Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 932 Chaos Void


A purple light burst out from the head of the octopus monster. It was the octopus monster's Nascent Soul. The Nascent Soul did not teleport away, but continued to roar wildly. Thousands of tentacles formed by seawater appeared on the sea surface and rolled towards Fengshenzhou again.

The somewhat helpless Divine Eye Sword Immortal wanted to kill the Nascent Soul again, but Ye Lin said.

"Don't kill this guy's Nascent Soul. Try to seal it for research."


The Divine Eye Sword Immortal had to sheath his sword and stand with the sword. Since he didn't kill the enemy, the next thing had nothing to do with him.

Ao Lingshuang waved his sleeves in front of him with the Dinghai Pearl in his hand. The water waves surged thousands of feet high to form a series of water shields. Thousands of tentacles hit the water waves, and the water waves only stirred up ripples, without any signs of being broken.

This octopus monster in the out-of-body stage is definitely not weak among the out-of-body great perfection cultivators, but it is completely not enough to face Ye Lin and others.

The nine-headed worm of the Nine-headed Demon King has revealed its true form and started to squeak.

The Nascent Soul of the octopus demon was pierced by the translucent flying needles, and it screamed in pain and rolled around in the void. Ye Lin held a seal bead in his hand, grabbed the Nascent Soul of the octopus demon, which had lost its ability to escape, and then sealed it in the seal bead.

Even after catching the Nascent Soul of the octopus demon, Ye Lin still did not give up. He cast a spell and took the two sections of the octopus demon's body to the ancient ring space for Xiao Dan to do a more comprehensive study.

The reason why Ye Lin attaches so much importance to this matter is not only related to the safety of the next trip to the chaotic sea, but also to Ye Lin's future collective ascension plan.

These octopus demons can enter and exit the chaotic void at will after swallowing purple spiritual energy for a long time, and are not afraid of spatial turbulence. Can human cultivators do the same?

Of course, this is obviously not easy to do. Judging from the performance of the octopus monster, long-term consumption of purple spiritual energy will completely lose reason and turn into a monster like the blood demon that Ye Lin had encountered before.

After being attacked by the octopus monster, Ye Lin became more and more curious about the Dragon Taoist.

"There are many strange things in this place, and it is extremely dangerous. What kind of existence is the Dragon Taoist who has been hiding in this place for tens of thousands of years, and why is he obsessed with this place?"

Next, Ye Lin and his party drove the Wind God Boat to search the chaotic sea little by little until the next day, when Xiao Dan came to report.

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as what the senior sister said. These purple spiritual energies were not ordinary spiritual energies, but came from the chaotic void. Weak cultivators or monsters would completely lose their minds if they absorbed a little bit, but they would also be protected by the chaotic space and protected from the destruction and influence of the power of space.

Xiao Dan's next research direction is to separate its beneficial components, remove its unfavorable components, and then refine it into a new elixir with other spiritual herbs and medicines. With this elixir, ordinary cultivators can also enter the chaotic void.

At present, Xiao Dan still has no clue about the separation method, because without a direction, even if more spiritual insect brains are combined, it is in vain.

Ye Lin is not in a hurry, just let Xiao Dan keep it in mind. Now Xiao Dan should do the most, or refine the three true dragons in the transformation stage into the Nine Dragons Golden Pill to increase Ye Lin's personal strength.

After searching in the chaotic sea for two more days, it will be the day to hold the Ten Thousand Races Conference in two more days. During this time, Ye Lin and his party killed dozens of powerful monsters that lost their minds, two of which were monsters in the early stage of transformation.

It is very regrettable that they still cannot find the hiding place of the Demon Dragon Master. Because the souls of these powerful monsters are in chaos, like a chaotic void, Ye Lin cannot even use the soul search method to search for the memory of the Demon Dragon Master.

On the flying boat, everyone is at a loss.

Xiao Qiang scratched the back of his head.

"The Demon Dragon is hiding really well. We have almost searched all the areas of the Chaos Sea, but we can't find any clues. If I find him, I will beat him to death."

The senior sister pointed at the huge whirlpools.

"I think the Demon Dragon is very likely to have been absorbing purple spiritual energy here for many years and entered the Chaos Void, so it is difficult for my husband's consciousness to sense it."

Xiao Bai said helplessly.

"There are at least 3,000 huge sea eyes in this Chaos Sea, and we don't know what dangers are hidden in them. It's not easy for us to check them one by one."

Situ Yu asked in confusion.

"If the Demon Dragon absorbs purple spiritual energy for a long time, shouldn't he also fall into chaos? Could it be that the spiritual energy that can cause confusion among cultivators and monsters has no effect on the Heavenly Demon? It shouldn't be. There is no powerful Heavenly Demon around, which is enough to show that this place is not suitable for Heavenly Demons to survive."

Ye Lin pondered for a moment.

"What you said makes sense. I think it is necessary to go down to the sea eye to explore. This Wind God Boat is best at resisting space storms. The space storms at the sea eye connection are not too strong. Our bodies can resist it. The risk of taking the Wind God Boat to explore should not be too great."

Everyone nodded.

Qin Jiner asked: "Which sea eye should we go to first?"

Ye Lin pointed to the front, a sea eye with a diameter of more than ten thousand feet.

"This is the largest sea eye we have seen. If there are any opportunities and benefits in the sea eye, there should be the most here. Therefore, the Demon Dragon Master is most likely hiding here. Of course, it is all based on guesswork. We will know the details after we go down to investigate."

Hearing this, Qin Jiner cast a spell towards the center of the Fengshenzhou formation. In an instant, the Fengshenzhou was wrapped in layers of green magic shields. Then she controlled the Fengshenzhou to fly into the center of the sea eye, and then descended towards the sea eye.

The suction of this ten thousand feet large sea eye was extremely strong. The Fengshenzhou began to tremble slightly when it entered the suction range of the sea eye. The green magic shield flashed with ripples, but there was no sign of breaking.

After descending for an unknown number of ten thousand feet, Ye Lin and his party finally saw colorful chaotic brilliance flashing in the center of the vortex, and an extremely dangerous and chaotic aura emanated. Even Ye Lin's consciousness could only penetrate it a few thousand feet away.

Everyone retreated to the end of the Fengshenzhou, and Qin Jiner carefully controlled the Fengshenzhou to slowly sail into the chaotic space full of space turbulence.

The shield condensed by the Fengshenzhou began to tremble violently, and the light became weaker and weaker. In just a moment, the thousands of immortal stones in the formation center actually lost their brilliance.

Ye Lin quickly put in tens of thousands of immortal stones, and the shield of the Wind God Boat stabilized, and then completely sank into the chaotic void.

"Sure enough, there is an ancient relic in this chaotic space!"

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