Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 826 Dragon Blood Golden Pill

Boom, boom, boom...

Explosions continued one after another.

After the king of the mineral veins that threatened the most was killed, the remaining ore monsters, no matter how numerous they were, could hardly pose a threat to Ye Lin. Under the attack of the out-of-body spirit insect army, the ore monsters continued to fragment into pieces. of black iron ore.

As time goes by, there are fewer and fewer ore monsters surviving. The black iron ore on the ground piles up like a mountain. Thousands of spiritual insects hold mining hoes, clanging and banging on the ore, destroying the black iron ore that is over ten thousand years old. The iron ore is separated and placed in the warehouse of Gujie Space.

It took more than a day to clean up the first mineral vein. The nine large warehouses Ye Lin built in the ancient ring space currently only occupy one corner.

After Xiao Bai's energy recovered, Ye Lin led an army of out-of-body spiritual insects to the second mineral vein of the Broken Star.

As Ye Lin expected, after gaining combat experience in the first mine, it became much easier to deal with the ore monster. Killing the first mine king Xiaobai also consumed his energy, and the second one was killed by just using conventional means. He was successfully surrounded and killed.

In actual combat, the spirit insects have become more and more tacit in dealing with ore monsters, and their efficiency has also been greatly improved.

It took more than a day to clean the first vein, the second vein only took most of half a day, and the third vein only took six hours to complete.

As more and more ore veins are cleared, Ye Lin's ore reserves become more and more abundant.

In the busyness, time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye, it is more than a month later.


A thousand-foot-wide thunder sword energy streaked across the sky, and a three-headed strange bird that flew tens of thousands of feet high threw up its three heads. The strange bird's huge mountain-like body collapsed while its heads were thrown up. , turning into pieces of gravel emitting blue light and falling rapidly.

These blue gravels are Xuanbing stone, which contains abundant extremely cold air, and this three-headed strange bird is the king of mineral veins formed from Xuanbing stone veins. It is stronger than the first one Ye Lin has ever encountered. The King of Octopus Mineral Mines is much more powerful. Not only can he escape at extremely high speeds, he is also good at long-range attacks over a wide range, making him extremely difficult to deal with.

With the cooperation of Ye Lin, Qin Jin'er and many spiritual insects, Xiaobai consumed a lot of vitality and finally killed him.

Seeing the biggest threat shattered into pieces, Xiao Bai, holding the Nine Tribulations Dragon Ball in the sky and fluttering in her white skirt, breathed a sigh of relief and showed a satisfied smile.

"Through this month of training, the power of Poyun Sword Qi has finally reached a higher level."

In these three months, Xiao Bai was definitely the biggest contributor. Most of the kings of the mines died under Xiao Bai's thunder sword energy.

Ye Lin, who was driving Xiaolan, saw Xiaobai's pale face and quickly held the extremely weak one in his arms.

"After cleaning this black ice stone vein, we will rest for ten days. In the past month, we have cleaned more than fifty veins in total, which is really tiring for you."

Xiaobai nodded obediently.

"If your husband is not tired, we will not be tired."

Ye Lin's personal strength has skyrocketed since he got the high-grade Taoist weapon. During the battle, he also rushes to the front, fighting side by side with Xiaoqiang and Xiaobai. He has never had a moment of rest in the past month.

On the ground, the spirit insect army is fighting bravely with the ore monster. In the past month, they have not had a moment of rest. They are either fighting or mining.

Of course, the rewards of a month of hard work are amazing. Three of the nine ore warehouses built by Ye Lin are now filled. This is based on the fact that the smelting factory has been smelting ore around the clock. If it were not Smelting ore, now there are at least three and a half warehouses of ore.

Half a day later, the ground returned to calm, and all the valuable Xuanbing stones had been collected into the ancient ring space. Xiaoqiang and Xiaolan quickly dug a temporary residence among the rocks of Broken Star. After Xiaoshu arranged the concealment circle, , Ye Lin and his party can finally rest for a while.

Because Xiaobai's vitality was exhausted and he was still resting in the Gujie space, Qin Jin'er, who seldom did housework, took over Xiaobai's work and made Ye Lin's bed immediately.

There was a hint of blush on her pretty face. It seemed that they had never slept together since entering the secret realm of the galaxy.

"Husband, let's take a shower first..."

Ye Lin nodded.

Soon, a large wooden bucket filled with water was brought out. Qin Jin'er waved his sleeves, and the cold water was already warm and steaming out. The two took off their clothes, and Qin Jin'er served Ye Lin to bathe for the first time.

In the past, this kind of thing was taken care of by Xiaobai, Situ Yu, and senior sister. Although Qin Jin'er didn't care much about it on the surface, she was still looking forward to it in her heart.

After all, it’s very cozy for the couple to take a bath together.

After taking a bath, she felt refreshed and Qin Jin'er's face was as red as a big apple...

"Husband, we haven't practiced hard for a long time..."

Ye Lin suddenly laughed out loud when he saw Qin Jin'er's rare shy look. Qin Jin'er rolled her eyes at Ye Lin, stopped pretending to be shy, and was about to knock Ye Lin down.

At this moment, Ye Lin suddenly stopped Qin Jin'er, his face slightly serious.

Qin Jin'er asked doubtfully.

"Husband, do you have anything else important to do?"

A flash of light flashed in Ye Lin's hand, and an exquisite jade box appeared. On top of the jade box, a lifelike silver-white dragon was carved.


Qin Jin'er was slightly startled. He seemed to hear the roar of a dragon in the jade box.

Ye Lin said: "This is the dragon blood elixir."

Qin Jin'er was a little confused.

"Dragon blood golden elixir? If I remember correctly, this elixir should be the elixir of the dragon clan, which is prohibited from being introduced into the human race. It is said that many years ago, human monks hunted and killed many people in order to refine the dragon blood golden elixir and integrate it with the powerful blood of the dragon clan. The Dragon Clan has formed a blood feud with the Dragon Clan. The two clans have been at war for countless thousands of years. Finally, the conflict between the human race and the Dragon Clan was resolved through negotiations. The solution was that the human monks were no longer allowed to refine the Dragon Blood Golden Pill. The refining of the Dragon Blood Golden Pill was The method of making it can only be stored in the Dragon Palace."

"After that, only a handful of human monks who were friends with the dragons received the dragon's blood elixir, merged with the dragon's blood, and became half-human, half-dragon."

Ye Lin nodded.

"Indeed, the refining method of this dragon blood golden elixir was given to us by Ao Lingshuang. It will not cause disputes between the human race and the dragon race. Moreover, as long as we can safely walk out of the secret realm of the galaxy, we are not afraid of the road to the world. The dragon clan."

Qin Jin'er's eyes were bright.

"My husband took out this elixir and asked Jin'er to swallow it and fuse it with the dragon bloodline?"

Ye Lin nodded.

"I asked Ao Lingshuang, and he said that swallowing this pill without innate physique and bloodline has only advantages and no disadvantages. After becoming half-human and half-dragon, you can merge the bloodline advantages of the two major races, human and dragon, so that your The talent and strength have improved to the next level. If you want to return to the pure human bloodline in the future, you only need to refine the dragon blood essence in your body, and losing part of your cultivation and vitality will not have much impact. "

"Of course, by refining the dragon blood essence in the body, the dragon's abilities will also disappear."

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