Peerless Immortal

Chapter 988: Mengao Huading

Chapter 988 Meng Ao Hua Ding

Chapter 986 Meng Ao Hua Ding

"Flaming Crane King!"

When Ding Hao heard this, he moved to conquer the beast. Meng Ao could step on the paper flamingo. If Ding Hao stepped on a living flamingo, he would still be the king of the flamingo. From a certain aspect, it would be a direct blow. Meng proud momentum!

In fact, this night, Mengao was already nervous.

"Ding Hao is really strong, Master, you must help me, if he breaks through and enters the stage of transformation, and then has a few treasures in his hand, then it is really difficult for me to defeat him."

Meng Ao still knelt in front of Master Liu Zhenren.

Zhenren Liu thought for a while, and finally nodded, "That ancient blessed immortal text is really very valuable! Even after three days of development, after so many years of development, I haven't found much, and it fell into me. There are only two of the Five Elements Demon Sect...whatever, I will give you Xianwen to help you defeat Ding Hao and become the star of the magic way!"

Meng Ao knelt here and begged bitterly, just for that ancient fairy writing!

Jiuzhongtian was originally a part of the fairy world, and it was connected with the powerhouse of the fairy world. So there are some powerful people in the fairy world who do not respect the law and get down some things that should be in the fairy world. Xianwen is one of them!

Of course, there is still a big gap between the power of Xianwen and Xianren.

It's not that if you have Xianwen, you will have the power of an immortal. If you say that, a single Xianwen can sweep the entire world.

Xianwen is actually a stronger power, or the power of the lower realm that is close to the immortal, while this fairy-wen of Zhenren Liu is an auxiliary fairy text that can greatly enhance the power of the weapon.

After Liu Zhenren got this immortal text, he studied for many years.

However, with his ability, it is impossible to study anything famous.

Meng Ao now begged for this immortal text, Liu Zhenren thought about it, and agreed.

He raised his hand and took out an exquisite box.

The power of Xianwen is very powerful and can attract divine will, so it is packed with five-layer boxes. These five-layer boxes are all specially made, which is a bit equivalent to the meaning of self-made space. The immortal seal is in it, take it out when you need it, and use it as soon as possible.

Meng Ao was instantly ecstatic when he saw the huge box.

But after Chenren Liu took out the box, he said again, "Although I took out this immortal text, you must do one thing first! That is Huading. I want to see what's on your world's top. The prototype of such a rule!"

The most important thing about Huading is what kind of rudimentary rule appears, or what kind of domain space appears.

To make an analogy, when Lord Wolf Zun Ding Zun, the Dinghua Heaven and Earth released were the same color as the sea and sky; after Chai Gaoyang transformed the Ding, the Dinghua Heaven and Earth obtained was the Dragon and Snake World. Of course, after someone turned the tripod, there was no Dinghua world!

Or perhaps his Dinghua world is an empty world!

This kind is relatively inferior.

The root cause is that you have not found your avenue, or even the prototype of the avenue!

Therefore, before Liu Zhenren gave the immortal text to Meng Ao, he also had to see what kind of Dinghua world Meng Ao opened up, and what kind of avenue prototype.

If the prototype of Meng'ao's avenue is bad, even Dinghua Tiandi is just a whiteboard!

Then Mengao would have no investment value, and Liu Zhenren would immediately take back the Xianwen.

"Master, don't worry, I have already felt the induction of Huading. I will go back to Huading tonight!"

Zhenren Liu nodded and said, "Well, I will put this immortal text as a teacher here, and wait for you to get it tomorrow!"

He is also a kind of encouragement, so he put the fairy text in front of him, and if you are proud and capable, come and take it away!

Meng Ao was full of confidence and kowtowed again, "Master, if you can't open a good Dinghua World, I won't enter this door again!"

Seeing the disciple so confident, Liu Zhenren smiled and said, "I am waiting for you as a teacher!"

"Okay." Meng Ao knocked his head again and turned to leave.


On this night of hard sprinting, many people are also rushing to the mountain of emotions and desires.

"The front is the teleportation array." On the trail, a slender woman covered by black gauze came over. The strange thing was that behind her was an ugly strange toad.

The toad is very tall, with blood red eyes and fangs in its mouth.

What is curious is that this toad can even speak human words.

"I heard that the Ding Hao brothers have entered the finals, I have to think about it, but I still have to go back and see." The huge toad is Peng Guan who was affected by the black blood pill.

Originally, Peng Guan and Black Wind Witch went back to the Nine Islands area, but they were very calm, but when the news came that Ding Hao had entered the decisive battle, Peng Guan could not sit still. Everyone is a good friend, and the relationship is so good, Peng Guan feels that he should appear in front of Ding Hao at this time!

Black Wind Witch was a bit hesitant, "Brother Peng, it's just the way you are now, I'm afraid of those people..."

People say it is terrible, and Peng Guan suddenly becomes an ugly toad. Everyone has to point his back. This kind of day is really uncomfortable.

After these days, Peng Guan came out of his emotions. He laughed and said, "What are you afraid of? Let them say! Ugly, as long as it's not ugly in your eyes."

"Of course." Black Wind Witch leaned her head on Peng Guan's huge head and whispered softly, "Big Brother Peng, you will always be the same in my heart."

In the distance, a few monks walked by, and when they saw this, they all laughed in a low voice, "Look, the female nun and the toad are a pair."

"That female nun is very good, she is really blind, who is not good, she must have a toad."

"Speak down, that female sister has a very high level of cultivation."

The Black Wind Witch heard these people very clearly, and her face changed suddenly, "Big Brother Peng, wait a minute, I'll go kill all these nonsense guys."

Peng Guan smiled and said, "No, I think this is good. I was born in the sect, and I don’t know much about mundane things. It just happened to let me experience the warmth of the world. You can kill these people who are not strong enough Little monk, but what if these are some monks with higher strength than us? So I think this kind of experience is also good for me, pointing and pointing all the time, strengthening my heart! Sister Black Wind, do you feel it? , I rarely go crazy recently?"

"That's true." The Black Wind Witch nodded, the murderous intent in her eyes faded, "Then let these people go."

After Peng Guan became a toad, he would go mad every time he went.

So if he wants to live a good life in the future, the first thing he needs to do is to defeat himself and control his heart and body. Living the life that Qianfu refers to is to hone Peng Guan's will so that he can slowly control his behavior in the future.

Although the cultivation bases of those monks were not high, they were far away. Probably they felt that they had a chance to escape, so they couldn't help whispering to each other.

One of the sisters laughed in a low voice, "Look, that toad is still watching us, haha, it's so ugly!"

Another male monk, "I don't know what to do when they double cultivation..."

While he was talking, he saw Peng Guan's eyes become blood-red...

"Big Brother!" The Black Wind Witch was shocked. Every time Peng Guan did this, it meant that he was going crazy.

"Brother Peng, restraint..."

However, Peng Guan's demon nature was still very strong, and he couldn't restrain himself when he went mad. With a leap, he formed an arc in the air and flew past like a parabola. After landing, it was another leapfrog, directly in front of the cultivators.

Those cultivators just talked a lot, but they didn’t expect that the family would kill them, and they fled in fright, "Senior, no, senior, let’s just talk..."

The frantic Peng Guanlian couldn't restrain himself. With a long tongue in his hand, he wrapped the female nun with one bite, and then rolled it over. The big mouth full of sharp-edged teeth bit down, and with a click, the nun suddenly fragrant. Xiaoyu died, but fortunately Qi Yuanying escaped and plunged into the grass in panic.

Peng Guan is another leapfrog, running towards another male repairer...

After a while, Peng Guan's madness was over, and he returned to normal. Looking at the corpses in front of him, Peng Guan said in pain, "Sister Black Wind, every time I go mad, my mind is completely out of control! I really I'm so afraid that one day I will become a toad demon who doesn't recognize emotions! I'm really afraid that one day I will go crazy with you! I'm so scared, I regret it, I shouldn't take black blood pills! If I One day I am mad at you, or if I really degenerate into a toad demon with no wit, you must die to me!"

The black wind witch's eyes were wet again, she whispered, "Big Brother Peng, you won't, Senior Jiu Nu said that he has exercises you can practice."

Peng Guan said with great pain, "But the state of mind still has to be tempered by myself. It is a human or a beast. It is all on my own! I have no confidence, and I don't want to become a beast without wisdom!"

The Black Wind Witch hugged him and said, "Don't worry, you won't, when you see Brother Ding Hao, let him help you transform into a human form."


At the same time, a wide stream of light was passing through the dark sky.

This is a flying palace. In the center of the main hall of this huge flying palace, there is a huge big bed on which lies a young man who is wrapped in various herbs.

By the bed, there were many men and women wearing black clothes standing by the monks. On their chests, there were seven killing characters in a circle, all of them were disciples of the Seven Kill Demon Sect.

One of the leading disciples of the Seven Kills Demon Sect stood hesitatingly and said, "Young Sect Master, secretly take you out of the sect, we are afraid that the parents will know..."

"I'm going to kill you, I'm afraid of a fart!" The young man on the bed wrapped in herbs shouted, "Second brother is about to go to the final battle! In this case, I kill and kill, am I not suitable?"

Those disciples of the Seven Kills Demon Sect were being cursed by Zhang Sha, and the leading disciple said again, "But Sect Master, your health is not good yet."

"I'll kill your family, I'm in good health!" Although Zhang Shasha cursed, he groaned in pain.

In the last game, he was beaten so badly by Meng Ao, and within a few months he didn't even want to recover. Zhang Tian locked him in the Zongmen to heal his injuries, but he didn't expect that he heard that Ding Hao had entered the finals, and he had to come and watch it all.

"Don't worry about so much, rush to the Seven Emotions and Six Desires before the day tomorrow, otherwise you will be killed! Kill the whole family!" Zhang Shasha roared in the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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