Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 335: Memory Fusion, Body Possession Backlash

After checking the memory of the Xunlong Ancestor, Ye Lin felt a moment of trance, as if he subconsciously regarded the memory of the Xunlong Ancestor as his own memory, and the person who ascended and laid the plan was himself.

Fortunately, Ye Lin had a firm self-awareness and kept recognizing his identity, otherwise he might really become half of the Xunlong Ancestor.

In general, the Xunlong Ancestor seemed to be a lovelorn person. In terms of behavior, he was almost as cautious as Ye Lin, and he wanted to ascend to become an immortal and gain eternal life.

In terms of personality, he was quite similar to Ye Lin, but the only difference was that Ye Lin still had a bottom line in his actions. Although he didn't have much conscience, he still had a conscience, while the Xunlong Ancestor really did everything he could to achieve his goal.

In the process of integrating memories, Ye Lin not only obtained the shocking secrets about the spirit world, the immortal world, and the immortal world's reception talisman, but also obtained the complete "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Jue" Tianjie Mentality, as well as the "Two-Division Yuanshen Forbidden Technique" secret method used by the Xunlong Ancestor to make a clone.

The only drawback is that Ye Lin did not obtain the arrangement and cracking methods of the many restrictions in the secret realm, which should be mastered by the original Xunlong Ancestor.

But it doesn't matter. Ye Lin has now become the only descendant of Xunlong Ancestor. Now he has to inherit a treasure left by Xunlong Ancestor!

That is... the star core of Xunlong Secret Realm!

As long as this thing is completely refined, this Xunlong Secret Realm is like Ye Lin's ancient ring space. Ye Lin can come and go freely under the rules of space transmission, and master the ability to activate or close the restrictions of all ancient buildings!

Although the value of these things is completely insignificant compared to the value of the information of the fairyland reception talisman mentioned by Xunlong Ancestor, these are things that Ye Lin can see and touch.

As for the fairyland reception talisman, it is too far away from him. Ye Lin is only in the middle stage of foundation building now, and is about to break through the late stage of foundation building. It is as far away as possible to consider ascending to the fairyland to gain immortality.

Moreover, the memory of the specific information about the immortal world's guide talisman is not in the remnant soul of the Dragon Ancestor. I'm afraid only he knows it.

If Ye Lin wants to obtain information in the future, he needs to ascend to the spirit world, go to the place where the Dragon Ancestor fell, and devour his other remnant souls.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Master, don't scare Xiaoqiang!"


The spirit insects that Ye Lin had taken into his sleeves before saw Ye Lin fall to the ground in great pain, and they all got up and asked with concern.

Ye Lin slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were already full of bloodshot, and he said weakly: "It's just the backlash of the possession, but the impact is not great, don't worry, the master can bear it!"

Many spirit insects breathed a sigh of relief, but they were still very worried.

Some knowledgeable spirit insects were naturally afraid that Ye Lin's personality would change drastically after integrating the memories of others. They obviously liked Ye Lin's very friendly and loving personality before.

Ye Lin seemed to have noticed the worries of the spirit insects. He touched Xiao Bai and the heads of the spirit insects around him and smiled kindly.

"Don't worry, the master is still the master, and the Xunlong Ancestor is generally not particularly cruel or lustful, so there is no need to spend too much willpower to suppress the desires in his memory."

"Really? That's good!"

"Master, please rub it. As long as the master touches my head, I can confirm that the master has not changed."

"Master, please rub it!"

Many spirit insects came up and rubbed Ye Lin's clothes obediently. Ye Lin also used the smile and pat the dog's head one by one, and was very moved.

In any case, he still had these spirit insects to accompany him, which also made his somewhat dazed consciousness completely sober.

"I, Ye Lin, am the insect king of all realms! I am not some Xunlong Ancestor who can be compared with me!"

With this idea, Ye Lin completely separated the memory and cognition of Xunlong Ancestor and himself, and quickly got rid of the backlash of memory fusion after experiencing the possession of the body.

Ye Lin emptied his mind and meditated for half an hour. When he opened his eyes again, his magic power surged and his aura became stronger.

"I finally broke through to the late stage of foundation building!"

After being possessed and attacked, Ye Lin gained experience and successfully broke through the bottleneck from the middle stage of foundation building to the late stage of foundation building. The next goal is to achieve the great perfection of foundation building, survive the thunder tribulation and condense the magic pill!

"Congratulations, Master!"

"Congratulations, Master!"

"Master is great!"

"Master, don't forget to celebrate... I'm drooling!"

The spirit insects began to cheer and celebrate.

Ye Lin laughed and said, "Okay, it's a great event to break through the cultivation level. Naturally, we should celebrate it together. But we have to wait until we get out of the secret realm. Now you don't need to fight anymore. Just go back to the ancient ring space and have a good rest!"

"Yes, Master!"

Ye Lin waved his hand, and the spirit insects turned into spiritual light and sank into the ancient ring in his hand. Only Xiaobai, Xiaoqiang and Xiaolan were left beside him.

Ye Lin stood up and walked to the top of the inheritance hall. As expected, he found a jade box about one foot wide, with restrictions all over it.

Unlike other restrictions, the restrictions on this jade box are aggressive!

Ye Lin's face became very serious.

The so-called Xunlong Secret Realm Star Core is placed in this jade box. This is also one of the core inheritances left by the Xunlong Ancestor. Bureau Yelin knows that this is also the treasure that the Xunlong Ancestor is most reluctant to leave behind.

But there is no other way if you don't stay. The Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm itself belongs to this world. If you take the secret realm star core and ascend to the spiritual world, I am afraid that the star core will become a piece of scrap metal, and the secret realm will completely collapse and dissipate.

"It should be impossible for Ancestor Xunlong to deceive his conscious clone, so the method to unlock the ban on the jade box should be accurate. However, there are many steps to unlock the ban. If you make one mistake, you will die or not!"

The considerate Xiao Bai seemed to have noticed Ye Lin's doubts, and she suggested softly: "Master, you might as well give the method of breaking the ban to Xiao Shu. He is a professional insect practitioner in the forbidden formation. With this method of breaking the ban There are a lot of steps, but there should be no mistakes. ”

Ye Lin thought for a moment and decided to adopt Xiaobai's suggestion. After all, he was indeed a layman in the forbidden area. If he made a mistake, he would not even have a chance to regret it. There was almost no possibility of making a mistake when Xiaoshu made a move.

So he summoned Xiao Shu with a wave of his hand, and through the soul connection, told Xiao Shu how to break the ban.

After Xiao Shu mastered the method of breaking the ban, he performed the deduction with his eyes closed for about half an hour.

"Master, after Xiao Shu's deduction, I have confirmed that there are no major flaws in the method of breaking the ban. It should not be fake. Let Xiao Shu complete the task of breaking the ban on this jade box!"

"Then be careful."

"Master, don't worry, this is like a question where you have been told the answer and the solution process. Just copy it once in the little book and you will never make any mistakes!"

As he spoke, the little book sprayed out a series of magic formulas and penetrated them into the jade box, and the restrictions on the jade box also began to shine with a dazzling light!

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