Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3704: Use Yunyouguo

Chapter 3704 Using Yunyouguo


Ding Hao didn't have the mind to study the ancient characters now, he just wanted to quickly steal this big iron pot.

Jin Merchant said, "I understand these words, but you write too little! You write a few more and let me see!"

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "I just wrote two, and Lord Buddha shouted over there, saying that if I continue to write ancient texts, the six-vein lotus will be destroyed! Then I will not be able to contact you, what can I do? do?"

"This is easy to handle." The merchant gold smiled, "Do you remember the Yunyouguo I gave you last time? Just help me find a suitable physical body, and let me bring my spiritual power to you and settle in the physical body! I can naturally help you watch these words!"

"This..." Ding Hao hesitated, "It's just that I don't have a suitable physical body at all."

If you use Yunyouguo, the best way is to look for those bodies with good aptitudes. The people on the other side can quickly improve their cultivation level and help a lot!

Chen Gang interrupted, "It doesn't matter if you don't have a suitable body, you can find a body with a garbage spot! Anyway, Merchant Gold didn't help you fight in the past, but just helped you watch some runes! The garbage body can still be used!"

"But I don't even have a garbage body here!" Ding Hao smiled bitterly. The Lihuo Realm he is now in has completely collapsed, and he can't even find a living person. Where can I find a body?

"This is a bit troublesome!"

Everyone couldn't think of a good way for a while, but Ding Hao turned his head and saw Xuanyuanxue. He couldn't help but ask, "There is another person with me. She is mentally injured and somewhat demented! If it falls on her, Will it adversely affect her?"

"This is not true." The merchant gold said, "All the wandering fruits I give you are the most high-end, they are obtained from the ancient primitive world, and they are excellent varieties! Even if I descend on a living person with normal thinking The body will not have much influence on it, at most it will make him feel that he has a dream! There is just one key, when I come, she must not resist! Otherwise, I will fail and I will fail with her. Will hurt your mental strength!"

"Resistance?" Ding Hao looked back at Xuanyuanxue, and said, "She is suffering from dementia now, so she should not be able to resist! It's just that her mental power has been injured..."

"It's okay." Jin Merchant said, "After my spiritual power enters, it will not affect her spiritual power, and I will not practice any exercises, and it will not interfere with her! I only borrow her eyes and mouth at most, Watch the situation and tell the content of those runes!"

Speaking of this, Jin Merchant said again, "I think the person next to you is probably not as good as me in cultivation and strength. Then after my spiritual power comes, I will leave her with a little bit of cultivation experience, which will be very useful for her in the future. help!"

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "You don't have to worry about this. Her cultivation base and strength are better than anyone of us here. Since there is no problem, then I will try it out. Wait a moment."

Ding Hao must first obtain Xuanyuanxue's consent to make this descending spell; Xuanyuanxue's dementia would not object at all, but Ding Hao must make sure that he is foolproof and cannot hurt Xuanyuanxue.

"Xuanyuanxue." Ding Hao said back, "I will borrow your physical body later, but you can't resist. I'm afraid of what will happen to you when it affects the mental power of you and my friends. So now you let me test it first and let my mental power enter your mind!"

After Xuanyuanxue's dementia, contrary to his previous temperament, he was totally obedient to Ding Hao.

After listening to Ding Hao’s request, she immediately sat cross-legged in the void. Ding Hao stretched out her hand, grabbed her white wrist, and transmitted her mental power over; Xuanyuanxue was very obedient and did not have any resistance to let Ding Hao’s spirit The force directly enters the meridians and reaches the spirit sea through the meridians!

"Xuanyuanxue is really stupid."

Ding Hao secretly sighed, if Xuanyuanxue's spirit was normal, fighting him wouldn't let him do this!

You must know that if you let other people's spiritual power enter your own spiritual sea, then Xuanyuanxue has no secret at all! What kind of strong is standing behind her? What kind of chance does she get from practicing? How many things happened during the years she lived?

These secrets can be said to be unknown to the entire 3000 world, and the three masters may not know them, but Ding Hao can explore them at any time.

But before Ding Hao entered his spiritual sea, he said, "Xuanyuanxue, I just want to borrow your physical body this time! I will not explore any of your secrets, nor will I consult any of your memories, so I will immediately Seal your spiritual sea! In this way, even if my friend enters your body, she will not discover your secret at all! So in the future, when your spiritual power is restored, there is no need to worry."

After speaking, Ding Hao immediately used his spiritual power to seal Xuanyuan Xue's spiritual sea.

When he did this, Xuanyuanxue didn't resist at all, and let him do it.

Soon after, when Ding Hao finished all this, he took out the Yunyou fruit from his soul. This kind of fruit has the effect of pulling the soul. When he took it out, peeled off the peel, you can see that there is a crystal clear flesh !

"Don't resist." Ding Hao reminded, putting the flesh in Xuanyuanxue's mouth.

Xuanyuanxue red lips, and after eating the pulp, the pulp decomposed into juice, and immediately reversed retrograde and entered Xuanyuanxue's spiritual sea upward.

However, when the power of the flesh came out of the sea of ​​spirit, it was discovered that the sea of ​​spirit had been sealed, so the power contained in the flesh gathered in the sea of ​​spirit. When the power was gathered enough, you could see the sea of ​​spirit in Xuanyuan Xue In addition, a black deep door was formed!

Ding Hao has been monitoring the situation here through his own spirit, and seeing the formation of the black soul gate, he immediately took out the six-vein lotus flower and contacted the gold merchant, "You can come here, I am ready!"

Everyone who uses Yunyouguo will correspond to the characteristic transmission technique. The content of this technique is within the peel in Ding Hao's hands.

When Ding Hao sent out the rune in the wandering peel, the gold merchant immediately found a quiet room. After meditating with peace of mind, using the method of descent, her mental power was immediately separated from the body, and the black depth formed by the rune Door, project mental power over!


Merchant Gold's mental power entered Xuanyuanxue's body and instantly took over this physical body. She laughed and said, "Whose girl is this, and you have deceived you into this independent dimension. Are you two out on a date? "

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "Where is it? I won't date anyone with whom I am dating. You should adapt to the physical body first!"

After Jin Merchant took over the physical body, he opened his eyes again and smiled, "Brother Ding Hao, I finally see you in the real world!"

(End of this chapter)

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