Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 206 Dreams and the Great Tribulation of the Heart Demon

Seeing that the spirit insects were all eating and drinking, and they were all jumping for joy, the atmosphere was almost like the Chinese New Year, and Ye Lin's consciousness also exited the ancient ring space.

Although he still had many things to deal with next, he was weak and tired after having just drained half of his blood, and he really couldn't hold on any longer.

Ye Lin mustered up the energy to take out a bright red top-quality blood-replenishing pill from the Qiankun bag, swallowed it with a bang, and then fell headlong into the soft quilt.

Soon, the sound of even breathing came out, and Ye Lin had already fallen asleep.

In his dream, Ye Lin dreamed of the inner demon catastrophe he experienced today at the most critical moment of foundation building.

That was when Ye Lin was a child.

When both parents, grandparents, and grandparents are still alive.

However, it is very different from Ye Lin's real experience.

In the fantasy world of inner demons, the master's Lin Mansion is very friendly to its servants. Although my grandparents are old, they have enough to eat and drink every day. Although my father and mother are still low-status slaves, they are highly valued by the Lin Mansion and have not suffered humiliation. , and can bring back delicious meat every day.

Even when Ye Lin was a child, he did not wait on the young masters to do dirty work, nor was he beaten or scolded by the stewards. Instead, he became the companion of the direct son of the Lin family, studying and reciting the Four Books and the Five Classics together in the school.

It is worth mentioning that in his dream, he also dreamed of Lin Xiaoyu, a daughter of the Lin family who was also studying in the school. Because Ye Lin was very smart, he seemed to have caught the attention of this beautiful girl and admired him quite a lot. Several times When I met him, her pretty face turned red and she looked shy.

At first, Ye Lin only observed all this from the perspective of a bystander. He couldn't bear to break the illusion directly and wanted to feel more of his parents' love.

The life of Ye Lin's family in the Lin Mansion was full of laughter and laughter. He lived happily every day. Gradually, Ye Lin was completely immersed in the fantasy world, and he was also full of hope for the future.

He believed that although he was just a schoolboy with a slave status, he would be able to rely on his literary talent to pass the first prize, receive a reward from His Majesty the Emperor, return in glory, honor his parents for the rest of his life, and marry the beautiful daughter Lin Xiaoyu.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Until a Taixuanmen flying boat landed, saying that it was going to test the spiritual roots of the Lin family's disciples, Ye Lin felt a palpitation in his heart.

He saw the Supreme Immortal of Taixuan Sect looking down at the common people and being able to transcend emptiness, and an unquenchable desire once again appeared in his heart.

That is Ye Lin's obsession hidden in the deepest part of his soul!

Grandfather, grandmother, parents, including Lin Xiaoyu all appeared at the same time, affectionately trying to persuade him to stay.

"Lin'er, please stay and accompany us, okay? The matter of cultivating immortals is illusory. Those children went to the immortal gate and never came back. Mother doesn't want to be unable to find you again."

"Lin'er, is it possible that you don't want to support your grandparents until they die? Is it possible that you want to be an unworthy descendant?" his father said with a serious face.

"Ye Lin, don't you want to get the first prize and come back to marry me? Then I will definitely marry someone else! Do you know that there is a difference between immortals and mortals, and immortals cannot come into contact with the world!" Lin Xiaoyu cried so hard.


Ye Lin suddenly showed a happy smile.

He knelt on the ground and gave it to his parents. His grandparents kowtowed heavily three times, with blood dripping from his forehead.

"Thank you. Although everything is fake, thank you still."

Then he turned to Lin Xiaoyu.

"I'm sorry, Miss Lin. It's too difficult for me to get the top prize. I think it's easier to become an immortal. In addition, if I have the chance, I will help you get revenge."

After saying that, Ye Lin walked towards the immortal responsible for testing the spiritual roots without looking back... No matter how the people behind him cried or scolded Ye Lin for not knowing filial piety, Ye Lin still kept a happy smile on his face.

Then he passed the spiritual root test and flew on the Taixuan Sect's flying boat.


All the illusions in front of him were shattered, but the last bit of mana cloud in his Dantian was also transformed and condensed into liquid mana!

Ye Lin finally got out of the inner demon world.

Although it was in a dream, Ye Lin's tears were still rolling down like a bursting dam.

He is reluctant to give up.

If it were not for Xiaobai, Xiaoqiang, Master, Senior Sister and other people close to him, Ye Lin would choose to stay in the illusion without hesitation and live a happy life.

What about cultivating immortality? What about eternal life? So what if the mana reaches heaven?

Isn’t this all about living a happier life?

If you can get it directly, why do you want to become an immortal?

Ye Lin can't let go of his parents, let alone the people who are close to him now.

For Ye Lin, cherishing the people in front of you is even more important!

If he sinks into it, at least he will become a living dead and will never be able to wake up again, or at worst, the magic power in his body will no longer be under control, and his body will explode and die, and his soul will be annihilated!

Although Ye Lin has the Holy Body, it is very easy to condense his magic power, but even the Holy Body cannot get rid of the demons in his heart. He can only rely on himself. For Ye Lin, the past fate is an obsession that he can't let go of.

The next morning, Ye Lin woke up and felt that his pillow was wet.

He let out a long sigh.

"The bottom line is, if you haven't completely resolved your mortal bond, you are just a little closer to falling into the catastrophe of inner demons today. The inner demons when you advance to a higher level are really terrifying."

"When I have free time, I will go back to the Lin Mansion to avenge my parents and pay homage to my loved ones. In this way, I can almost put my thoughts on my loved ones to rest."

"As for Lin Xiaoyu, I can't say I like her, nor do I hate her. It's just a beautiful childhood fantasy created by the inner demon. After all, as the most humble slave, in the deepest part of my heart, I naturally want to touch the most beautiful and precious girl in the Lin Mansion."

"Although I said in the inner demon illusion that I would help her avenge, the Blood Shadow Sect is also one of the major demon sects. With my current strength, it is really difficult to provoke, and I don't know who to seek revenge. I can only wait until I am stronger in the future and completely wipe out the Blood Shadow Sect."

As for why Ye Lin wanted to help Lin Xiaoyu avenge.

It may be that the rabbit dies and the fox mourns, or it may be that he almost died in the hands of the demon sect in the ambush that day and hated the demon sect very much, or it may be because Lin Xiaoyu was the first person who showed a little kindness to him after he walked out of the Lin Mansion.

"Now I have become a foundation-building cultivator, and I am also qualified to go back!"

The Taixuan Sect's rules prohibit disciples from contacting Chenyuan, and there are two fundamental reasons.

First, the cultivators will interfere with the operation of the rules of the mortal world, which is not conducive to peace and stability in the mortal world. The interests of the mortal world are complicated. If every cultivator fights for the interests of his own family, the mortal world will be in chaos.

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