Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 413 Ye Lin, don’t come over here

This Netherworld barrier does have a great suppressive effect on Ye Lin's spiritual perception, but even so, Ye Lin's spiritual consciousness actually completely envelopes the entire Netherworld barrier. Everything that happens in this barrier, who is where? Ye Lin knows everything about it, so from a certain point of view, whether there is a netherworld barrier or not has little impact on Ye Lin.

As for why Ye Lin has not been affected much by the Netherworld Barrier, the fundamental reason is naturally... His realm is not what it used to be. Not to mention that the strength of his own soul has skyrocketed, because the spirit insects broke through the realm of pill formation, and Ye Lin can still connect to it. The strength of the souls of the spirit insects, his current soul, may have already surpassed that of a strong person in the early stage of leaving the body, but to what extent it has reached, Ye Lin does not know.

The strength of the soul also determines the coverage of the divine consciousness. As long as Ye Lin turns on the divine consciousness now, everything within a hundred miles will be completely covered.

It is even said that... his spiritual consciousness has long discovered the strange phenomenon here. It seems that the old soul-eating demon has arranged it in advance, but Ye Lin did not say it out. Once he said it, he couldn't explain why he could detect it in advance. , Secondly, if the combat power of some old soul-eating demons is not enhanced, it will take a lot of effort to make the two enthusiastic Taoist friends disappear.

Therefore, the soul-eating old demon thought he could easily capture the four Ye Lins by setting up the Netherworld Barrier in advance, but in fact, it was completely under Ye Lin's control and calculation!

When Ye Lin saw that the old soul-eating demon's first target was him, Xiaolan, the butt bug sitting next to him, understood it and did not need Ye Lin to give any more instructions. A blue-purple light suddenly appeared from his butt. Still the kind with lightning.

Then there was a "swipe" sound, and Ye Lin and Xiaolan instantly turned into a blue-purple shock and disappeared out of thin air.


This is not a disappearance, but the speed of Xiao Lan's advanced version of the Heavenly Tribulation Fart Escape Technique is so fast that even monks in the Dan Formation stage have a hard time catching the trajectory.

In an instant, Ye Lin and Xiao Lan passed through the circle of soul-eating shadow snakes, and then appeared several feet behind a soul-eating shadow snake.

Ye Lin deliberately turned around, showed a provocative look towards the Soul-Eating Shadow Snake, and hooked his little finger. The ten Soul-Eating Shadow Snakes suddenly opened their mouths in rage and roared, and instantly turned into ten purple-black escapes. The light rushed towards Ye Lin.

In the distance, the old soul-eating demon was slightly startled when he saw this scene.

"What kind of bug is this? It runs very fast, but it cannot maintain this exaggerated speed for a long time. Little snakes, speed up and catch up with this person immediately and kill him!"

As soon as the old soul-eating demon finished his excited and crazy voice, he chanted a series of spells and penetrated the body of the soul-eating shadow snake. The body of the soul-eating shadow snake shrank instantly, but its speed was even more outrageous. , there was a tendency to catch up with Ye Lin for a while.

However, just when he was less than three feet away from Ye Lin, Xiaolan's butt spurted out the calamity collapse fart again. His figure suddenly accelerated and opened a large distance, and came to a man holding a giant axe, who was holding more than ten heads. The burly man Xiang Gang was nearby as the ghost soldiers and ghosts slashed the loyalists back and forth.

An ordinary late-stage pill-forming powerhouse like Xiang Gang naturally does not have as terrifying a spiritual consciousness as Ye Lin. Under the suppression of the Netherworld Barrier, it is extremely difficult for the spiritual consciousness to leave the body. He just suddenly saw a blue-purple light. Flashed past, and then saw Ye Lin's kind face.

Xiang Gang was slightly startled at first, and then he saw several purple-black rays of light rushing out of the ghost mist. It was the ten extremely ferocious soul-eating shadow snakes, and he was suddenly frightened.

Ye Lin looked moved.

"Brother Xiang, save me quickly!"

Xiang Gang's eyes immediately turned cold.

"Get away from me! Senior brother can't protect himself now. Junior brother Ye is actually being targeted by the soul-devouring old demon, so just wish yourself good luck!"

Before, Xiang Gang was confident that he could easily kill the old soul-eating demon with the power of three people, but now that he was in the Netherworld, he understood the insidiousness and terror of the old soul-eating demon. Now Ye Lin His life and death were no longer important to him. What was important was whether he could survive until the rescue of the powerful Nascent Soul from the sect.

Now that he saw Ye Lin being chased by ten soul-eating shadow snakes, it was naturally impossible for Xiang Gang to draw fire and burn himself.

Unexpectedly, Ye Lin sat down and his speed suddenly increased. With a "swish", he disappeared into the thick ghost mist. The ten soul-eating shadow snakes chasing Ye Lin even passed by Xiang Gang. However, Xiang Gang was so frightened that his whole body became cold.

In the past, the combat power of ten soul-eating shadow snakes was enough to resist the extreme cold blade released by Situ Zhi. But now, with the blessing of the netherworld barrier, the strength of the soul-eating shadow snakes has increased dramatically. Xiang Gang has no confidence that he can defeat ten of them. He escaped safely under the siege of the Soul-eating Shadow Snake, and there is an old soul-eating demon watching in the dark, who may use other insidious means at any time.

After seeing that the Soul-eating Shadow Snake and Ye Lin had disappeared, Xiang Gang breathed a long sigh of relief while fighting the ghost soldiers and generals that were constantly gathering.

"Before, I thought Ye Lin would die soon, but now I can only hope that Ye Lin can hold on for a little longer!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a flash of purple-blue light, and then he saw Ye Lin's kind smile.

"Senior Brother Xiang, we are in the same sect. As long as you are willing to take action, after it is safe, I am willing to give you ten top-quality spiritual stones as reward..."

Xiang Gang almost spat out a mouthful of old blood five feet away, and shouted in horror: "Junior brother Ye, we have something to discuss, so don't come over."

At the same time, he quickly retreated, trying to get rid of Ye Lin by relying on the ghost mist. Unexpectedly, Ye Lin was like a maggot attached to his bones, getting closer and closer to him, and then floated three inches above his head. Xiang Gang could even feel the strong wind generated by Xiaolan's high-speed flight.

The next moment, the ten extremely ferocious soul-eating shadow snakes flew past his scalp, making him feel cold all over again.

"Is this damn Ye Lin over? Fortunately, the old soul-eating demon seems determined to kill him, so he should, maybe, maybe not change the target of his attack!"

In the ghost mist.

The soul-eating old demon was so angry at Ye Lin that his beard was raised, and he looked like he wanted to choose someone to devour.

"I'm so angry. Every time the Shadow Snake is about to catch up with this kid, the butt bug suddenly accelerates and distances itself. Even the long-range attacks I launched several times were perfectly avoided by the butt bug. , this insect cultivator’s cultivation level is only at the early stage of pill formation, how come he is ten times more slippery than a loach!”

"No, I can't be carried away by anger. Although Ye Lin must die, at present, it seems that he is only escaping quickly and is not a threat to the Netherworld Barrier. The other three seem to be consciously looking for the formation's eye. , prepare the trump card forbidden technique to forcefully break out of the formation, it seems that the target must be changed! "

"This guy who is full of brute strength, uses a giant ax as a weapon, and is only good at close combat seems to be the weakest person except that insect cultivator! Kill him first!"

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