Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 284 Arrival at the Forbidden Dragon Hunting Area

Ye Lin smiled mysteriously when he heard this.

"This is the masterpiece of a friend of mine who is proficient in making spells. After returning from this secret realm, if you are interested, I can introduce it to you. You should be able to improve each other's attainments in making spells through mutual discussion."

Wang Changsheng was delighted when he heard this.

"That's great! If I can learn this method of writing the same ancient characters, the success rate of making spells will be greatly improved!"

Ye Lin was also looking forward to it. If Wang Changsheng knew that the object of his shock in his heart was a big centipede, I wonder what kind of expression he would show.

The three discussed the details of the secret realm cooperation again.

The three planned that in the secret realm, the three would not act together, but would go from the outermost area to the outer area to gather once, and then follow the exploration map provided by Sister Ye Lin, with Ye Lin as the center, the three of them would each maintain a five-mile gap and move towards the core area of ​​the secret realm, and finally stop when they are about to touch the core area of ​​the secret realm, and then return to explore the outermost area.

The distance of five miles is not far for their current strength. Once someone is in danger or encounters a treasure that requires cooperation to take away, the other two can quickly rescue.

In this way, the three can each search for treasures and seek their own opportunities, but they can also quickly support and cooperate with each other. Ye Lin and the other two are very satisfied with this plan.

After Ye Lin and others made a detailed plan, they couldn't help but look at other foundation-building cultivators.

Manager Zhang and the other two foundation-building great perfection cultivators seemed to be familiar with each other. The three of them also gathered together early to discuss the exploration plan.

Han Lingyue and the other five cultivators formed the largest alliance in Taixuan Sect. When Ye Lin looked over, Han Lingyue seemed to be looking at Song Lingtian with some resentment.

Song Lingtian then sent a message to Ye Lin.

"Just now, Junior Sister Han wanted to join our team, but I refused on the grounds that the telepathic talisman had been successfully cast and I couldn't add another person... Her strength is not bad, but she is not suitable for our team."

Ye Lin heard this and showed a look of realization, and then nodded.

Ye Lin also thought that it would be better for Han Lingyue to stay in this six-person team. After all, Ye Lin, Wang Changsheng, and Song Lingtian are basically close friends who can be absolutely trusted. If there is one more person who cannot be absolutely trusted, it will definitely make it difficult for them to display their talents.

For example, if one of the three reveals some secrets, the other two do not need to say much and know to keep their mouths shut, but if there is one more Han Lingyue, these secrets will not be easily exposed.

Wang Changsheng jokingly transmitted his voice: "From Fatty's point of view, this Senior Sister Han seems to be very interested in Brother Song. Her coming to our team is fake, and getting closer to Brother Song is the real thing!"

Song Lingtian rolled his eyes at Wang Changsheng unhappily.

"She has a head full of impure thoughts... She just thinks highly of our team's strength, so she came here to get some treasures?"

Wang Changsheng smiled and patted Song Lingtian's shoulder meaningfully: "I have seen countless girls, and I am most familiar with her resentful eyes. I am sure that Brother Song is in luck with love. Why not bring this girl into the team? It will be a small matter to get treasures, but it will be a big matter to create a lot of marriages!"

Song Lingtian snorted coldly and said nothing more to Wang Changsheng.

Ye Lin was quite happy in his heart.

"This Han Lingyue is not really interested in Song Lingtian, it seems possible!"

Recalling the competition two years ago, Han Lingyue was much more enthusiastic about Song Lingtian than him.

Ye Lin just gossiped in his heart, and didn't think much about it. After all, Song Lingtian is a super genius, and a handsome sword fairy. There are countless fairies in the sect who are interested in him. It is not surprising to have another Han Lingyue.

But Song Lingtian is a swordsman and a fool in love. Wang Changsheng said that many fairies with good looks and talents have confessed their feelings to him, but they were rejected by Song Lingtian without hesitation.

So far, Song Lingtian is in his twenties and has no experience in love.

So it is probably harder for Han Lingyue to knock on Song Lingtian's heart than to climb to the sky. It is far from enough to just be a passionate licker.

The flying boat quickly passed through the clouds, and the mountains and ridges retreated quickly.

Half a day later, the flying boat finally flew to a high mountain. At the top of this mountain is a large square, and many pavilions and towers have been built around the mountain.

Before the flying boat landed, Ye Lin felt the vast and terrifying power of the restriction.

He poured his mana into his eyes, and as expected, he saw that the mountain was full of layers of restrictions. These restrictions did not know what kind of formation was connected, and they were much more terrifying than the restrictions and mana fluctuations in the back mountain of Taixuanmen.

"It is indeed a forbidden land for dragon-seeking. If a Jindan-level expert enters without permission, he will be instantly annihilated by the restriction. Even if a Yuanying old monster comes, he will not get any benefit. What's more, the three sects have Yuanying ancestors guarding here."

"Wang Changsheng's intelligence said that the Demon Sect still wants to attack the forbidden land for dragon-seeking. Unless the war between good and evil really starts, it should be unlikely in the current situation."

Seeing this scene, Ye Lin felt much more at ease.

Then the guardian Wang at the bow of the flying boat took out a token. On the token were the seven words "Taixuan Sect, the Secret Land of Dragon-Seeking". He injected his magic power into the token. The token turned into a stream of light with a "swoosh" sound and sank into the heavy restrictions. Not long after, Ye Lin heard the voice of an extremely old man.

"The identity verification is correct. Let the children land."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Lin and the other twelve foundation-building cultivators felt that they were wrapped in a soft magic power, and their bodies flew out of the flying boat involuntarily and landed towards the numbing restrictions.

When Ye Lin and others passed through these restrictions, they found that they were not attacked at all, so they breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, Ye Lin and the other twelve people landed on the square.

There were already two teams of people gathered on the square, one team was wearing Taiji Taoist robes, a total of ten people, and the other team was wearing Taicang Taoist robes, a total of eight people.

Seeing Ye Lin and others coming, both teams clasped their fists to her, and the Taixuan Sect cultivators also clasped their fists in return.

Ye Lin found many familiar figures in the two teams.

Among the Taiji Sect team, Ye Lin knew Qin Qing, Kang Wenxuan, and Cao Lingxiu.

And in Taicang Sect, Ye Lin knew Shangguan Wei and Gongsun Yue.

Among them, Qin Qing and Shangguan Wei saw Ye Lin coming, and they both showed a friendly smile.

Kang Wenxuan and Gongsun Yue looked a little gloomy. The common feature of these two people is that they lost money, lost the game, and lost face. No matter how kind and gentle these two people are in their daily lives, since then, no one would believe that they don’t hate Ye Lin at all.

Ye Lin didn’t seem to be surprised at all, and he was not panicked at all. He still showed a harmless and kind smile.

If these two people knew their own limitations and didn’t bother him in the secret realm, Ye Lin didn’t plan to bother them.

If they wanted to bother Ye Lin, Ye Lin wouldn’t mind making another fortune from them.

As for the background of these two people... Ye Lin didn’t want to know, and he didn’t have any scruples about it.

As a genius, who doesn’t have a background?


The big copy of the dragon hunt is about to start. This copy should be more exciting than the game. I ask for five-star praise and free gifts. Thank you for your company!

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