Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 463 The Second Prince Visits

It is not a unique function of the ancient ring to promote the growth of flowers, plants and trees. It can be easily done through some wood-attributed exercises and when there is sufficient spiritual energy. However, if you want to use this to promote the growth of spiritual herbs and medicines to sell for money, it is definitely a losing business.

The banyan tree itself is one of the trees that is extremely easy to grow. It only costs a few high-quality spiritual stones at most to promote it to a size of thousands of years.

Ye Lin's ancient ring space promotes the growth of spiritual herbs and medicines. Logically speaking, it is also a loss. With the same spiritual stones, Ye Lin can easily buy spiritual herbs of the same year. However, the spiritual plants that have been ripened by the ancient ring contain rich five-element essence, which is something that cannot be done by the outside world using wood-attributed exercises.

"Then thank you, brother (young master)."

Hearing this, the two siblings Situ Yu showed gratitude.

As the saying goes, different trades are like different mountains. As a noble little prince and little princess, although they have the cultivation of the Jindan stage, it is still not an easy task to personally build a comfortable and easy-to-live hut. Xiaoqiang and Xiaolan are already experienced in this, so it is best to let them help.

"Understood, Master!"

Xiao Qiang and Xiao Lan turned into two beams of light and moved separately, and Ye Lin naturally invited the two siblings to visit his immortal peak.

Situ Yu put away the flying boat, and the three of them slowly landed towards Ye Lin's immortal peak. Just when Ye Lin was four or five hundred feet away from his immortal peak, he suddenly felt something and frowned slightly.

Situ Yu, who was most concerned about Ye Lin's expression, immediately discovered something unusual and asked hurriedly.

"What's wrong, young master?"

Ye Lin said: "Someone actually broke into the illusion array that protects the immortal peak..."

Although no abnormality could be found in Ye Lin's immortal peak from the outside world, Xiao Shu arranged several layers of chain arrays to ensure Ye Lin's safety and prevent other cultivators from spying.

Five years ago, the array set up by Xiaoshu could hide from the spiritual sense of Yuanying cultivators, and it was no problem to trap or even threaten Jindan cultivators. After Xiaoshu's attainments in arrays improved, he improved the existing large array and then set up two large arrays. Even if a Yuanying master was trapped by Xiaoshu's large array, it would be difficult to escape in a short time.

As he said, Ye Lin's spiritual sense swept and he knew the appearance of the people trapped in the illusion array. They were a man and a woman. The man was dignified and elegant, and the woman was graceful and covered with a veil. The two seemed to be discussing how to break the array. Ye Lin had never seen them before.

Ye Lin waved his hand and then cast a spell and sank into the clouds around the fairy peak. Soon, a spiritual light curtain that enveloped the entire fairy peak appeared in front of everyone, and then he quickly formed seals with his hands and shouted softly.


The spiritual light curtain suddenly dissipated into nothingness, and the figure of the male cultivator in the light curtain finally appeared in front of the three people.

The two of them were naturally the second prince Situ Wen who wanted to recruit Ye Lin, and Miss Qin Yue, the courtesan of Zuixianlou in Kyoto who came with him.

The fundamental reason why Situ Wen did not go to the mission hall to meet Ye Lin with the envoys of the first and eighth princes was that Situ Wen intended to draw a clear line with the two arrogant princes to highlight his sincerity.

After the two flew over Ye Lin's fairy peak, Situ Wen waited for two hours but did not see Ye Lin return. Miss Qin Yue, who was proficient in the art of formation, discovered that this fairy peak had a lot of secrets. For a moment, she became curious and discussed briefly, and decided to get closer so that Miss Qin Yue could study the mountain protection formation arranged by Ye Lin.

Unexpectedly, Miss Qin Yue, who was known for her proficiency in the art of formation, only discovered the mountain protection formation arranged by Xiaoshu, and did not notice the hidden formation and illusion formation arranged by Xiaoshu at all, so the two of them plunged into it.

Fortunately, the illusion array set up by Xiaoshu was not offensive without anyone controlling it, and it only had the effect of trapping the enemy. After the two were trapped in the illusion array, they were not panicked at first. Situ Wen was a cultivator in the early stage of Yuanying, and Miss Qin Yue was also a great perfection of Jindan, and was proficient in the art of array.

It should be easy to break the illusion array set up by a mere Jindan cultivator.

As a result...

Situ Wen found that his consciousness could not leave his body at all, and after Miss Qin Yue took out several sets of array flags and array plates and operated them, the two still couldn't tell the east, south, west, and north, and the illusion array showed no sign of breaking.

At this moment, Situ Wen was a little anxious, and Miss Qin Yue was horrified and ashamed. The more she wanted to break the illusion array, the more she realized that the illusion array was extremely exquisite, and after many improvements, her attainments in the art of array were far behind the person who set up the array.

At this moment, Ye Lin returned and untied the array. The two were slightly stunned, and then Situ Wen showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, and Miss Qin Yue's expression could not be seen clearly because of the light veil covering her face.

Ye Lin asked in a somewhat unfriendly voice.

"May I ask what the two Taoist friends are doing to break into my immortal peak?"

Hearing Ye Lin's unfriendly tone, the eyes of Situ Yu and Situ Yu became sharp, as if they were very dissatisfied with the two people who broke into Ye Lin's immortal peak.

The two were like thieves caught by Ye Lin. Situ Wen hurriedly clasped his fists and smiled: "I am Situ Wen, the second prince of the Immortal Dynasty. May I ask if you are Master Ye Lin?"

And the girl Qin Yue beside him also bowed and said in a soft voice.

"I am Qin Yue from Zuixianlou. It is Qin Yue's fault that His Highness the Second Prince mistakenly entered this formation. If the young master has any dissatisfaction, Qin Yue is willing to compensate with spirit stones to express her apology."

Ye Lin was slightly stunned.

The second prince among the three princes was so polite and came to visit in person. As for Qin Yue from Zuixianlou next to him, he had never heard of her. Although she was pretty, Ye Lin had seen many beauties. He just glanced at her and stopped paying attention.

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person.

Since the second prince was so sincere, no matter what he really thought, he gave Ye Lin a much better impression than the arrogant and domineering first and eighth princes.

Ye Lin quickly hid the unhappiness on his face and clasped his fists slightly to Situ Wen.

"So it was the second prince who came to visit, but I came back late, which was a bit rude. This is not a place to entertain guests. Please come to my humble home for a chat."

Situ Wen said with a smile.

"I'm happy to do it."

As he said that, Ye Lin led the way alone, and Situ Yu and his sister followed closely behind, while Situ Wen and Miss Qin Yue looked at each other and followed.

With Ye Lin leading the way, the formation of the Immortal Peak would naturally not block them. The group quickly and slowly landed at a stone table beside the pond. A white light flashed, and the beautiful girl Xiaobai appeared in front of Ye Lin.

"Since there is a distinguished guest visiting, Xiaobai will go to make tea."

Ye Lin nodded.

"Go ahead."

Situ Wen seemed to be attracted by Xiaobai's beauty. After staring at her for a while, he looked away and then smiled awkwardly.

"Master Ye's spirit snake is extremely beautiful. There are countless beauties in the palace of my Immortal Dynasty, but few can compare with it. It's really enviable."

At this point, his eyes couldn't help but sweep to Situ Yu beside Ye Lin.

There is no doubt that this is also a beautiful girl who is stunningly beautiful. It's okay if you don't look closely. After a closer look, Situ Wen seemed to remember something and suddenly showed a look of horror.

"Devil Lincheng, Situ Yu!"

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