Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 822 Plan to create a puppet army

As Ye Lin and his party slowly approached, the crescent-shaped broken stars were only as big as a dustpan at first, and then slowly occupied the entire sky, turning into a bare, desolate world without any life.

Ye Lin and his party did not approach Broken Star very fast. After all, the source of the danger has not yet been discovered so far.

When he was 10,000 feet away from the ground, Ye Lin only felt the roar of hurricanes on the seemingly calm broken stars. However, these hurricanes were not natural disaster hurricanes in the outer starry sky. They were very terrifying for mortals. For monks in the out-of-body stage, they were not at all no effect.

Ye Lin waved his hand, and three spiritual lights turned into three monks wearing different clothes and appeared in front of him.

The three of them were very excited when they saw Ye Lin.

"Meet the master."

Ye Lin nodded.

"You are all good at controlling puppets. Now summon the puppets to investigate."


Ye Lin has hundreds of millions of spiritual insects, all kinds of spiritual insects, and there are not many spiritual insects that have entered the puppet path. These three people should be the most accomplished spiritual insects in the puppet path. They all have out-of-body abilities. Initial cultivation.

The three of them stretched out their hands at the same time, and a flash of inspiration flashed in the storage ring. One after another, exquisite and toy-like objects appeared in front of them. The three of them kneaded at the same time, and those "toys" suddenly came to life. At the same time, , the size of the "toys" expanded crazily.

In the blink of an eye, the originally inconspicuous toys grew to dozens of feet high. There were giants holding scimitars in both hands, a four-clawed dragon covered in golden armor, and a huge beetle covered with spikes. Aura exploded from them.

Seeing these puppets, Ye Lin couldn't help but nod.

"The strength is pretty good. It is estimated that the strength of each puppet is equivalent to that of an early-stage monk who has left the body. How many puppets can each of you control now?"

A lean spiritual insect monk responded respectfully.

"Reporting to the master, the number of controlled puppets is linked to the strength of the soul. The stronger the soul, the more puppets can be controlled. Currently, we can control more than twenty puppets to fight at the same time. Of course, there are also some thousand-legged centipedes, relying on their brains , and can control many puppets.”

Ye Lin responded: "Yes, from now on you three will form an army of puppets for me. I will have 10,000, 100,000, or even 1,000,000 puppets to fight at the same time. There is no need to worry about the strength of the soul. I can give it to you." The blessing of the soul will make your soul a hundred times stronger in an instant.”

Hearing this, the three spirit insects who were good at puppetry were overjoyed and their eyes shone with excitement.

"Master orders us, and we will do our best to fulfill it."

Ye Lin said again.

"Although you puppets are not weak in strength, they are still conventional puppets after all. They have not jumped out of the limitations of puppets. In terms of making puppets, you can actually expand your ideas and ask more about small tools, small talismans, and small books. By integrating the art of weapon refining, talismans, and formations into the art of puppets, the puppets produced will be stronger and more complete in function."

The spiritual insect monk who looked a little thin smiled bitterly.

"My master doesn't know something. We puppets can only be regarded as minors in the ancient ring world. We don't have many opportunities to make contributions to our master's battles. Even if we have the opportunity, our overall performance may not be as good as other powerful spirit insects, so we are subject to The emphasis is very limited, and we also know that refining puppets will be more powerful when integrated into them, but..."

"But Xiaoqi, Xiaofu, Xiaoshu, the three adults are extremely busy on weekdays, and our opportunities to go up and ask for advice are extremely limited."

Ye Lin showed a look of understanding when he heard this.

"Every month from now on, I will let them spend a day to communicate with your puppet team. When they are not free, you can also find other related spiritual insects to communicate with. From now on, your name will be Little Puppet, Puppet The puppet is responsible for this matter."

It's no wonder that the three spirit insects who are good at puppetry only have the early stage of out-of-body cultivation. It turns out that they are not taken seriously. This is Ye Lin's negligence.

The spirit insect named "Little Puppet" heard that he had a special name and was being taken seriously. He was so excited that his eyes burst into tears, and his eyes looking at Ye Lin were even more intense.

"The little puppet will live up to his master's expectations!"

Ye Lin nodded and pointed at the bare ground.

"Complete the mission quickly."

"As commanded."

Whoosh whoosh!

Huge puppets fell towards the ground.

The reason why Ye Lin wanted to form a spirit insect puppet team was very simple. The last time he explored Jian Mountain, he took the Taoist tool Feijian from the sword mountain and killed more than thirty spirit insects. He then thought that with his spirit, There are more and more insects. In the future, when the spiritual insects go to war, they will most likely die inevitably.

If 10,000 people go into battle, Ye Lin can barely accept the accidental death of a few spirit insects. However, if encountering a particularly dangerous situation and the spirit insects need to fight back and forth to resist the inevitable danger, the spirit insects will most likely Fallen in large numbers.

That was unacceptable to Ye Lin.

If there is an army of puppets, in this case, the puppets can be used to resist danger, and the spirit insects can hide behind the puppets to avoid fatal dangers.

In addition to dealing with unpredictable crises, Ye Lin himself is also very optimistic about the way of puppets. A spiritual insect in the early stage of leaving the body can control twenty puppets in the early stage of leaving the body. If he has one hundred thousand, one million With such a spiritual insect, he has a huge puppet army that is not afraid of death in battle.

Everyone looked to the ground.

Bang bang bang!

The huge puppet slowly landed. After landing, no abnormality was found. The puppets scattered and strode on the bare broken star. Each explored the surrounding area for a hundred miles, but still no abnormality occurred.

Originally, this was a very calm and normal scene, but it looked extremely weird in Ye Lin's eyes. He frowned.

"What's the situation? Could it be that the entire broken star belt can be unscrupulously mined for natural materials and treasures? It's not reasonable."

Qin Jin'er said: "Husband, why don't we let the puppets drill into the ground and start digging those veins. If there is still no danger, then there may be no danger. After all, the only ores in the entire broken star that can be considered opportunities are those for refining Taoist tools."

Ye Lin nodded when he heard this.

"Let's do as Jin'er said. Let's control the puppets and move forward 200,000 miles to the west. There is a black iron vein there. The vein contains a lot of black iron ore that is millions of years old."

The scattered puppets ran on the broken star. Due to their huge size, every step they took, the ground was broken into pieces and a big pit appeared. They ran all the way and raised thick dust.

However, despite the huge movement, Ye Lin still did not feel any danger coming.

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