses all rushed forward.

But this is of no use at all.

Ding Hao, as the master of the Hall of Conferred Kings, has tremendous power in the Hall of Conferred Kings. Don't even want to hurt him!

If these seven core powerhouses are all blocked outside the hall, then Ding Hao still has some trouble; but if all these seven people rush into the Palace of Sealing King, the matter will be easier to solve.

In the hall of the Palace of the Kings, seven core powerhouses surrounded Ding Hao, and it seemed that Ding Hao had no way to escape.

But Ding Hao just snorted coldly, "Immediately send all these seven people to the Hall of Kings for examination!"

In the next second, the scene in front of the seven people changed, and all of them came to another dimension. At this moment, Ding Hao’s power incarnation came out and said, “Seven examiners, you can’t participate in the evaluation together. One examiner walks out first, and the others wait temporarily."

Yun Tianke and the others almost vomited blood and cursed, "You bastard, you bastard! Don't let us out quickly!"

Ding Hao’s power incarnation said again, “The seven of you entered the assessment together. You didn’t comply with the rules in the first place. Now you are making a lot of noise. If you do this again, I will deprive you of your assessment rights!"

"Fuck off!" The gray-haired old woman gritted her teeth and cursed, "You have to test you, a broken king-level powerhouse, and let us out quickly?"

Not long after, these seven people were thrown out of the Palace of the King by Ding Hao's power incarnation, and when they stood outside the Palace of the King, they saw a huge black iron wing fast running away with Ding Hao.

After these 100 years, Ding Xiaohei's cultivation has reached a peak, his flying speed is very terrifying, and only a small black spot is left in an instant.

"Asshole, he escaped!" the white-haired old woman said angrily, "I can't think of our seven core powerhouses being tricked by him!"

Yun Tianke waved his hand and said, "Hurry up! He is now going to participate in the competition of the core power disciples. He must not be allowed to win, nor be allowed to enter the core!"

(End of this chapter)

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