Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3746: Desperate

Chapter 3746 Desperate

Chapter 3743 Desperate

"Tianyu is over!" Ding Hao was dumbfounded.

But just when the hand of the gods and demons covered with black scales was about to squeeze Tianyu to death, Tianyu suddenly took out a spell with golden light.

The moment this long strip of spell touched the hand of the gods and demons, the giant hand covered with black scales seemed to be electrocuted and shrank back suddenly! At the same time, you can clearly feel the terrifying power released from this spell!

"Tutuo's pardon order!" Tian Yu shouted violently, and there was a strange light flashing in his eyes!

"Tutuo's pardon order!" Ding Hao was shocked when he saw this change.

He guessed just now that a strong man like Tianyu is also the son of Tudor, and he is also deeply loved by Tudor! It is impossible not to give Tianyu a life-saving treasure!

This Tudor's amnesty decree should be the treasure used by Tian Yu to save his life. When it is released, even the hands of gods and demons have to shrink for it!

But even so, the Emperor Julius still flashed his eyes and yelled, "Come again!"

She felt very resentful towards Tian Yu, and just wanted to kill the man who had betrayed her first, but it was a pity that Tian Yu Di Tuo's pardon was in her hand. When the hand of the gods and demons was grasped again, this golden light flowing charm once again blocked the gods. The hand of the devil!

However, the two attacks by the Hand of Gods and Demons made Ding Hao's eyes jump!

"No! Tudor's pardon can't stop it either!"

Although the Tudor Amnesty Order blocked the two attacks, Ding Hao clearly saw that the power of the second Tudor Amnesty Order was obviously smaller!

I don’t know if the hand of the ancient gods and demons has increased or the power of the Tudor’s Amnesty Order has been consumed. In short, as long as the hands of the Gods and Demons continue to attack, the Tudor Amnesty Order will sooner or later be consumed and become useless!

After discovering this, Ding Hao's face suddenly changed, and he felt a crisis in his heart!

But before he had time to escape quickly, the giant willow heavenly destiny jade in his hand smashed out of thin air and shattered into countless pieces; and when it was broken, Ding Hao clearly saw the eyes of this **** and demon watching!


The jade of destiny was shattered in an instant, Ding Hao threw away the fragments in his hand and ran madly.

As he had guessed, after the Julius Emperor realized that he couldn't kill Tian Yu so quickly, he immediately changed his direction, and the ancient gods and demons' hands were sent out again, this time to Ding Hao!

"Juliu! Why do you have trouble with me? It is Tianyu's idea to steal the world's original fragments! Even if I stole things, I will find another piece of the same compensation for you when I develop in the future!" Ding Hao ran wildly while shouting loudly. .

Tianyu discovered that Juliu had changed his goal, he also ran away quickly, and said loudly, "Juliu, the origin of the world was stolen by him, you should find him to settle the account! I have grievances with you in the past, so far, everyone will cut off!"

Tian Yu, as the master of this world, although the jade of destiny had been broken, he was still able to borrow some power to move in this world instantaneously. He then came first, fled to the front of Ding Hao, and came to leave the giant Liu Tian. Space channel!

But when he came to the space channel and wanted to leave this world, his face suddenly changed.

"Hahaha!" Standing in the void, Tianyu laughed loudly. Amidst the laughter, a trace of tears flowed out, "Liu'er, it's been so many years! I have no credit and hard work; I have no real feelings, and false feelings! You! Do you really want to kill me that way? Do you have to kill me?!"

It turned out that when he came to the space channel, he realized that the space channel had been completely locked, completely closed, and could not escape!

Although Tian Yu tried his best to escape to Ding Hao's front, he still couldn't escape, because the passage was gone and it had been completely closed by the giant willow, so both he and Ding Hao would be trapped in this world and they would definitely die!

"How to do?"

Ding Hao had nothing to do at this moment.

When the giant hand of God and Demon was about to come in front of him, he immediately used the Great Open Heaven Art to smash the space in front of him, and walked in from the broken space!

This world has begun to collapse, and the space is incomparably chaotic. When he walks through the cracks in the space, he will appear in another part of the world, and he has escaped the claws of the ancient gods and demons!

"Sure enough, there are some means, but the world is getting smaller and smaller, I see where you flee?"

The face of the Julius Emperor is full of cold smiles. The power of the ancient gods and demons is too terrible. She has been refining the bodies of the ancient gods and demons almost every night for thousands of years. On the surface, she just refined this. An arm with the corpse of an ancient **** and demon.

In fact, this is not the case. She refined the eyes and internal organs of this ancient **** and devil corpse!

Especially the heart of the ancient gods and demons. This thing can manipulate the entire world. Under the power of the gods and demons, everything can be changed. The willow sky instantly transforms into a sea of ​​fire. In the raging burning, the space is constantly shrinking, and the world is also Constantly shrinking.

Under such flames, ordinary cultivators living in this world are even more dead.

Some of the strong ones can still hide in the high places in the sky and avoid the burning of the flames; while those weak ones can only be burned to ashes in the flames, leaving no souls and flesh, even the elements transformed into after being burnt. Disappearing, the world is shrinking crazily inward.

At the same time, the internal pressure of the crazily shrinking world is also increasing, which makes it more difficult for Ding Hao and Tian Yu to escape.

When Ding Hao used the Dakaitian Jue to smash the space in front of him again and walked in, he found himself standing near Tian Yu's body when he walked out.

"Brother Ding Hao, don't run away! We can't escape! All the exit channels have been closed by her!" Tian Yu shouted loudly.

"I'll try it." Ding Hao quickly used the Great Wayfinding Technique again, trying to find a way to leave.

But he used it 18 times in a row and didn't find any way to leave, "No! This world has been cut off from the outside world!"

Tian Yu's face was pale, "Originally, this world had at least four channels leading to other worlds, all of which were closed by this lunatic woman! She is crazy, she is simply crazy, are we going to die here today!? Brother Ding Hao, come up with an idea. !"

Ding Hao shook his head and said, "I have no idea now! You are Tudor's son, Tudor will always give you some means! When you are dying, why don't you notify your father to save you?! Three Only when one of the masters takes action can he restrain the corpse of this ancient **** and devil! Otherwise, both of us will undoubtedly die!"

Ding Hao also tried his Heart Sutra Muyu, but the thing had been completely broken, and now he took it out and knocked it out, and it suddenly broke into countless pieces, it was impossible to save his life!

Tian Yu also kept pinching his fingers, portraying an ancient ancient rune in the void, which seems to be summoning his father Tudor...

Um... take a break tomorrow, and everyone can go and read the book of the new agent student or friend to see through the citizens.

(End of this chapter)

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