Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 315: Searching for Spiritual Stone Mineral Veins

Ye Lin felt reassured when he heard that no spiritual insects had died as a result of this battle.

These eleven injured spirit insects all appeared in the subsequent pursuit battle, and they were all members of the vanguard team. As for the other spirit insects in the Qi Refining Stage, they did not participate in chasing and killing the escaped spirit insects. They always maintained their battle formation. There are dozens of defenses around the body, and it is impossible for the scattered monsters to threaten them.

Ye Lin summarized the reasons why the members of the vanguard team were injured.

"It's still because the cultivation level of the little guys is too low. After all, most of the vanguard team are in the early stage of foundation building, and only a small part are in the middle and late stages of foundation building. They go to hunt down the late stage foundation building, foundation building Dzogchen monsters, Even if they don’t have much mana left, their deadly counterattack is terrifying enough.”

"If it weren't for the spiritual insects that have practiced many life-saving forbidden techniques that consume their lifespan, it is estimated that at least twenty foundation-building spiritual insects would have been killed in this battle."

Not to mention the emotional level, just speaking of each foundation-building spiritual insect, he spent a lot of resources to cultivate it. If one of them were killed in battle, Ye Lin would suffer a huge loss.

This is also the reason why Ye Lin has a mighty army of spiritual insects but did not go to the ninth and tenth floors of the ancient pagoda.

If he doesn't care about the cost, he has a chance to defeat the puppet monster team in the early stage of pill formation, but he will have to pay the price of many spiritual insects dying in battle.

This is something Ye Lin is unwilling to accept.

Every time he fought, he kept the cost to a minimum.

This time using the insect sea tactic, Ye Lin had actually made psychological preparations for a very small number of spirit insects to die due to special reasons. After all, it was a war, and death in battle was inevitable.

Fortunately, although some spirit insects were seriously injured, as long as they were not dead, Ye Lin's blood could completely repair their injuries.

Ye Lin responded after receiving Xiaoqiang's battle report.

"Okay, immediately disarm the battle formation, clean the battlefield, and reward these monster beast corpses as snacks for the little guys!"

"As you command!"

Suddenly the spirit insects burst into cheers.

"Victory! Victory!"

"Long live the master, long live the master!"

"As long as the master is here, we are the invincible army!"

"Fighting for the master is the most glorious moment in every spirit insect's life!"

While cheering, they dispersed from the neat queue and began to form groups and fly towards the corpses of various monsters on the ground, and then one corpse after another was carried to Ye Lin.

Liu Qingqing didn't know what method Ye Lin used. He just waved his hand, and all the spirit insect armies and monster beast corpses turned into a spiritual light and disappeared without a trace, leaving only Xiaoqiang, Xiaobai, and Xiaolan. The mighty army of spiritual insects seemed to have never appeared before.

After the battle, the ground on both sides of the canyon was in a mess, and a large amount of gravel and blood could be seen everywhere. However, Ye Lin's spiritual insects were like locusts passing through, and not a single bit of monster flesh was left on the ground.

Liu Qingqing looked at this scene in a daze.

It feels extremely unreal.

"There were so many monster beasts just now that it was mind-numbing, but in less than half an hour, not a single one was left..."

She swallowed hard.

He is more and more respectful to Ye Lin.

At first, her respect for Ye Lin was due to the influence of the golden-backed man-eating ant in her body, but now, it comes from the bottom of her heart.

Because she understood that as long as she followed Ye Lin, her future would be infinitely bright.

Ye Lin waved to her in the distance: "Let's go explore and see if we can find the spirit stone veins!"

"Master, I'm coming right now." Liu Qingqing smiled and responded obediently.

The jade Ruyi under her feet shone with emerald green light, and her graceful figure turned into a rainbow in a flash, following Ye Lin and flying into the huge canyon a thousand feet deep.


In the canyon, spiritual energy clouds and mist were lingering, and the breeze was blowing. If it hadn't been for a bloody battle that had just occurred around the canyon, this place would have been like a fairyland.

Ye Lin took a few deep breaths of rich spiritual energy.

"Here, even an ordinary person who never breathes or exhales can probably awaken his spiritual roots easily. After decades of passive cultivation, he can approach the foundation building stage!"

"But what's a little strange is that among all the demonic beasts that have achieved Foundation Establishment, none of them have broken through to the Core Formation Realm."

Liu Qingqing said: "Master, I thought that many pill-forming realm monsters must have been born in this canyon, but... they all went to the core area of ​​​​the secret realm after breaking through."

Ye Lin thought for a moment and said, "It makes sense."

The core area of ​​the secret realm has always been a real restricted area for explorers of the secret realm, and no one has ever set foot on it. The closer the secret realm is, the richer the spiritual energy. The spiritual energy in the core area of ​​the secret realm may be much richer than this canyon. The great demons of this period will naturally abandon this area and go to the core area of ​​the secret realm to practice.

If not, if there were several pill-forming monsters in the canyon, Ye Lin might not dare to release an army of spiritual insects to compete with them.

This is not because Ye Lin thinks that tens of thousands of spiritual insects cannot defeat a few pill-forming monsters, but because he does not want to pay a heavy price to win.

It is difficult for the foundation-building Dzogchen monsters to break through the heavy defenses of the tens of thousands of spirit insects, but when the pill-forming stage monsters work together, they can easily break through. Once the defense is broken, a large number of spirit insects will be killed. .

Ye Lin said: "It seems that these spiritual energy clouds come from the bottom of the canyon. Let's go down and have a look."

With that said, Ye Lin and Liu Qingqing, who were driving Xiaolan, quickly descended and soon came to the top of a bottomless river.

No water monsters were detected in the river. It was very likely that they were frightened and fled decisively after seeing the army of spirit insects slaughtering and crushing hundreds of land monsters.

This saved the trouble of the army of spirit insects going into the water to fight.

Ye Lin patted his Qiankun bag, and several water-repellent talismans appeared in his hand, and then stuck them on his Taoist robe. He was about to hand a few to Liu Qingqing, but saw Liu Qingqing smiled slightly and took out a water-repellent bead magic weapon and held it in her jade hand.

Because Xiaolan was not good at swimming underwater, the little white on Ye Lin's finger turned into a white-scaled giant python. Ye Lin rode on the little white and said to Liu Qingqing.

"If you don't mind, you can come up too, otherwise if you encounter danger under the water, you may be left far behind by the little white."

Liu Qingqing hesitated slightly, her pretty face flushed, and still rode behind Ye Lin, but the little white was longer, so the two of them kept a distance, without the embarrassment of men and women not being able to touch each other.

Xiaobai poked his huge head into the water, and his entire body instantly sank into the water. A silver-white magic shield rose from the bodies of Ye Lin and Liu Qingqing, completely separating them from the water.

Xiaobai said, "Master, the spiritual energy under the water is even more dense. It seems that the spiritual stone vein is under the water. I just don't know whether it is a small vein or a medium-sized vein. If it is a large vein or a super-large vein, we will make a fortune!"

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