Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 482: Fighting against Yuanying Being

The monk from the inner sect of the Demon Suppressing Sect who is on duty to guard Lihua Island is an old man with gray hair, and his cultivation has reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul. The brothers Ye Lin and Situ Yu are celebrities in the Demon Suppressing Sect. The disciples all know their appearance and have heard their deeds, and this old man is no exception.

When the old man heard that brothers Ye Lin and Situ Yu were actually here to carry out the mission of killing the Blood Corpse King, the old man almost thought that he had heard wrong at first. Then he looked behind Ye Lin and the other three, as if he thought there were other monks there. It is only reasonable for peers.

"Is it possible that it's just Master Ye and the other three?"

Ye Lin nodded.

"Just the three of us."

Hearing this, the old man didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a moment, and then said rather awkwardly: "It's not that I don't believe in the strength of the three of you. It's just that this Blood Corpse King is extremely cruel. He once had a very high level of cultivation and has learned a lot. Although the cultivation of many evil secrets is only at the early stage of Nascent Soul, even the three Dan-Jie sect members guarding Xialian Island are not sure that they can kill them, otherwise they would not contact the sect to issue the mission. "

"If I'm not mistaken, the current cultivation of the three of them has not broken through the Nascent Soul stage, right? Even if we join forces together, even if we can suppress the Corpse King, once the Corpse King becomes desperate, we are afraid that we will not be able to escape completely. Any one of the three If something goes wrong, I can’t bear the responsibility.”

"For the sake of safety, it is more appropriate to take a long-term approach at this time. I hope you will think twice before taking action!"

This old man has been in the world for hundreds of years and knows the stakes well. The influence of brothers Ye Lin and Situ Yu is too great. If something happens on Lihua Island, even if it has no direct relationship with him, the person guarding the island. , the forces behind them may also be angry with him.

If other inner disciples in the Dan Formation Stage come to perform tasks, the old man can at most give a casual reminder and not care about the life or death of others.

Hearing this, Ye Lin showed a helpless smile, and he slightly cupped his hands towards the old man: "Thank you for your kindness in advance, senior brother, but since we have decided to carry out the mission, we are sure to complete the mission."

"In order to prove my strength, I have no choice but to offend!"

Ye Lin suddenly waved his sleeve, and saw two afterimages, one black and one white, shooting towards the old man at an outrageous speed.

After all, the old man had been in the Demon Suppression Sect for hundreds of years and had rich fighting experience. He was highly cultivated and had quick reactions. He was just stunned for a moment, then pushed hard with his backhand, and his figure fell down like a sharp arrow. It flew out, and at the same time, a fiery red handprint struck towards the wisp of black light that broke through the air.

"Burn the Mahamudra!"


There was a loud noise, and the fiery red handprint exploded violently the moment it touched the black light, and the violent flame wave instantly enveloped several feet in radius.

The old man's face also looked a little ugly and he said in a deep voice: "I have long heard that Master Ye is good at controlling insects, but it is not easy to raise spiritual insects. He died inexplicably like this. I'm afraid it's not worth it!"

In fact, at this time, the old man was shocked and angry. What was surprising was that Ye Lin, who was only in the late stage of Dan Formation, actually attacked him, a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk. Naturally, he was angry because he thought that his good intentions were being treated like a donkey liver and lungs. Ye Lin Lin obviously didn't take him seriously.

He struck with all his strength, and the two pill-forming spiritual insects released by Ye Lin had to shed a layer of skin even if they were not dead.

But at this moment, the crimson fire light in the sky dissipated, and a black shadow and a white shadow appeared.

This is a black cockroach as big as a cow. What's more outrageous is that on the cockroach's back is standing a beautiful girl in a white dress. The cockroach holds a sword in its left pincer and a large knife in its right pincer. The girl is holding a crystal clear bead shining with jade white light in her jade hand.

It was this bead that emitted a jade-white radiance that completely blocked the terrifying power of the Burning Mahamudra.

The old man was slightly stunned, with a look of shock on his face.

"It turns out to be a top-quality magic weapon. That's right. Master Ye is a master of weapon refining. As long as he is willing to spend a lot of money, it is reasonable to refine the top-quality magic weapon. No wonder you are quite confident in killing the Blood Corpse King."

"However, what I just did was just a casual attack by the old man. The strength of the Blood Corpse King is much stronger. Next, the old man will come to seriously compete with Master Ye!"

The old man spoke faster and faster, and at the same time, his hands kept making seals, and his whole body burst out with dazzling fire. In the middle of his breath, the shadow of a flaming Buddha statue appeared above the old man's head.

Situ Yu exclaimed.

"This is the highest-grade Buddhist technique, "The Arhat Technique of the Burning Sun"!"

The old man's face showed a proud look.

"My young prince has good eyesight. I found this "Arhat Technique of the Burning Sun" in a Buddhist ruins in my early years. Unfortunately, I have already entered the Taoist sect and have little connection with Buddhism. It took me a hundred years to practice it to the Great Perfection, but It's enough to practice to a small extent. Once it is used, the Arhat of the Burning Sun will be able to attack and defend, and the power of the fire attribute technique will also be blessed by the Buddha's power!"

"If Master Ye's spirit insect can take over my three moves "Arhat's Burning Hand Seal", the old man will be convinced. Not only will he tell the location of the Blood Corpse King one by one, but he will also use all his strength to kill the Blood Corpse King! "

Ye Lin showed a smile.

"It's a deal!"

After ten years of hard training, Ye Lin has never had a decent opponent. Now that he encountered a being in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, Ye Lin was naturally itchy and couldn't bear it, so he suddenly fought with him.

Ye Lin is also eager to know how strong Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang are now.

The old man laughed.

"Master Ye is also a cheerful person!"

The old man slapped Ye Lin fiercely, and the flaming Arhat above his head also raised his hand and slapped him, boom!

A huge, fire-red handprint as big as a house came towards Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang with overwhelming force. In front of this huge handprint, Xiaoqiang and Xiaobai really looked like two tiny ordinary bugs!

Almost at the same time, Xiaobai, in the form of a girl, pointed at the huge fire-red handprint, and then the jade-white crystal ball in her other hand flew towards the fire-red handprint, and at the same time, Xiaobai began to quickly pinch her fingers with both hands.

"Ice Phoenix Spread Its Wings!"

In an instant, a flying ice phoenix appeared with the white jade crystal ball as the center. This ice phoenix phantom instantly solidified into a lifelike ice sculpture phoenix that was also the size of a house. The phoenix flapped its wings and left a trail of jade-white afterimages.


The ice phoenix and the fire-red handprint collided in the sky, and a deafening explosion was heard. For a moment, the dazzling fire-red light and the jade-white light shone brightly, and a violent wave of air that was both hot and freezing surged with the explosion as the center.

On the small island, many thousand-year-old pear trees turned into exploding sawdust the moment they came into contact with the blast wave. In just a breath, only bare rocks were left within a radius of dozens of feet.

The Yuanying strongman made a full-strength attack, and his power was enough to split mountains and cut off rivers!

And Xiaobai blocked the attack without any damage, and the power of the spell he cast was equal to that of the one he cast!

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