Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3724: Brahma and evil jade

Chapter 3724

Chapter 3721 Brahma Evil Jade Card

Ding Hao re-entered his spiritual power into the world in the jade ring, and saw that this world was desolate, and there was nothing but mud.

"How can it be!"

Ding Hao felt puzzled. According to his understanding of the laws, the laws and rules of this world are more upscale than those of the 3000 world, so the various plants and animals produced in this world should also be more upscale!

But why is the world in front of me so desolate?

With a move of his figure, he directly entered the world in the jade ring.

I saw that the sky was high and the earth was wide, with an endless starry sky above my head, and a large black soil under my feet. I couldn't see the edge at a glance.

His figure flashed again and came into the starry sky.

The starry sky here is not countless planets, but countless parallel continents. Each star is a huge continent.

When he came to these continents, he found that this place was also desolate, except for the black soil under his feet, there was nothing at all.

"This world shouldn't be like this!"

Ding Hao walked through several starry sky, all of which were such desolate land. He lowered his head and picked up some black mud, his face was shocked!

"The power contained in this soil far exceeds that of ordinary soil!"

There are also some precious clays in the 3000 world. For example, the black pottery town he is now in. You will produce a kind of black clay. The soil contains some special powers. You can refine it into a pottery pill furnace. It is very effective to refine some special pill.

But the black soil in Ding Hao's hands was extraordinary, and the power contained in it was amazing.

"With this kind of soil, if you plant some precious plants, whether it is the growth rate or the harvested fruits, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!"

Ding Hao immediately took out some plant seeds from his storage ring and planted them in the black soil in front of him.

After he planted it, he could see the rapid growth and sprout of the plants. He didn't use any exercises at all, just to let the power in the black soil work. This growth rate made Ding Hao feel shocked.

But while Ding Hao was waiting happily, he found that the plant was slowly dying. After a while, it completely withered and died. Finally, it also melted into the mud and became a black mud.

"This!" Ding Hao's figure moved, taking the black mud out of the world.

When the mud was taken outside, I could immediately feel that the power in the mud was madly released outwards, and in a blink of an eye, the mud became the most ordinary mud, which did not have as much power as before.

"This is how the same thing?"

Ding Hao felt doubts and doubts about the special nature of this world, but he thought for a while, and vaguely had some thoughts, "Although the world in this jade ring has higher-level rules and rules, these rules and rules are not complete. This is a world of broken rules!"

After understanding this, he couldn't help but shook his head and sighed, "The world in this jade ring is higher than the world I live in now! It is more suitable for people to enter life and practice! But why did not succeed, it is because this world is not In a complete world, the laws and rules in the world are all incomplete!"

Ding Hao once again walked into the world in the jade ring, he took out the God Emperor's Fury Sword, used the previous means, and made a full shot!

"Daohen, show me!"

No matter how he attacked the void, he didn't even want to make Dao marks!

"This world is really more upscale than the 3000 world. Both the density of space and the stability of this world are much higher than the world I live in!" Ding Hao felt shocked again in his heart.

In this world in the jade ring, Xuanyuanxue wanted to tear through the laws, which was a big dream in the spring and autumn. Let alone break the space of this world, it was too difficult!

"This is a better world!" Ding Hao was shocked, and vaguely felt that he had obtained an extraordinary treasure.

He is the owner of this treasure, his body is constantly flashing, and he has walked through countless continents in this world, and finally stopped on a certain continent.


In front of him, there are mountains of various spars, all kinds of property, all kinds of treasures, all kinds of weird materials, and valuable and worthless items. There are amazing numbers here. Ding Hao knows some, some don't know it at all!

There is a light curtain formed by power, which conceals these treasures inside and protects them from being destroyed by the broken laws outside.

Ding Hao is the master of this world, and the light curtain will not block his footsteps. When he walked in and stood under the treasure mountains year after year, his heart was shocked again, "Here is the treasure of Brahma and Evil Bodhisattva. location!"

On the day when the Brahma and Evil Bodhisattva ruled the house for so many years, he squeezed out the last of the believers' possessions, and all the treasures obtained were stored here.

Seeing such a huge number of treasures, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

The Brahma and Evil Bodhisattva is a very greedy and evil person. In fact, a large part of this mountain of treasures is not so precious.

However, the Brahma and Evil Bodhisattva still squeezed them out and put them here. As his own treasure house, Ding Hao glanced over the countless treasures, and he classified all the valuables and not.

"There are some treasures that are useful to me, and I will take them away when the time comes; and the rest of the useless treasures will be sent to my heaven at that time, and used by my cultivators of the Immortal Clan!"

Just as Ding Hao was looking for the treasures piled up like a mountain, there was a small table on the top of the mountain, and there was a pad, presumably Brahma Bodhisattva usually sits on this pad, looking at the billions under him. Wanbao, drink tea and look at the classics.

Ding Hao also sat on the cat mat, raised his hand and held a piece of jade slip on the small table, holding it in his hand. He swept it with mental power, and his expression suddenly changed, "This is what the Vatican Bodhisattva explored and studied the world. recording!"

"The world of good fortune is still incomplete, and the strength of the incompleteness is great! Over the years I have integrated many good fortune-level treasures in this world, but this world still cannot grow a grass, a worm, or even a broken continent. They can't be connected! This world is too broken..."

Ding Hao's eyes kept flickering, he finally understood what kind of world this is before him, this is a world of good fortune!

He has never heard of the world of good fortune and the treasure of good fortune before, but obviously, this level is not something ordinary people can know!

"No wonder the Brahma and Evil Bodhisattva is so greedy, to squeeze out the entire sanctuary, and to **** all the treasures of the cultivators who passed through the sanctuary! It turned out to be looking for good fortune-grade treasures, all for the purpose of repairing this good fortune world!

(End of this chapter)

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