Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 214 Beautiful Morning

The next morning, the first ray of sunlight shone through the window into Ye Lin's practice room. The two seemed to have some sense of each other. They finished their exercises at the same time, then opened their eyes and looked at each other.

A hint of surprise flashed across Fairy Qingyao's eyebrows.

"I heard that even if you practice this technique, even if you have a very good relationship and tacit understanding with your Taoist partners, you need to work together for at least a month before you can operate stably and synchronously. We... We have reached this level in just one night. This is incredible. Your perception ability is beyond your imagination."

Ye Lin just smiled slightly.

"It's just that I happened to enter that mysterious state. However, this state only needs to be entered once, and you can always remember it in your heart. It won't be too difficult to enter it again in the future."

In fact, he didn't know how he entered that mysterious state. This may have a lot to do with his possession of a holy body.

After all, the body of the Insect King is a professional insect controller, and controlling insects naturally requires establishing a soul connection with spirit insects. Ye Lin can clearly sense the soul state of his spirit insects...

Last night, Ye Lin subconsciously regarded his senior sister as a spirit insect that was extremely close to him...

If this was told to his senior sister, Ye Lin's butt would probably swell up a foot today.

Fairy Qingyao checked her cultivation and found that she had gained a lot from last night's practice, which was even more than her usual practice. She was in a good mood and subconsciously reached out her jade hand to touch Ye Lin's head.

"Junior brother is really amazing. I will also ask you to help my senior sister with her cultivation in the future..."

But she found that Ye Lin's eyes were getting hotter and hotter, and some blood was gushing out of his nostrils. Fairy Qingyao was slightly stunned, and then her pretty face flushed directly, and she quickly withdrew her hand to block some areas.

"Asshole, still looking, are you asking for a beating..."

It turned out that she came wearing a veil last night, and now the veil was illuminated by the sunlight... That kind of hazy beauty was something Ye Lin had never seen before, and he couldn't stand it after seeing it.

If Fairy Qingyao had helped Ye Lin practice in the past, she would have thrown away her sense of shame, and she used to do it at night. Now it was broad daylight, and it was the first time that Ye Lin looked at her like this...

She was naturally a little flustered, and her heart couldn't help but pound.

Ye Lin chuckled and covered his nostrils and looked away.

"Senior sister is so beautiful..."

Fairy Qingyao blushed and said, "Well... It's not that I don't allow you to appreciate it, but... I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable... That's all, anyway, she is your senior sister..."


Ye Lin's nosebleed was really gushing out...


But the good times are always short-lived. After just more than ten breaths, Senior Sister smiled charmingly and disappeared into a ray of light...

Ye Lin coughed twice.

"I hope that every day in the future I will have such a beautiful and exciting morning. I will accept a little more nosebleed..."

As he said this, he quickly took out some silk scarves to cover the nosebleed. These blood-stained silk scarves can be soaked in clean water, and then the water can be distributed to the spirit insects. Ye Lin now has many spirit insects, and he can't waste any blood.

When the nosebleed stopped, Ye Lin closed his eyes and looked inward at Dantian, and found that the results of his practice last night were remarkable, and the liquid mana actually increased a little.

You must know that he is now a foundation-building cultivator. Generally, a foundation-building cultivator may not be able to practice from the initial foundation to the middle foundation after two or twenty years of practice. It is extremely slow, and the results of his practice every day are pitiful. But in just one night, his cultivation has increased visibly.

It can be seen that the "Yin Yang Harmony Technique" prepared by Fairy Qingyao for Ye Lin is well-deserved. No wonder both the righteous and the evil Taoist partners choose this method to practice.

"I heard from my senior sister that if I practiced like that, the effect would be better. Unfortunately, my current body can't bear it. I'll be blown to pieces... It seems that I need to improve my physical strength. Even if I can't practice like that in advance, I can receive more spiritual energy, so that I can benefit more when practicing with my senior sister."

"I also need to improve my practice schedule as soon as possible for the fifth level of "Five Elements Vajra Gong" and the second turn of "Nine Turns Demon God Body". If I can practice "Nine Turns Demon God Body" to the third turn, I'm afraid I can increase my practice speed to the level of the early stage of Dan formation. By then, it can be said that I'm really making great progress."

"But the most urgent task is to successfully comprehend the three insect repellent secrets, which can greatly improve my combat Ability. "

Ye Lin was in a very good mood. After making a simple practice plan, he got up and washed up. Not long after, his senior sister informed him and his master, Elder Sun, to go to the lake pavilion for breakfast...

During breakfast, Elder Sun did not ask Ye Lin about his practice of the insect repellent spell, but as usual, he told Ye Lin and Fairy Qingyao about some of the hardships in the practice world, and once again asked Ye Lin and Fairy Qingyao to work together and help each other in the future. No difficulties can stop them. If they want to pursue the road of immortality together...

Ye Lin always felt that his master seemed to be omniscient and seemed to have seen something, but the master did not say it clearly, and Ye Lin had no evidence for this.

This made Ye Lin very guilty...

And Fairy Qingyao was even more guilty. She agreed with a blush on her pretty face, saying that she would take good care of and protect her junior brother in the future, and help him practice diligently and conscientiously, so that his junior brother could achieve success in practice as soon as possible, inherit the master's unique skills, and let the master live long, as a filial piety.

Elder Sun was very satisfied after hearing this. He rode on his wine gourd, laughed and disappeared without a trace.

After this departure, Ye Lin and Fairy Qingyao looked at each other with a guilty conscience.

However, the two still did not make the matter clear.

Ye Lin returned to his small courtyard as if nothing had happened to deal with today's affairs, and Fairy Qingyao's pretty face was slightly red, and she began to deal with the affairs related to the Spirit Beast Peak.

Ye Lin returned to the bedroom, washed the silk scarf stained with his nosebleed, and then fed the diluted blood to some combat-type spirit insects who were silently learning spells and enhancing their combat power.

Most of these spirit insects were thousand-silk spiders, mixed with more than a dozen flaming scorpions and snow silkworms, including Ye Lin's first flaming scorpion Xiaohong. Xiaohong was not the main host of alchemy, so after Ye Lin left, it went to the practice field to continue its hard work.

These combat-type spirit insects have more or less undergone some combat-type mutations in their bodies.

For example, most of the mutations of the Fiery Scorpion are that the demon fire it spews has been enhanced to varying degrees. Take Xiaohong for example. Although its current cultivation level is only the ninth level of Qi training, the demon fire it spews is not only of extremely high temperature, but also will burn fiercely once it touches an object. Even sand and stone will burn to ashes, and even magic water cannot put it out.

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