Peerless Immortal

Chapter 764: Catch it

Chapter 764

Chapter 762

At the critical moment, Chai Gaoyang took the pick and asked Ding Hao to make up his mind.

In this case, Ding Hao didn't have too many ideas, so he could only kill outside.

Six people smashed into the rain demon army, trying to kill a **** way.

In the Rain Demon Basin, all are Rain Demon, the number is astonishing, six people are fully fired, and a hole is forced.

"Kill me!" Everyone tried their best. If you can't kill this time, it's over.

Chai Gaoyang was also able to kill him, wiped away his tears, and cursed, "Have fun! Or kill it like this! I knew that, I didn't need to engage them in these conspiracies, I could just kill them!"

Seeing that he was about to reach the outskirts of the Rain Demon Basin, a long roar suddenly came from a distance.

The howl rose to the sky, and with this howl, all the rain monsters in the entire Rain Demon Basin issued a screaming scream to the sky. For the Yu Yao tribe, this is their gratitude for Lingyu, using this kind of whistle to express their respect for Lingyu.

Ding Hao and the others heard the howling, but their faces were gloomy.

Because they know that the worship service is over!

Every time the worship is over, there will be this kind of howling.

"Hurry up, kill it!" Ding Hao's eyes condensed, his hands opened, hundreds of magical shadows turned into countless black electric wires, wherever he went, the rain demon was cut into several segments.

Everyone beheaded frantically, and finally moved forward for a while.

But at this time, there was a sullen laughter from behind, "Holy Son Gao Yang, my Yu Yao clan treats you very well, but I didn't expect you to treat us like this!"

Hearing this voice, everyone's heart sank and their hearts were finished.

Yusong is the **** of the transformation stage, here is invincible.

Everyone looked back and found that not only Yusong, but several other gods were all here!

Ding Hao and his group, the most powerful is the early stage of the infant transformation, they can't deal with the gods.

Chai Gaoyang gritted his teeth and turned around and cursed, "Yu Song, you Yu Yao Clan are so shameless! I treat you as friends, and I said well, I will help you build a large formation, and you will open the gates and send me away! Now The formation is complete, and you have used various methods to trap me here! You are under house arrest, and you said I was treachery!"

Yu Song sneered, "Who are you despicable and shameless human beings who broke their faith first? You know in your heart! The core formation that you refined for us has left a very vicious back door. You want to control us at any time. Dazhen, you are really a good friend!"

Chai Gaoyang was said to have a flushed face, everyone is not a kind person, and there is no talk of treachery!

Yusong said again, "Let’s tell the truth, we Yuyao Clan has no plan to let you go! You know a lot of inheritance in your heart. You alone are more useful than thousands of human geniuses, so we will never I will let you go!"

Chai Gaoyang's expression changed drastically, and these Rain Monster Races had already regarded him as a treasure and would not let him go.

Yu Song continued, "Holy Son Gaoyang, you will stay in the Rain Monster Basin in the future. I promise you can live your life safely and safely! You can also practice here! But you want to leave the Rain Monster Basin. , But it’s absolutely impossible!” At this point, he seemed to have thought of something and continued, “Next, we are going to develop the female rain demon among the rain demon tribe. At that time, you can marry our female rain demon as Wife, multiply descendants, and live and die with our Yu Yao clan, and share fate!"

"Let me marry the female rain demon!" Chai Gaoyang almost fell on the ground in fright.

The rain monsters are so ugly, and the female rain monsters will be even more ugly in the future! It was so ugly, Chai Gaoyang thought that he would have offspring with a female rain demon in the future, and he almost vomited.

Ding Hao laughed loudly, "Laosan Chai, congratulations, I didn't expect to have a wife and a son this time."

"Fuck off!" Chai Gaoyang shouted and shouted, "Impossible! Yu Song, if you dream, I will definitely kill you!"

"Only you?" Yusong sneered, then turned around and shouted, "The moat is turned on in reverse, and no one can leave the Rain Monster Basin!"

It gave an order, and the light curtain in the sky suddenly brightened. The layers of light and shadow that looked like the roof began to move in the opposite direction, and the large moat array opened in the opposite direction, forming a defensive array inside, which was as solid as gold and could not escape at all.

The rain demon coldly snorted, "Leave the way and let them go. As long as you can get out of the big formation, I will never chase you!" After its moat formation, it hasn't encountered an enemy attack, so it happened to use Chai Gaoyang. Wait for someone to test the firmness of the big array.

The rain demon in front of him split a passage like a flood. Chai Gaoyang and Ding Hao rushed out, came to the big formation, and then frantically attacked the big formation! Ding Hao is also full of firepower, wanting to break this transparent light curtain!

Then you will be free.

However, not every time I was so lucky, no matter how Ding Hao and the others beat them, the big formation simply didn't move and was inseparable!

"Haha, hahaha!" Yu Song waited for the rain demon **** to come up and laughed loudly, "You stupid humans, do you think you will not be discovered if you leave some backdoors in the formation rune? I tell you , You made a wrong calculation. Our Demon King, not only found all such runes, but also guarded you by changing a part of the runes. So this moment, you will not listen to you at all."

Chai Gaoyang understood, "No wonder the runes I left have disappeared, and even the groups of alternative runes I left behind have all disappeared. It turned out to be discovered by you. Sure enough, my scheming is very deep. I, Chai Gaoyang, admit it!"

Yu Song laughed and said, "It's okay, as long as you don't resist, we will still be good friends in the future. We have more of the heavenly lotus you need! And we also need a lot of human inheritance, you just stay, as long as you Teach us all the inheritance of mankind, and we will not treat you badly."

Chai Gaoyang cursed, "You dream, you die!" In the roar, he directly shot the ancient treasure long sword in his hand and took Yusong's head directly.

"Just by this method?" Yusong sneered, slammed his hands upwards, and shouted violently, "God Space, let me go!"

The rain demon's **** realm space is generally the phantom rain realm.

Yusong's divine realm is not the phantom rain world, but the ocean where the rain of the landing spirit converges! This is an ocean of spiritual rain, which was thrown from the sky and finally gathered into a huge ocean. The waves in the ocean were very intense. Standing on the ocean, Ding Hao and others felt that they were alone.

"Hmph, I am the master of my space, you humble humans!"

Yu Song waved a big hand, the sea rolled, Ding Hao and others were all overturned by the waves. The sea water rolled up Ding Hao's black eggs and others, rushing them directly to a certain part of the city.

At the same time, another ocean wave rolled Chai Gaoyang's body and violently pulled it in another direction.

Chai Gaoyang panicked and shouted, "Ding Hao, save me!"


With a loud noise, Ding Hao and others were all thrown into one place by the ocean, and then there was another bang, and the big iron gate was shut to death.

As soon as Ding Hao finished watching, all five people were imprisoned in Lingyu.

In the cage, the spirit rain was flushing crazily. In these waterfalls of the spirit rain, the black egg felt that the spiritual power on his body was being madly cancelled out. After a while, he had become a mortal without strength.

The demon cultivator was still struggling in the first year of the junior high school. After all, he was a demon cultivator with rich spiritual power.

However, the rain wash was too strong, and slowly, the spiritual power on his body was also cancelled out and became an ordinary mortal, without the strength at all to escape this cage.

"It's over, I'm here again." With a wry smile on one eyelid, he had to sit down and let the waterfall-like rain wash on his body.

Jun Quan sighed, "I don't know what happened to Gao Yang Shengzi. Alas, although he is a stupid person, he is not a very bad person."

The black egg said, "Don't worry about him, here we are, I am afraid it will not end well."

After speaking, he looked at a spiritual rain cage next door.

When they came last time, several monks were also locked there. But now, the next room is empty. According to Chai Gaoyang, those people have been torn apart by the rain demon!

These few of them, if they can't escape, they will end up just like those few!

While everyone was talking about it, Ding Hao sat down cross-legged and said nothing.

With a single eyelid, he looked back at Ding Hao and said, "Daniu, why don't you speak, what do you think."

Ding Hao opened his eyes and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I have my own way."

This is the black egg said, "Daniu, we all know that you have a way to leave! You have always been out of sight, I believe you have a way to escape. You have never escaped because you want to be with us. But now, we can't get out, you should run away first."

Jun Quan said, "Before you leave, help me take a piece of jade card. I have recorded the situation and terrain here! In order for more people to understand the rain demon clan in the future, the content in this jade card should be very effective. ."

Demon Xiu also said, "Da Niu, you run away! From now on, you will only change in the three changes team. You must live well."

By now, everyone is desperate.

But Ding Hao still smiled faintly, "I already have a little idea, let me think about it again. Although it is easy for me to leave alone, I must take you with me. There are five people in the three change team. No less!"

Although Ding Hao said that he was very relieved, everyone felt that he was just comforting others.

Because now everyone is under the scouring of the rain, just like a mortal, how can they leave the cage? And even if you leave the cage, and now the formation of the city guard is reversed, the Rain Demon Basin is like a huge iron bucket, and everyone can't get out of the city at all!

Time passed in a hurry, a few days in the blink of an eye.

The guards outside the Lingyu cage also left, presumably because they thought that these mortals would not cause any storms, the guards of the Rain Demon Clan were gone.

At this moment, Ding Hao turned over and got up.

Seeing his vigorous skill, the black egg exclaimed, "Why do you still have spiritual power?"

There will be a chapter later.

(End of this chapter)

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