Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3720: Lord Buddha is angry

Chapter 3720 Buddha Lord is angry

Chapter 3717 The Lord Is Angry

The voice of the Colorful Giant Buddha is not very small, but it can be transmitted to the ears of all the believers in the whole house that day. To them, this life is nothing short of a thunderbolt in the sky, and it is like a big drink!

"what happened?"

"Don't we believe in Buddhism for so many years? All of them are fake. They are all borrowed from Buddhism. In fact, they are corrupting the reputation of Buddhism!"

"My God, how could it be possible! Did we give up all the monks and all the temples that day were all fake?"

"How is it possible! I don't believe it!"

Many people were stunned. Their beliefs collapsed in an instant. Some people sold out their family property, sold their children, sold everything that was enshrined in those temples to build tall temples and Buddha statues, but finally told them that they actually believed in some fake Buddhism. Listen Tone, it turned out to give all the power of faith to ghosts and gods!

Do not! Not a ghost yet!

All the power of their faith was actually stolen by the Brahma Bodhisattva!

The reason why the Brahma and Evil Bodhisattva can do whatever he wants on the day of his abandonment, even if an emperor like Ding Hao will be suppressed, where does the power come from?

Power comes from so many believers, so many years of long-term faith, and the huge aspiration formed!

This aspiration is too strong, so even a strong like Ding Hao, even Xuanyuanxue, who easily defeated the ancient sword emperor, would be suppressed by this aspiration? !

But all this aspiration comes from these believers. The faith of the believers collapses instantly, and they can no longer give the Brahma and Evil Bodhisattva a little bit of aspiration; and the huge aspiration that the Brahma and Evil Bodhisattva accumulated before is actually hidden in countless Buddha statues on the day Among them!

Now the aspiration power in these Buddha statues is occupied by the huge Buddha statue attracted by Ding Hao using the Heart Sutra Muyu, and it has become a power that Brahma and Evil Bodhisattva cannot call!

At this moment, before this colorful Buddha statue, Brahma and Evil Bodhisattva was incomparably small. Only then did he realize that his face was pale and he couldn't say a word.

He wanted to say no, but when he faced the true Buddha, he dared not lie; he also wanted to simply admit his mistakes and survive today's disaster, but he couldn't admit his mistakes.

If he admits wrong at this moment, no one will listen to him in the future. His combat power is actually very limited. If he does not have enough willpower to provide him, he will undoubtedly die in the future!

Just as he hesitated, the knocking sound of the wooden fish in the air stopped, and a young figure stood up.

This young figure is Ding Hao, who has been beating the wooden fish just now. He stood up and said, "True Buddha comes, and everything is false! The day that the Buddha dominates the Vatican Bodhisattva, it is not the right way of the Buddha, but the evil way! Borrow the name of my Buddha , Forcing people to join his temple and believe in his so-called Buddhist scriptures! In fact, they are all fake. His real purpose is to cultivate for himself, to support him alone for everyone, and to hand over treasures to him for those who come to this world. use!"


The whole house was in an uproar that day. In fact, let alone ordinary believers, even the monks of the world’s major temples were kept in the dark. Although these monks were helping the evil spirits, they did not know in their hearts that the Vatican Bodhisattva’s Believe in a false Buddha!

So now listening to what Ding Hao said, the whole world was in an uproar, and none of the followers of the Brahma Bodhisattva could believe it.

"Unexpectedly this is the case!"

"We have believed in offering to the Buddha for so many years, and we even believed in a fake Buddha! All the religious property and all kinds of heavenly materials and treasures we provided were all consumed by Vatican Bodhisattva!"

"He can't use it at all! He must have collected all those belongings!"

Many Vatican Bodhisattvas' eyes flashed with sullen look. Since they believe in a fake Buddha, then everyone does not need to believe it anymore! In the future, as long as you kill the Brahma and the evil Bodhisattva and seize the treasures in your collection, it will be worthwhile, and you will get rich!

As for those ordinary believers who sell their children and sell their houses to enshrine them in the temple, they gritted their teeth, one by one, like going crazy, wanting to kill the Brahma and evil Bodhisattva and get back their belongings!

But these people are late!

Ding Hao talked and walked up in the air. He stepped on the void and climbed up step by step. Ling Xu walked up the steps and said while walking, "God has the virtue of being good, although my Buddha teaches people to be good! But there are also demonizations. The tradition of demons is for those demons who are stubborn, unrepentant, and have harmed everyone! If they are not eliminated, I am afraid that more people will be victimized! Ding Hao is willing to be the one who drops demons and eliminates demons in the next heaven. My Buddha eliminate this scourge!"

When he finished saying these words, he had already come to the front of Vatican Bodhisattva.

Brahma and evil Bodhisattva secretly shouted badly in his heart, and quickly kowtowed his head for mercy, "Master Buddha, please forgive me..."

But before he finished speaking, there was a flash of sword light with blood-red flames in front of him. The God Emperor's Fury Sword used the Great Sky Soaring technique to transform into a rainbow that moved the earth today, beheading the Brahma Bodhisattva, ready to public Kill it directly!

"No need to take his life!"

The huge seven-colored Buddha shadow had a faint tone, and it was just a wave of his hand. The seven-colored mist immediately wrapped Ding Hao's sword of anger, so that Ding Hao's sword could not kill the Brahma Bodhisattva in front of him.

However, the colorful Buddha shadows still did not expect that Ding Hao raising his hand to kill the Vatican Bodhisattva was just a false move; Ding Hao’s real method was the fighting method that he released at the same time, and this method of fighting has already been used by the gods and demons. Almost, and the method used by the seven-color Buddha shadow is also very similar!

When the seven-colored giant Buddha figure discovered Ding Hao's real killer move, it was too late to stop him, so Ding Hao simply let Ding Hao slap the Vatican Bodhisattva in front of him to death on the spot.


Seeing that the sword hadn't been slashed, the Brahma Bodhisattva just breathed a sigh of relief, only to find that Ding Hao's palm had been pressed on his forehead at some point.

Immediately there was a bang, his cultivation base and physical body were all shattered, and the fighting method that transcended the law was extraordinary, something that ordinary cultivators could not imagine; the Vatican Bodhisattva had cultivated a lifetime of aspiration and was Ding Hao killed it on the spot with similar means, completely crushed!

"Oh, you daredevil!" The colorful Buddha shadow in the midair saw Ding Hao slap the Brahma Bodhisattva to death, so he could only shake his head and said, "I thought you had a relationship with the Buddha, so I was willing to come out to help you! I think that your attachments are too deep in your heart, and you will need to go to Manitou to practice for a while, otherwise you will surely become a demon in the future!"

After the huge Buddha shadow said this sentence, it suddenly collapsed in the sky, and all the aspirations that had gathered disappeared in an instant. It turned into a large rain of light in this world and disappeared.

And the heart meridian wooden fish that Ding Hao has been using is also infiltrating from the inside to the outside at the same time, forming countless cracks, which seem to be completely shattered with one tap!

"The Lord Buddha is angry!" Ding Hao smiled faintly, "In fact, the Lord Buddha is similar to the ancient gods and demons, and only uses the power of will!"

(End of this chapter)

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