Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 258 Xiaobai takes action, a thunderous strike

When Ye Lin saw this scene, he was also a little surprised by the power of Kang Wenxuan's magic power. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The Tianjiao monk in the late stage of foundation building is well-deserved.

While Ye Lin was surprised, Kang Wenxuan was even more horrified.

This mere mutated cockroach is actually proficient in all kinds of swordsmanship and swordsmanship. It can also perform swordsmanship with one hand and swordsmanship with the other, while using its mind to control three bloody scimitars. It can multi-task and move smoothly. Its magic power is also extremely powerful. It seems endless.

Even though he was slightly behind in a head-on battle with him at the early stage of Foundation Establishment, if this cockroach's cultivation had reached the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, wouldn't it be possible that he was the one who was slightly behind?

"This annoying cockroach must be dealt with in advance. If I keep fighting with it in close combat, I will have no chance to use spells to attack Ye Lin, and Ye Lin, the snake, and the butt bug can all take advantage of me. When the cockroaches are entangled, they cast spells to attack me. If I give them a chance to attack together, it will be difficult for me to resist them all!"

Thinking of this, Kang Wenxuan's eyes turned cold and he gave a soft drink.

"A very powerful insect, Mountain Spear Technique!"

As soon as Kang Wenxuan finished speaking, he saw mana surge all over his body, and his body was covered with a layer of pale golden light. At the same time, the size of the spear in his hand increased dramatically.

Two feet, three feet, five feet!

This spear unexpectedly expanded to five feet long in one breath, as huge as a tree trunk. It seemed that as the size increased, the spear body became extremely heavy. Every step Kang Wenxuan took on the ground left a footprint, but Kang Wenxuan lifted it as lightly as he did. The frequency of the spear dancing has not decreased at all.

The sharp spear light pierced the air towards Xiaoqiang and enveloped it like raindrops.

Xiaoqiang also naturally knew that the power of this mountain-opening spear was extremely powerful, and he could not resist it. He shrunk his body and quickly fled towards the distance, while the shadow of the spear followed him like a shadow, chasing him.

At this moment, Ye Lin finally finished reciting the incantation and gave a soft drink.

"Three-Yuan Dividing Spell!"

Three mana tentacles instantly spread out from Ye Lin's dantian and connected with Xiaobai, Xiaoqiang, and Xiaolan. For a time, the aura of the three spiritual insects increased sharply, and their mana became more powerful.

Xiaoqiang laughed loudly after connecting with the magic power in Ye Lin's dantian.

"What a pioneering marksmanship. You should also try the Geng-Gold Sword Qi and Geng-Gold Sword Qi that I have practiced in Xiaoqiang!" Xiaoqiang quickly retreated as much as possible to avoid the spear attack. At the same time, the magic blade and magic sword in the pliers glowed golden, becoming Extremely dazzling.


The magic blade and the magic sword slashed out at the same time, and the two crescent-shaped sword energy and sword energy flashed away, breaking through the intensive gun shadow attack of the Mountain Shooting in an instant. The terrifying power made Kang Wenxuan retreat continuously. His expression suddenly changed, and two extremely deep cuts appeared on the tip of the huge spear!

All high-grade spiritual weapons were seriously damaged by the attack of this knife energy and sword energy!

Kang Wenxuan looked in disbelief.

"Sword energy, sword energy! How is this possible!"

Not only him, but all the monks around him exclaimed, and many alchemy monks at the VIP table also stood up in shock.

"This is the ability of the Sword Immortal and the Sword Immortal!"

"The talent of a mere cockroach has reached such an exaggerated level. Most of the sword cultivators and sword cultivators of the three sects would blush with shame. It is even worse than a cockroach!"

"If this cockroach's magic power were stronger and he had mid- to late-stage foundation building, this move could even cut this high-grade spiritual weapon spear into several pieces!"

However, after Xiaoqiang used this move, his aura became extremely weak, as if the mana in his body had been almost exhausted.

Although its mana is connected to Ye Lin's mana, Ye Lin only bears part of its mana consumption, and the main consumption is still its own mana.

Moreover, releasing one sword qi and one sword qi at once is completely different from releasing sword qi or sword qi separately twice. The mana loss of one-time release is much higher than the mana loss of two separate releases.

This is already Xiaoqiang's strongest blow.

Seeing that his current trick still failed to defeat Kang Wenxuan, Xiaoqiang could only sigh softly. Taking advantage of Kang Wenxuan's shock, he shrank to the size of a fingernail and flew back into Ye Lin's sleeves.

"I'm sorry, Master, Xiaoqiang seems to be unable to defeat this person with the power of an insect. The next step is to leave it to Sister Xiaobai."

Ye Lin said comfortingly: "It's okay. After all, you have suppressed your cultivation to fight him. If you use your mid-stage foundation-building cultivation, not to mention defeating this person, it will be more than enough to draw him to a tie."

Ye Lin has now reached the middle stage of foundation building. Spiritual insects, which have always been faster than other cultivation speeds, naturally entered the middle stage of foundation building early.

The reason why he still uses the strength competition in the early stage of foundation building is that firstly, Ye Lin thinks that playing in the early stage of foundation building is enough, and secondly, because Ye Lingou’s arrogant temperament cannot be exposed in front of tens of thousands of monks. All strengths and trump cards.

As long as you can win, you can naturally hide as much as you can.

In Ye Lin's original plan, if Xiaoqiang could defeat Kang Wenxuan with his "Three Yuan Dividing Spell", Xiaobai wouldn't even have to take action, but it was obvious that Ye Lin underestimated Kang Wenxuan's strength.

Now that Xiaoqiang failed to defeat his opponent, he had no choice but to let Xiaobai take action.

Xiaobai opened his mouth and said: "Although Xiaoqiang's mana has been exhausted, this person's mana has also been consumed a lot, so leave it to me!"

Xiaobai's figure flashed, and then appeared in front of Ye Lin. Then his body grew to ten feet long, and once again became the white-scaled demon python in everyone's impression!

Kang Wenxuan saw Xiaobai finally die, his face was extremely solemn, because he almost fell into Xiaoqiang's hands before, and he knew the horror of Ye Lin's spirit insect, so he didn't dare to rush forward with a gun, but pinched his fingers with one hand and muttered something.

He planned to use long-range spells to test how powerful this white-scaled demon python was.


Seeing black spears condensed in front of him, and then he pointed at Xiaobai, "Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh" all the spears instantly pierced through the air and turned into more than ten black rays of light burst out.

Xiaobai opened his snake mouth, and saw a sharp cold light flying out of his mouth, and in the blink of an eye, all the black spears were cut into several pieces, and at the same time, arcs jumped in his eyes, and when he opened his mouth again, five arcs of light as thick as arms burst out!

For a moment, the sharp sword light and arcs attacked Kang Wenxuan at the same time.

The speed of these two attacks was so fast that Kang Wenxuan, holding a huge spear, couldn't dodge even if he wanted to.

He could only bite the bullet and resist this attack!

Kang Wenxuan gritted his teeth and slapped the Qiankun bag. Three golden talismans flew out of the Qiankun bag and stuck to his Taoist robe. Three layers of golden shields condensed at the same time, and under the golden shield, an eggshell-shaped khaki mana shield condensed. At the same time, he waved the spear in his hand frantically, and the shadow of the spear actually formed a khaki strange python that coiled and wrapped it in it.

Under the heavy protection, Kang Wenxuan finally felt a little safe.

But this sense of security did not last long, and the cold light flashed and turned into a crescent-shaped thunder sword light, carrying a terrifying destructive aura, and came with five arcs of lightning!

At this moment, Kang Wenxuan felt frightened and his soul was trembling!

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