Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3888: Rumors come true

Chapter 3888 rumors come true


Ding Hao didn't know that the water and wine he gave away would cause some trouble.

However, fortunately, Ding Hao and the others used a pseudonym to play this game, and the world of play is quite special. The ability of Tianjia and Kunpeng Trading Company to find Ding Hao's news here is probably not that simple!

Just when Mei Kunpeng hurried to the world of fun, the game had already been won.

On the chessboard, there was a final battle between the two remaining superpowers. In this battle, the elites of both sides were exhausted. Both sides made 300 moves that could not be defeated, and they were on the chessboard. , 300 years have passed!

In 300 years, the deposits of the Tianhuan Dynasty and the Modu Khanate have all been revealed in this dynasty, and a total of 600 practitioners are in place!

At this point, everyone knows that it is the last battle, so no one continues to hide clumsy, and no one passively sabotages work. Everyone has taken out all their strength and fight to the death!

Even the emperor Ye Kong of the Modu Khanate and the emperor of the Tianhuan dynasty personally took the battle and killed a happy one!

In the final outcome, the Emperor Ye Kong of the Modu Khanate directly used powerful techniques to kill the Emperor of the Tianhuan Dynasty on the spot!

Although this kind of chess game tests the control of the general trend of the world, it has to be said that the key chess pieces play a key role. Ye Kong and the emperor practitioners of the opposing dynasty, it depends on who is stronger!

A strong man is tyrannical outside the chessboard, and after entering the chessboard, his combat effectiveness is even stronger!

Although the emperor of Tianhuan Dynasty was very strong, he was directly beheaded on the spot where he could beat Ye Kong!

After the beheading, the morale of the Tianhuan dynasty fell sharply, and subsequently, it was directly pressed and beaten by the Modu Khanate. As a result, the chess game was not completely over, and Fuxi shook his head and surrendered!

"Most of the 300 cultivators on my side have been beheaded! It will take at least ten or twenty years for these cultivators to grow up again on the chessboard! In such a long time, the Tianhuan Dynasty has been destroyed several times. This is the second time!" Fuxi immediately abandoned his son and surrendered after this battle!

In the Golden Tent Palace of the Modu Khanate, several princes of the old emperor of the Modu Khanate gathered in secret when Ye Kong was not in the imperial city.

These princes knew that Ye Kong was a strong person, so when Ye Kong was in the imperial city, they were all honestly eating, drinking and having fun, and none of them dared to show their ambitions!

When Ye Kong took his team to fight the Tianhuan Dynasty to the death, with the help of the civil servants, these princes quietly left their forbidden places and got together, together with some elders and children, they were planning a palace coup!

"Suddenly, Lukong’s Nasi is a person who has no ethics in the back of the clan and extinction! The first thing after he became the throne is to change his name and surname. We must seize the opportunity this time and step this kid under our feet! He will never turn over!" The prince gritted his teeth.

If it weren't for Ye Kong, the great prince was the emperor of the Modu Khanate, and his throne was stolen, how could he not be angry?

However, the second prince said worriedly, "Although this kid betrayed his ancestors, but his cultivation is amazing, he can smash thousands of horses with one palm, and those cultivators will listen to him! With us who have no cultivation. How can mortals and soldiers who have only practiced martial arts help him?"

The prince said grimly, "We are mortals, we really can’t do anything about him! But don’t forget, Tianhuan Dynasty also has a large number of practitioners, and the emperor of Tianhuan Dynasty is also a powerful practitioner! If we And over there..."

When he said this, the expressions of all the people present changed in shock. It was a kind of grace to know that Ye Kong was able to let them live in this world, and that was in the face of the old emperor! So even if these people initiate a court coup, Emperor Ye Kong will not do anything to them!

But if he could dare to collude with the enemy country, then the nature would be difficult to see. Ye Kong, as the emperor, would absolutely not tolerate this.

"The prince, if he colluded with the Tianhuan Dynasty, his majesty knew that he would not forgive this time..."

The prince has rebelled once, but Ye Kong has not dealt with him, but this time colluding with the Tianhuan dynasty, it can be said that it has violated the emperor's inverse scales, the matter is revealed, the prince must die!

Even so, the prince still gritted his teeth and said, "Even if I die, I have to fight this time! Do you think I am afraid of death? I am not afraid of death, and I endure humiliation every day! This time things succeed, you can come back; If you fail, you die!"

The prince said so, die! Then everyone here is willing to accompany him this time!

At the moment, the prince immediately ordered his most intimate confidant to rush out of the royal city in the shortest time and go to collude with the Tianhuan Dynasty!

But just as he rushed out of the palace, he was shot to death by the imperial forest army. Soon, several old ministers of the Modu Khanate took a group of black-clad imperial forest troops and walked into the palace.

These old ministers were all the humeral ministers of the old emperor of the Modu Khanate. They have retired these years and are too old.

Who knew they would come out at the same time today to stop the rebellion of the prince!

The prince saw these veterans, knowing that he had been exposed today, and he was desperate. He didn't want to ask for forgiveness, and he loudly accused, "You messy courtiers, you forgot how your father treated you back then? I am the prince, I He deserves to be the emperor. The guy named Ye Kong didn't regard his father as his father at all. Can't you tell?"

Several veterans glanced at each other and said with emotion, "The prince, since you know this, why do you want to rebel? It doesn't make sense, it makes no sense for you to do all this!"

"No! This is my throne, I must grab it back!" The prince gnashed his teeth and roared with blood in his eyes, like crazy, "Even if I know it's a dead end, I will try my best to grab it once! I just want to collude. Tianhuan Dynasty, only they can help me regain the position of God!"

No matter how crazy he was, several veterans stood there with their hands down, with pity in their eyes. When the prince had enough trouble, an veteran said, "Time may be almost up, let's take a few princes away. Right!"

Several princes thought that these veterans were going to put them to death, and their faces were scared. But they followed these veterans to a high tower built inside the Golden Tent Palace, only to realize that they were not going to be executed.

"Why did Ye Kong bring us here for the tower built by the guy who rebelled against the ancestors and annihilated the sect!" The princes all looked confused.

These veterans looked into the distance with their turbid gazes, and sighed, "Emperor Ye Kong ordered us that when the Tianhuan Dynasty was defeated, it was the end of this chess game! The establishment of this high tower allows us to look at the world. Perish at this moment!"

The princes were dumbfounded, sitting on the ground and muttering to themselves, "The rumor turned out to be true!"

(End of this chapter)

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