Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3534: Jiudongtian

Chapter 3534 Nine Caves Sky

Chapter 3531 Nine Hole Sky

"Evolve, continue to evolve!"

When Ding Hao and Ye Kong evolved wildly, their bodies seemed to have become monsters, becoming more primitive and simpler!

Their evolutionary direction is completely opposite, that is because the world they live in is a barren world.

They have to evolve to fit the world more and more, so they will become more and more primitive.

However, they are becoming more and more connected with the world, more and more fit, more and more intimate, and easier to communicate...

Although the two of them have evolved their bodies into monsters, their IQs are still there, their memories are still there, and they know their purpose.

Finally one day, the two of them moved into action at the same time, and they had already sensed many situations in this world.

Even they can know what kind of civilization and world have emerged when this world is glorious, and how such a civilization and world perish?

Scenes after scenes, all appeared in their hearts!

Before their eyes, there seemed to be a huge picture. There was gray smoke everywhere, the flames began to go out, everyone was ashamed, and the large group of people and horses were evacuating, in the sky, a huge flying palace. , Flying fast one by one!

This is the world information they get when they communicate with the world.

That was what happened 30 million years ago. This world was originally called Jiudongtian.

However, with the demise of this world, Jiudongtian also began to move, and all the lives here have left and went to another vibrant world!

These people who left include old people and children, men and women, strong and weak. When everyone left, although they were very embarrassed, the world was completely evacuated, and they did not give up any of them. All of them left. !

This kind of departure is not just for a strong person to tear up the space, but to establish and find a space door!

Only with the long-term existence of the gate of space can so many hundreds of millions of lives be moved!

Ding Hao and Ye Kong continued to lie on the ground and realized that they have now evolved into two flesh **** and half, but they have received a lot of information.

In their minds, on that huge picture, no one made a sound, and evacuated with their heads down, only the sound of rustling footsteps.

Ding Hao's eyes followed these people for a long time, and after watching them for three months, their hearts suddenly brightened.

I saw three tall mountains appearing on this picture.

In the center of these three tall mountains, there is a very flat position, and here, a huge skyrocketing light appeared.

This light showed a blue-purple color, the more it went upward, the more slender it became, and the more it went downward, it began to grow thicker and bigger, as if it was a tower of light that is big and small!

And all lives leave this tower, walk into it, disappear without a trace, and leave this world!

After seeing this scene, Ding Hao and Ye Kong, who had evolved into two meatballs, yelled at the same time, "Great evolution technique, restore!"

They used the most basic restoration function of this holy method to immediately restore their original shape. The two flesh-like figures immediately restored their original handsomeness and chic, standing in their original place.

Fuxi, who was not far away to protect their law, also opened his eyes sharply and asked, "Have you found it?"

"Found it." Both Ding Hao and Ye Kong had bright eyes and boarded Ding Hao's pet Ding Xiaohei together.

The three of them flew at high speed, searching back and forth in this world, and soon they found the three high mountains.

These three mountain ranges are distributed in the shape of a fret and are about the same height. They are very conspicuous and easy to find.

At this moment, in the center of the three mountains, the giant light tower did not appear.

Obviously, after everyone evacuated, someone closed the door of this world!

As soon as the huge black iron wings were collected, Ding Xiaohei landed on the open space in the center. Ding Hao and the three of them walked down, their faces suddenly surprised.

I saw that in the flat clearing in the center, the ground was not mud, but some broken rune slabs.

These completely broken runestone slabs have lost any use value, and are almost the same as the remaining rocks in this world. Therefore, the treasure hunters who have been here for tens of millions of years have not taken a fancy or anyone. Will take away the fragments of these rune slabs.

And now these rune slabs have become useful things for Ding Hao and the others.

Right now they walked back and forth on these slabs, burning all the runes. Carry out a careful study.

A whole month has passed, they have been able to restore all the rune slabs. There is no doubt that these runes constitute the tower of light, the gate of time and space, and the passage to leave here!


The power swelled wildly, and when Ding Hao and the others repaired all the rune slabs, they urged them with power.

Suddenly, the tower of light that year appeared in the center of the three mountains, it was very spectacular.


Ding Hao and the three were overjoyed. After a whole year and a half, they finally found a way to leave this barren world.

"Let's go in now!"

At the moment, the three of them walked into the huge light curtain in front of them at the same time. The moment they entered, they only felt that they were black, and in the next second, a very bright sun hit them.

They appeared in an oasis, in this oasis, there are many tall statues, on the gorgeous floor tiles, engraved with the scenes of migration from another world back then!

"Sure enough, it is here! After the life of Jiudongtian migrated to this world, it has developed over tens of millions of years!"

"And the entrance they moved over is to build a temple for future generations to worship!"

When Ding Hao and the others arrived, it was not the day of sacrifice, and there were no people in this temple who came to worship, only some practitioners who guarded the temple!

When Ding Hao and the others appeared in the center of the temple, a powerful force swept across their bodies, and an old voice said, "I am the king-class powerhouse who guards the temple, Agonda! Who are you? Why are you here? Quickly kneel down to answer, otherwise I will kill you!"

Hearing this voice, he spoke unceremoniously, and kept making people kneel down.

Ye Kong was annoyed in his heart and cursed, "What about the powerful kings? The three of us are all powerful kings. My third brother is still the examiner of the powerful kings. What are you? Come out quickly. Speak, otherwise don't blame us for being impolite!"

"Bastard." The old voice called Agoneda flashed out immediately. He was an old man in strange clothes. Behind him was a cultivator who followed a dozen men and women, all wearing strange clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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