Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 776 Entering the Secret Treasure of the Galaxy

Another two days later.

The colorful glow of the Galaxy Gate completely faded, and it turned into a thousand-foot-high gate condensed by starlight. The gate was like a mirror, reflecting the vast starry sky, and it was impossible to see where it led to.

The seven major forces and the two alliances were respectively on the front and back of the Galaxy Gate. Of course, both sides could be considered the front. No matter which side you entered the Galaxy Gate from, the result would not change.


In the outer starry sky where sound could not be transmitted, Ye Lin, who was standing on the bow of the flying boat observing the Galaxy Gate, suddenly heard a melodious bell ringing. This bell ringing came from the Galaxy Gate, but it sounded in the depths of his soul, causing his soul to tremble slightly, and there was a certain palpitation in his heart.

The Golden Taoist laughed loudly.

"Children, the bell rings nine times in total. When the bell rings, the Galaxy Gate can no longer be entered. You can hurry up and go in to find your own opportunities."

"I wish you a fruitful return!"

As the Golden Taoist finished speaking, everyone's face showed a touch of excitement.

After waiting for so long and making so many preparations, the Galaxy Gate finally opened.

"Let's go!" Ye Lin, Feng Jiutian, and Ao Lingshuang looked at each other and gave orders in unison.

Then, streams of light shot from the bow of the flying boat towards the Galaxy Gate.

Ye Lin's voice rang in the team.

"According to the previous rules, after entering the Galaxy Gate, each cultivator will be randomly teleported to any place in the outer area. You all have a spirit insect left by me. As long as you get within tens of millions of miles, the spirit insect will feel my heart. In this way, we can quickly gather together."

Everyone nodded.

Ye Lin placed the positioning insects after forming an alliance. Of course, Ye Lin could not give all his allies an out-of-body stage insect. Although he now had a lot of out-of-body stage insects, distributing them would weaken his own strength.

Ye Lin left two extremely powerful out-of-body stage insects on his senior sister, Qin Jiner, each with a butt bug. If they encountered a difficult problem that was difficult to solve, releasing the insects could enhance their combat power or escape ability.

In addition, Qin Yijian and five other cultivators of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty each had an out-of-body stage insect in their hands, all of which were butt bugs and were only used for escape.

Feng Jiutian and Ao Lingshuang also had two out-of-body stage insects on their bodies, which were used to enhance their escape ability and combat power.

As for other Tianjiaos in Fengming Immortal Dynasty and Wanhai Demon Country, Ye Lin only gave a Nascent Soul Great Perfection Spirit Insect to use for positioning. If it can help at a critical moment, it will help. If it can't help, the spirit insect will fly away and escape. These spirit insects practiced the "Hidden Dragon Art" and are extremely good at hiding their bodies. Even the powerful masters of the Great Perfection of the Out-of-Body Realm cannot easily detect them.

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

"I understand."

In addition to letting Ye Lin feel the heart, the spirit insects can also sense each other within a million miles, which greatly enhances the support and communication capabilities of the entire alliance.

A distance of dozens of miles is too short for the cultivators of the middle or late Out-of-Body Realm. In just a few breaths, all the escape lights are close to the Galaxy Gate.

At this moment, the second bell sounded.

"Enter the gate!" Ye Lin, Feng Jiutian, and Ao Lingshuang issued orders again.

Dozens of cultivators no longer hesitated and quickly entered the Galaxy Gate without a trace.

At the other end, Long Tianyang was the first to merge into the Galaxy Gate, followed by other cultivators.

At the bow, the golden Taoist, a graceful lady in palace dress, and a middle-aged man in Confucian robe with dragon horns on his head stood side by side. They looked at the direction of the Galaxy Gate with complicated expressions.

The beautiful woman sighed.

"They are all the top geniuses of our major forces. They are all pillars of society. They have a great chance to enter the state of great perfection in the future, and may even break through the state of transformation. I don't know how many of them can come back after taking this step."

The middle-aged man in Confucian robe said: "It is said that the survival rate of third-class mortal geniuses like us is less than 30%. That is to say, if so many people go in and one-third of them come out alive, we should be lucky. If we are unlucky, it is not impossible to be wiped out."

The golden Taoist yawned.

"This is the price you must pay if you want to pursue a great opportunity. As long as you can walk out of this door, you will most likely be able to break through the Spiritualization Stage and ascend to the Spirit Realm, which is a big step closer to the true path of immortality."

"If there is such an opportunity in front of us old guys, even if it is a life-or-death struggle, I believe we will not hesitate too much."

"Isn't cultivation for the purpose of ascending? In the mortal world, ascend to the Spirit Realm, and in the Spirit Realm, ascend to the Immortal Realm."

"It depends on their respective fates. The Starry Sky Secret Realm has been in existence for ten years, and we have only spent one year here. No one will come out in a short time. Let's go to sleep..."


The moment Ye Lin stepped into the Galaxy Gate, he felt his mind go blank and his consciousness completely disappeared. Maybe it was just a moment, or maybe it was a long time. His consciousness finally recovered. When he opened his eyes, he was in a vast and boundless outer space.

This gave him the illusion that he had never entered the Galaxy Gate.

After confirming that he could not sense Qin Jin'er, Senior Sister, and all the allies, Ye Lin's face became solemn.

He waved his sleeves.

A series of spiritual lights flashed, and a huge butt appeared in front of him, a beautiful girl in a white dress, and a dark boy holding a sword.

Exactly, Xiaolan, Xiaobai, Xiaoqiang.

Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang have not shown up in the recent period. They were cultivating in the ancient ring space and breaking through the bottleneck of the late stage of out-of-body experience. Now they finally got what they wanted. Not only did they enter the late stage of out-of-body experience, but they also completely stabilized their realm.

Ye Lin's cultivation talent cannot be compared with that of Xiao Bai and Xiao Qiang. What's more, the ancient ring space is now filled with the five elements essence of two super tribulations. Their cultivation speed has doubled, and they are traveling by leaps and bounds. Ye Lin has now broken through the middle stage of out-of-body experience for several years. Yes, it is really normal for them to break through the late stages of OBE.

Xiaobai asked: "What are our plans next?"

Xiaoqiang curiously looked at the outer starry sky. This was his first time in a gravity-free environment.

Ye Lin said: "I didn't expect that the secret realm of the galaxy is so big, and I can't feel the aura of a spiritual insect. Now we can only try our luck in any direction. I hope Jin'er and senior sister are lucky and don't encounter them. They are capable of dealing with the terrifying existences in the spiritual world if they encounter geniuses from other worlds.”

The three of them came to Xiaolan's head. Xiaolan found a random direction and turned into a stream of light and shot away.

Although Xiao Lan's current strength has not yet entered the late stage of out-of-body experience, it is very close. If he is given another year or two to practice, it will not be difficult to break through to the late stage of out-of-body experience. Ye Lin plans to find a safer place after finding his senior sister and Qin Jin'er. Arrange the formation in a small area, and simply hide in the formation and practice for ten or twenty years to increase your strength.

Anyway, the outer area of ​​the secret realm will be closed after thirty years, so there is no rush.

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