Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3692: One hundred thousand plus

Chapter 3692 One-to-one hundred thousand plus



Under the sword of Ding Hao, the middle-aged man with short beard was chopped into a blood mist. There was no bones left, life and death disappeared!

The other Shuiyuntian minions were also pale with fright, and ran away in a hurry. Although they wanted to be loyal to Tian Chi, but seeing such a fierce evil star, none of these people knew how important it was to save their lives!

But just before these people had just escaped, suddenly a force came from above the vast water of Shuiyuntian!

This power is quite overbearing. After splitting from above the water surface, a straight crack is instantly formed above the water surface. The calm water surface of Shuiyuntian suddenly separates the two sides like a canyon, and the straight power even directly above the water surface. The clouds broke through and bombarded Ding Hao!

"What a strong attack!"

When Ding Hao looked at the huge water canyon formed by this force, and rushed to him madly, he suddenly knew that Shuiyuntian ruled Tianji had arrogant capital!

The strength of Shuiyun to dominate Tian Chi is absolutely far surpassing Tian Qi and Mohe, even if Ding Hao has ever seen the ancient sword emperor, the strength is not necessarily as strong as Tian Chi!

"It seems that Tudor's 3000 sons are really different! Although Tianji is not an emperor, his strength is definitely an emperor-level powerhouse! I can't fight such a terrible cut!"

Although Ding Hao knew that his strength was slightly inferior, but now, he can only do his best!

At the moment, the Emperor of Rage Sword in his hand was clenched tightly with both hands, and the force that came from this crazy impact was also abruptly killed!

boom! When this loud noise shook between the water and clouds, all the practitioners in the entire Qingxuan Bazaar were shocked!

Those treasure hunters who had already entered the bazaar hall came out to watch. When these two forces collided, the large white cloud under their feet was blown out into a terrible pit, through this pit, You can see the water below!

"Oh my God! I even knocked through the Cloud Continent this time!" The expressions of all the people present changed suddenly.

You know, this cloud continent is actually the foundation for the survival of Shuiyuntian cultivators. On the upper side, you can build houses and see the height and thickness of the Baizhang platform. But Ding Hao and Tian Chi's full blow, unexpectedly The Yunduo Continent has been broken through, how powerful is this! ?

Under this blow, Ding Hao slashed backwards three steps, blood surged in his chest, but he was still barely able to stand on his heels.

"Zhuzi takes me one more blow!" Tian Chi was merciless, and slashed with a single knife in his hand!

boom! The sound of the earth shaking and the sky shaking again, and there was another huge gap in the cloud continent!

Ding Hao is still three steps back this time!

"Bastard!" Tian Chi, who rushed madly, not only released all her power this time, but also called the core power of the entire Shui Yuntian, yelled, "The child from Jiudongtian, I won't kill you today. The master of Shuiyuntian!"

After that, a more terrifying sword light came!

In this blade of light, both the water surface and the cloud continent are separated by this force, especially the always quiet water surface of the cloud sky. Under such a terrifying blade light, the waves fluctuate like the raging waves of the sea. The blade light is like this. Across the sea, beheaded suddenly!

Although Ding Hao suffered two stabs and took six steps back, except for the surging blood in his heart, the others were not hurt!

Therefore, he also shot with all his strength, holding the God Emperor's Fury Sword in both hands, his eyes condensed, and a sword suddenly!

"Break for me!"


When this blow smashed together, the entire Cloud Continent where the Qingxuan Bazaar was located was torn apart. The power of the two battles was too strong, and this cloud Continent was broken!

Tian Jia made a full shot this time, and finally produced a certain effect. Ding Hao was finally beaten and flew out, flying back dozens of feet!

"Haha!" Although Ding Hao flew upside down and blood was still flowing from the corner of his mouth, he laughed loudly.

Because he finally tried out all of Tian Chi's strength, but in this way, even if Tian Chi plus the entire Shui Yuntian core strength, it would just knock him flying and make him spit out a mouthful of blood. It is easier said than done to kill him!

Ding Hao has a bottom in his heart. Although his opponent is very strong, he is not enough to kill himself, so Ding Hao has the capital in his heart, so he laughed out loud!

At this moment, Tian Chi's face was ugly. He originally thought the young man in front of him didn't have much strength.

After all, this young man is willing to help Tian Qi come out to find the holy fire, which shows that this young man is not as strong as Tian Qi, but who knows, the situation is not what he imagined! Ding Hao is not only stronger than Tian Qi, but also much stronger!

With that blow, he had already used all his power, and even added the core power of Shui Yuntian, and he could only hit Ding Hao!

He wanted to kill Ding Hao, it became very difficult!

"Shuiyuntian dominates Tianjia, is this all your power? It seems like that! I overestimated you just now. Not only are you inferior to Xuanyuanxue, you are not as good as Emperor Gu Jian!" Ding Hao stepped back dozens of feet and fell. On a passing square, he stopped and he stood proudly.

However, when Tian Chi came over, his expression became gloomy, "Little beast, how strong do you think you are? You will still die in my Shui Yuntian in the end!"

When he finished saying this, he saw his big hand slam in front of him, spit out some obscure words, and finally shouted, "Get me!"

Boom boom boom!

The ground under Ding Hao's feet suddenly brightened, and beams of power soaring up into the sky appeared in series, completely enclosing Ding Hao's body, and circles of power halo floated from the ground in mid-air, searching frantically towards the center. Like one rope after another, Ding Hao is fast in it!

"Not good!" Ding Hao was surprised.

When he first came to Qingxuan Market, he knew that the square of the Cloud Continent was full of formations, and now he knew how powerful this formation was!

The attack power of these formations is no less than Tian Chi’s strength. Circles of power apertures form layers of light curtain barriers, trapping Ding Hao completely, and these power apertures are still shrinking crazily. Want to completely lock Ding Hao into it!

Tian Jia gave a cold snort, waved his hand again, and said, "All the monks from the Outland who are exploring treasures in my Shuiyuntian, I will issue a chase order to you! As long as anyone can kill this kid, I will immediately reward him with a level nine Holy flame!"


All the foreign treasure hunters in the Qingxuan Bazaar, hearing this, all went crazy, everyone's eyes were red!

Nine-level sacred fire, even if you go to the Lihuo Heaven to find the best treasures! What's more, the various opportunities of Lihuotian may not be obtained by oneself, how easy is it to find a nine-level holy fire? And here, as long as you kill this unknown junior, you can get a ninth-level holy fire!

"Kill!" As many as one hundred thousand strong cultivators rushed frantically!

(End of this chapter)

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