Peerless Immortal

Chapter 992: Fifth day reward (300 monthly pass plus more)

Chapter 992, the fifth day reward (300 monthly ticket plus more)

Chapter 99, Fifth Day Award

"Although I got the fire beast **** in the Tianjiu arrangement, this is not the most important thing."

"The most important thing is the black cyclone in the sky!"

The black and huge cyclone whirled quietly, like a completely useless thing.

But in Ding Hao's heart, he knew very well that in his Dinghua world, that was the most powerful thing!

Ding Hao took out another jade ribbon.

Among the jade ribbons, there are recorded nine arrays of heaven, earth and people, and all 243 kinds of Dinghua heaven and earth.

"There is no such thing as a black cyclone."

This kind of black cyclone, in all the records of Dinghua Tiandi, there is none!

This is not surprising, originally sucking stars and fairy roots is very bizarre, no one has ever seen it. Before Ding Hao appeared, no one in this world had ever had the fairy root of sucking stars, so there had never been such a world of Dinghua.

However, Ding Hao knew very well that if this black cyclone was ranked on the list, it would definitely surpass the general Tianjiu ranking!

"What is the use of this black cyclone in Dinghua Heaven and Earth?"

At this moment, the Nine Domain Beasts covered by Dinghua Heaven and Earth finally launched their own attack.


Of the nine giant beasts, six were on the land, rushing towards Ding Hao. One is just in a piece of sea, like a giant octopus. Two more are ancient flying beasts!

They are all quite large and strong!

"Fire beast hell, kill!"

Ding Hao gave an order, and all the fire wolves and fire tigers in his flame world became excited and rushed towards the Nine Realms Beast.

boom! These fire wolves and fire tigers are not the opponents of the Nine Regions Beasts. The Nine Regions Beasts stretched out their huge palms and slapped them violently!

All crushed.

But this doesn't shake Ding Hao's will, "Give me a reunion!"

The figures of the Fire Wolf and the Tiger began to converge, and as they converged, they became a bigger flame behemoth.


The huge fire beast, which was not inferior to the Nine Regions Beast, rushed forward.

Boom boom boom!

This world seems to be the war of giants, the huge Nine Domains beasts and the fire beasts are tearing each other!

But obviously, Nine Domain Beasts are not so easy to defeat.

Their bodies are covered with dry and hard skin, even harder than most metals! The weapon in Ding Hao's hand, no matter what type it is, will be affected by the Nine Realms Beast. If you take out a gold weapon, the Golden Territory Beast will **** your weapon; if you take out a wood weapon, the Wood Territory Beast will also exert influence.

Even after Ding Hao released the jasper and gold thread, the Wood Territory Beast suddenly rushed forward.

Then to the surprise, Xiaobi's hands couldn't turn into vines.

"Dad, my hands are useless." Xiaobi began to cry.

Obviously, Nine Domain Beasts are related to the laws of this world, and they have a higher degree of control over the laws. The Wood Territory Beast controls the laws of the wood road, so Xiaobi can't release the demon vine.

"It's okay, I will think of a way again."

Ding Hao took Xiaobi into the Star Absorption Stone, and then looked at the battlefield. The huge fire beast he released had already been solved by the Nine Realms Beast!

"Damn it, these nine-domain beasts are really difficult to deal with. Even if I transform the cauldron, it will be quite difficult to defeat them."

At this moment, Ding Hao suddenly thought of Li Shaotian.

Old Mo Li once said that after Li Shaotian broke through and entered the Transformation Period on the fourth day, he walked out of the Five-Day Purgatory Tower.

Obviously, Li Shaotian also encountered the Nine Domain Beast.

However, because of Li Shaotian's ability, he couldn't use the Nine Regions Beast in any way, so he had to leave the Five-Day Purgatory Tower!

"It seems so, should I be like Li Shaotian?"

"Do I have to be forced to escape from the tower on the fourth day?"

Ding Hao felt that he had nothing to do with this nine-domain beast.

There was a voice in his heart saying to him, "Anyway, you have realized what you want to do? You have entered the stage of transformation, your goal has been achieved, you can leave."

The voice said it was right, but the 5th Purgatory Tower was used for the last time. If it runs out this time, the tower will be destroyed, and all the ancient beasts in it, including the Nine Domains beasts, will all self-destruct!

Ding Hao felt quite regretful, and he wanted to try again.

"Dear beasts, can you listen to me?"

"If I leave now, the five-day purgatory tower will be over! You will all be self-destructed at that time! I am not fighting you now, but saving you!"

"If you still have brains, just listen to me, enter my space and leave the Five-Day Purgatory Tower. I will make arrangements for you in the future and will not treat you badly."

Although Ding Hao was talking about emotions, the Nine Domain Beasts were powerful, but they lacked wisdom.


They would only let out a crazy roar and rush towards Ding Hao.

"Your uncle, I don't know anyhow!"

Ding Hao turned the tripod, but still couldn't defeat the Jiuyu Beast, the only way now was to give up. Leaving the Five Days Purgatory Tower, just like Li Shaotian before, be a deserter.

Ding Hao felt a little helpless. The Nine Regions Beast was too fierce. If he continued to persevere, not only would he not be able to defeat the Nine Regions Beast, but he could be seriously injured! Today is a decisive battle with Mengao, he can't let himself be seriously injured!

He had no choice but to go to the point where he left.

"Forget it, I'll give up too, that's all."

Ding Hao walked towards the door point of the tower.


The nine ancient beasts seemed to be under the control of the Five-Day Purgatory Tower. When Ding Hao was about to give up, the nine behemoths did not chase Ding Hao. They just roared in their mouths, as if mocking, "You deserter! Come and see, it's another one. Shameful deserter!"

Ho Ho Ho! The nine ancient beasts roared in excitement.

"You idiots!" Ding Hao was one step away from the door, stopped, and then suddenly turned around. Here, he once again released his world leader!

"Dinghua Tiandi, Fire Beast Hell! Dinghua Tiandi, Dark Vortex!"

In an instant, the world was occupied by flames again.

But this time, Ding Hao didn’t use the flames to transform into a giant beast to attack. Instead, he looked at the black cyclone in the sky and said coldly, “You are my second Dinghua world, but I still I don’t know what use you are! Are you going to look at you coldly? I know you are powerful, let me see your power!"

In fact, sucking stars is very awesome, Ding Hao sometimes orders it, it just ignores it.

Similarly, his second Dinghua Heaven and Earth Dark Vortex is also of the same style. No matter what Ding Hao is, it will be spinning quietly in the sky, watching quietly, you can never command it.

But this time was different, just after Ding Hao issued the order.

I saw a sudden golden light in the center of the quietly rotating dark cyclone...

The center of the cyclone actually seemed to be opened, and a little golden light was shot from it, and the golden light fell straight on the body of the Golden Territory Beast. The beam of light formed by the golden light was neither thick nor thin, just covering the entire body of the golden domain beast.

It may be that the Golden Territory Beast felt the crisis, it suddenly roared, trying to escape the golden light.

But what makes it unimaginable is that this golden light is like a cage, it can't escape at all. Then, the golden light began to shrink, and the shrinking golden light carried the Golden Territory Beast, rising higher and higher, higher and higher...

Ho Ho Ho!

The face of the Golden Territory Beast showed horror and twisted wildly, but it couldn't break the golden light at all. After a while, Jin Guang entered the center of the black cyclone, and the figure of the Golden Territory Beast disappeared.

"So..." Ding Hao was stunned. He had thought about the effect of this black cyclone, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful. Just release a golden light, and accept whoever you want!

"Where did the Golden Territory Beast get it?" Ding Hao was in a daze, and Xiao Bi's loud cry came in his ears, "Dad, the monster has run into the star-absorbing stone! Get it out!"

"What?" Ding Hao was even more surprised. He looked into the star-absorbing stone with his mind, and suddenly saw the Golden Territory Beast standing in the star-absorbing stone.

After entering the star-absorbing stone, it was quite restless.

Ding Hao saw this scene, and he was immediately ecstatic, "Great! It turns out that the role of the Dark Vortex is to collect anything into my suction stone! Hahaha, Nine Domains, you enter my suction stone, that is It's absolutely over! The star-absorbing stone is a space that I absolutely control. You can do it whatever I want!"

After speaking, Ding Hao shouted again, "Dark Vortex, all the beasts of the Nine Domains are collected into the Star Absorbing Stone!"

It may be because the ancient beast of Jiuyuyu is interested even in the Star-absorbing fairy root, so it is very obedient this time, and once again releases the golden beam of light, and again and again collects the Golden Territory Beast into the Star-absorbing Stone. in.

When these nine giant beasts entered the star-absorbing stone, the space of the star-absorbing stone suddenly became chaotic.

Boom boom boom!

The loud noise continued, and the nine giant beasts slammed in all directions.

Ding Hao didn't want to control these guys' nonsense.

"Xiaobi, you go and stay with the old crow fat insects." Ding Hao also put Xiaobi into the storage ring-shaped small world, and there was nothing in the star-absorbing stone anyway, so he let the Nine Domains beast toss.

If Li Shaotian was definitely going to faint, all the nine-domain beasts that he could do nothing at all were taken away by Ding Hao!

When the Nine Territory Beast was put away, the fourth day in the Five-Day Purgatory Tower ended.

Next is the fifth day!

Ding Hao originally thought that more ferocious beasts would appear on the fifth day, and even he was already ready, no matter how ferocious the ancient beasts, they would use the dark star swirl to collect them into the star-absorbing stone.

But obviously, the fifth day is not such a challenge.


The door point of leaving the Five-Day Purgatory Tower disappeared instantly, and then from the golden light directly shot from the sky, a golden page slowly fell down.

At the same time, a voice reminded of the sky, "Young man, your last challenge is also a reward for you! This classic book, I allow you to watch the practice for a whole day! After one day, no matter how much you learn, you will Was sent out of the Five-Day Purgatory Tower."

"What classic is this?" Ding Hao was overjoyed. I am afraid that few people can pass the test of Nine Domains Beasts. Few people have read this classic. It should be an extremely precious ancient technique!

Next update, 12 o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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