Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 848: Pressure from the Soul

Among the Taoist companions around Ye Lin, the ones who know Ye Lin best are undoubtedly Xiaobai and Senior Sister, followed by Qin Jiner and Situ Yu.

As Qin Jiner said, Ye Lin is now very happy. If he didn't want to show it too obviously and exaggeratedly, his smile would be so long that it would reach his ears.

He has been thinking about how to kill the Evil Dragon Master in the duel space in one fell swoop.

The Evil Dragon Master is so powerful that it is extremely difficult to defeat him head-on. After defeating him, he can admit defeat or escape with his soul at any time, and even Ye Lin's Demon God Immortal Destroying Pearl is difficult to stop.

Under normal circumstances, it is extremely difficult to capture the Nascent Soul of a Great Perfection Master, let alone the soul between the real world and the illusion.

And now, the Evil Dragon Master not only restricts himself from admitting defeat, but also restricts the number of Taoist instruments he can use to suppress some of his strength, which is extremely wonderful.

In the duel space, the two are thousands of feet apart.

Without any extra words, as soon as the two entered the duel space, Xielong Zhenjun made a hand gesture, and a huge phantom with a height of a thousand feet and wrapped in purple flames and purple thunder appeared behind him. The pressure and momentum like a mountain and a sea emanated from this phantom.

It was Xielong Zhenjun's Yuanshen.

At this moment, Ye Lin felt that his chest and soul were pressed down by two ten-thousand-foot-high mountains. Not only was his breathing difficult, but even the blood flow became slow. The mana in his dantian became as heavy as a thousand pounds, and it became difficult to mobilize for a while.

The pressure from the powerful incarnation was really terrifying. Before the battle started, Ye Lin's strength was greatly weakened.

Ye Lin looked at the huge Yuanshen behind Xielong Zhenjun, without any fear, but his eyes were fiery.

Sooner or later, he would also step into the incarnation stage and have a more powerful Yuanshen.

There was only a "boom".

Ye Lin's robes fluttered and his long hair fluttered.

A terrifying aura burst out from Ye Lin. At the same time, a strange phenomenon of heaven and earth appeared above his head. There was a golden dragon spitting pearls, a phoenix reborn from the fire, and Kunpeng soaring thousands of miles.

That was the invincible momentum of Ye Lin's great perfection.

Ye Lin was fighting against the pressure of the Yuanshen with an invincible momentum. In this way, although the pressure of the Yuanshen still had an effect on him, it was not big and could not weaken his strength much!

Xielong Zhenjun had already known Ye Lin's ability in detail from Long Tianyang. There was no surprise in his eyes. He pointed at Ye Lin, and the Yuanshen behind him moved in unison. Two purple dragon-shaped shock waves composed of flames and lightning shot towards Ye Lin.

The distance of ten thousand feet was reached in an instant.

Ye Lin stepped on Xiaolan, and his figure turned into a blue escape light and disappeared. Seeing this, Xielong Zhenjun just raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Your mutant butt bug runs pretty fast, but it's a pity that it's useless. I heard from Long Tianyang that the fart of destruction released by your butt bug is very powerful. I want to give it a try."

The two dragon-shaped shock waves passed through the place where Ye Lin was originally standing. Instead of disappearing, they roared and shot towards Ye Lin at a faster speed.

Little Blue's butt spewed purple-blue light, and it flashed past the dragon-shaped shock wave again.

The Evil Dragon Master pointed at Ye Lin a few more times, and dragon-shaped shock waves roared and shot from all directions, as if to completely surround Little Blue.

Ye Lin said lightly.

"You want to kill me with this little strength? You'd better show some real skills!"

He made a hand gesture, and golden light shone from his body. Two giant dragons condensed, and then there was a rumbling sound. The two golden dragons waved their sharp claws and grabbed all the dragon-shaped shock waves and exploded. For a while, Ye Lin and the two dragons were wrapped in purple flames and thunder.

When the purple flames and thunder dissipated, Ye Lin was protected by the two dragons and was unharmed.

These two dragons were condensed by the second level of the "Nine Dragons Mysterious Art".

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Evil Dragon Master, and his expression became slightly solemn.

Long Tianyang only knew some of Ye Lin's information on the Ten Thousand Nations Continent, and Ye Lin's practice of the "Nine Dragons Mysterious Art" happened in the past few months, and Long Tianyang didn't know it at all.

Long Tianyang didn't know, and the Evil Dragon Master naturally didn't know either.

"The threshold for practicing the Nine Dragons Mysterious Art is extremely high even in the spiritual world. Even a master of the alchemy path would find it extremely difficult to refine a high-quality Nine Dragons Golden Pill. Moreover, the formula of this technique is extremely profound, and it is difficult for a cultivator in the Spiritualization Stage to comprehend it in a short period of time. How did this boy secretly condense two coiled dragons!"

If the Evil Dragon Master knew that it took Ye Lin only two or three months to condense two coiled dragons, he would probably be so surprised that his jaw would drop to the ground.

The Nine Dragons Mysterious Art is indeed extremely profound and difficult to comprehend, but Ye Lin can connect to the brains of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of spirit insects, allowing them to comprehend with him. Even if the most profound heaven-level technique is placed in front of Ye Lin, it will not take much time to comprehend it all.

In addition, Xiao Dan's refining attainments have long surpassed those of ordinary alchemy masters. In Xiao Dan's words, he is only a step away from becoming a great alchemy master. On the Wan Guo Continent, there has not been a great alchemy master for 200,000 years. Even in the spirit world, great alchemy masters are rare and have a high status.

It is almost certain that Xiao Dan will refine the Nine Dragons Golden Pill, and there will be no waste of alchemy materials.

It is also because of this that Ye Lin's progress in practicing the "Nine Dragons Mysterious Art" is advancing by leaps and bounds. If there are enough materials for refining high-quality Nine Dragons Golden Pills, Ye Lin can quickly condense nine coiled dragons.

For the Evil Dragon Master, Ye Lin's "Nine Dragons Mysterious Art" added a lot of variables to this duel, which also made him break away from the state of winning from a high position. He vaguely felt that the situation seemed a little bad, and he had to deal with Ye Lin seriously and cautiously.

Then a purple light began to spread under him.


A terrifying ten thousand feet long purple real dragon appeared in the void behind the purple real dragon. In the void, a real dragon phantom condensed by purple real fire and purple thunder was condensed again. The phantom was about 100,000 feet long, and the two eyeballs were like two purple suns.

This is the soul of the purple real dragon!

As Ye Lin expected, the natal real dragon raised by the Evil Dragon Master was also a god.

The two souls quickly merged in the void, and the shadow of the Evil Dragon Master's soul gradually grew a pair of purple dragon horns, and pieces of shining dragon scales appeared on the surface of the body.

Affected by the spirit, the body of the Evil Dragon Master was also changing. Two dragon claws grew out of his back, and his body was completely covered with dragon scales. He became neither human nor dragon.

The Evil Dragon Master opened his fang-filled mouth and spit out a dragon ball condensed from flames and thunder. The dragon ball slowly rotated around the Evil Dragon Master.

The Evil Dragon Master showed an extremely ferocious smile.

"In fact, the weapon I usually use is only this Thunder and Fire Double Star Dragon Ball. This dragon ball is smelted from the top-grade Taoist weapons Crazy Thunder Dragon Ball and Lihuo Dragon Ball. I have never used other top-grade Taoist weapons. Ye Lin, you thought you got a bargain by being clever, but you didn't expect that you have been tricked!"

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