Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 399 Three years in a hurry, the Dan-forming thunder tribulation

There is no time to practice.

It seems that in just the blink of an eye, the leaves beside the pond outside Ye Lin's thatched house have been reincarnated three times between dryness and prosperity.

This also means that it has been three years since Ye Lin came from the practice world of Xunlong Mountains to the Zhenhai Immortal Dynasty in Wanguo Continent.

He officially became an uncle in his thirties.

It was a winter, and the goose-feather-like snow was falling in the howling cold wind, making the sky and the earth a silvery white.

In the entire Immortal Peak, only the bottomless pool remained as usual. Not only was the water surface unfrozen, but wisps of white smoke rose from time to time.

It's no wonder Xiaobai loves this place so much, because this pool is warm in winter and cool in summer, and now it's like a hot spring.

At this time, Ye Lin was naked from the waist down. Most of his body was soaked in the pool, with only his head exposed. Beside him, a jade-white python as thick as a bowl was swimming continuously.

Next to the pond, smoke is lingering and the aroma of barbecue continues to spread.

Xiaoqiang, who is relatively greedy, has built a barbecue grill next to the pond. At this time, he is grilling sizzling skewers of barbecue, while Xiaolan is helping Xiaoqiang add chili powder, cumin powder and other seasonings.

Xiaoqiang stuck out his tongue and took a hard lick.

"Master, Sister Xiaobai, the barbecue is ready!"

Ye Lin, who seemed to be sitting quietly in the water, slowly opened his eyes, looked helplessly at the sky where snowflakes were still fluttering, and then smiled bitterly.

"I still can't feel the signs of the catastrophe..."

Xiaobai used his snake body to wrap Ye Lin's body in it, and then swam in the direction of Xiaoqiang. He said very obediently and gently: "Master, there is no need to be too anxious. It has only been half a year since Master achieved the Perfect Foundation Establishment. It is normal to face the Dangyuan Thunder Tribulation within three to five years.”

Soon, Xiaobai and Ye Lin came to Xiaoqiang's barbecue grill, and various fragrant barbecues automatically flew into the mouths of Ye Lin, Xiaobai, Xiaoqiang and Xiaolan.

I have to say that soaking in hot springs and eating barbecue on a snowy day is really very pleasurable. Ye Lin, who was originally a little anxious, seemed to have been relieved by the impact of the delicious food.

After achieving the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment, he fell into a huge bottleneck, and he was indeed a little anxious.

Now, three years have passed, but he knows nothing about everything that happened in the immortal world of Xunlong Mountain. He doesn't know how his senior sister, master, and Song Lingtian are doing, and he doesn't know how the people in the remote world are doing. .

Although Ye Lin has been coming to the Demon Suppression Sect for three years, within these three years, his feelings towards the Demon Suppression Sect are far from disgusting, but he can't say he likes it much, and he doesn't feel at home here at all.

Perhaps in Ye Lin's heart, he firmly believes that Taixuanmen is his forever home, and there is no other place that can replace it.

But now, his family is suffering an unprecedented disaster.

Not long after, hundreds of fragrant barbecue sticks had entered the stomachs of one person and three insects respectively. Xiaobai very thoughtfully took a piece of white silk in his mouth and wiped the oil stains from Ye Lin's mouth.

Ye Lin touched Xiaobai's head and said, "Maybe I should be like Master and relax completely. It's true. This kind of bottleneck can't be solved in a hurry. It's better to just follow your heart..."

"If we still don't feel the catastrophe after waiting for another half year, we will take on a sect mission to practice. It has been three years since we started, so it is indeed time to take on a sect mission."

Xiaobai nodded.

"No matter what the owner decides, we support it!"

According to the rules of the Demon Suppression Sect, the handyman disciples need to complete a sect task every year, the outer sect disciples need to complete a sect task every two years, and the inner sect has a sect task every three years.

This sect task is not undelayable, but the delayed task must turn in spirit stones every day, and the maximum delay period cannot exceed three years.

Ye Lin stretched, his muscles and bones crackling, and then he lay comfortably on Xiao Bai's snake body, while Xiao Bai carried Ye Lin and dived into the warm pool for a while, and then revealed his head again. Come and quickly walk through the water pool...

Since then, Ye Lin has completely lived the same lazy life as Elder Sun.

Every morning, when the sun was shining, Ye Lin got up from the warm bed... At this time, the three spiritual insects had already prepared a sumptuous breakfast for him.

Then Ye Lin spent the whole day playing with the spirit insects in the Immortal Peak, squatting on the ground and watching ants, or flying to the top of the Immortal Peak to enjoy the sea of ​​clouds.

When the full moon was high in the sky, Ye Lin reluctantly practiced "The Magic of Suppressing Demons" for two hours, then fell into bed and fell asleep...


When the flowers and trees by the pool sprouted their twigs, and wild flowers were everywhere on the fairy peaks, and another spring arrived, thunderclouds finally rolled over Ye Lin's cave, and electric snakes kept jumping and surging in the thunderclouds.

A breath of destruction has arrived!

At this time, Ye Lin looked at the calamity clouds in the sky very casually, then put down the fishing tackle made of bamboo poles in his hands slowly, then lazily stood up and stretched a lot.

"I've been waiting for you for almost a year...are you finally here? It seems that I can't catch any fish today. Xiaobai still wants to drink fresh fish soup tonight..."

"But it's not a big problem. When the thunderstorm disappears, the fish can continue to be caught..."

As he spoke, Ye Lin's eyes became more and more fierce, and his aura was also rising crazily!

Ye Lin just took one step forward, and Xiaolan's figure appeared under his feet. Then he stretched out his hand, and a black light flashed, and Xiaoqiang's figure also appeared.

Xiaobai, who was wrapped around Ye Lin's wrist, stretched out his jade-white head.

"Master, it is recorded in ancient books that the more talented a person is, the more powerful the thunder tribulation he encounters. Master is the owner of the Supreme Saint Body, so the thunder tribulation must be extraordinary!"

Ye Lin nodded gently.

"But no matter how powerful the thunder tribulation is, I am mentally prepared to deal with it... Let the power of heaven and earth come even more violently!"

"I... I am fearless!"

The fundamental reason why Ye Lin has such strong self-confidence is that he thinks he is strong enough!


A huge thunder sword energy cuts everything from the sky, and it is close to Ye Lin in just a blink of an eye!

The first wave of thunder tribulation is the thunder tribulation turning into a sword. For ordinary cultivators, it is a life-or-death situation!

And Ye Lin's face is not afraid at all. Not only did he not dodge at all, but he laughed wildly and flew up to the terrifying sword light.


The silver-white lightning sword energy completely enveloped Ye Lin's body, and thick arcs of electricity covered his entire body.

Ye Lin just snorted coldly, and an ancient strange pattern appeared on his forehead.

This was the third turn of Ye Lin's "Nine Turns Demon Body"!

All the arcs that enveloped Ye Lin disappeared completely on Ye Lin's body surface the moment the strange pattern appeared. It seemed that the invincible power of heaven and earth was completely suppressed by the strange pattern.

Ye Lin easily withstood the first thunder tribulation with his abnormally strong body!

Then, the second thunder tribulation came down with a bang...

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