Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 1015: For the time being!

Chu Chunqiu still does not understand what is the intention of asking this question. What Lin Feng wants to say, of course, it is impossible to rely on himself and his own opportunities.

"Can you see how old he is?" Lin Feng smiled slightly and then asked Chu Chunqiu.

Chu Chunqiu nodded, Shen Sheng said: "He seems to be an old man, in fact, but a few hundred years old, and you and me are almost the same."

"Yeah, it's almost the same as you and me, but he stopped practicing in the middle, that is to say, he was the Emperor of the Emperor a hundred years ago, then you can imagine that if he had no dark disease, he practiced for a hundred years, now he What will be the achievement?" Lin Feng smiled and continued to ask Chu Chunqiu.

Chu Chunqiu heard this, and my heart already understood Lin Feng’s meaning. For a time, his face was very complicated. Is this the gap between him and Lin Feng?

Lin Feng did not pay attention to Chu Chunqiu's complicated look. He still smiled and said: "He can be called a genius, but his fate is not good. Only a teahouse has been opened in this place."

"Oh, actually, how many geniuses do you know? Do you know? I don't know. It's impossible to see that there is only one Lin Feng in the world, a Chu Chunqiu, but because of fate and bad luck, it was suppressed."

"And why can we stand out from these people, even those who are like the geniuses of the past are envious and envious? It is nothing more than because we have good opportunities."

"There are dozens of benefactors and elders I have encountered in my life. Everyone has changed my destiny. Sometimes I feel that my destiny is being arranged."

"I know later, some of my fate is indeed arranged, but I have made more efforts myself, otherwise even if I have been arranged for fate, there will be accidents."

"After so many difficulties and obstacles, I have come over, you are not the same, was eaten into the body by the Taikoo Devil, still strong and broke out."

"We are all the same people who can fight against the fate, but he can't, because he lost to the fate and lost to the enemies in the middle, so he can only come here to open a teahouse."

"I don't want to give him a favor. I really want to pull him, so that he can have the opportunity to regain his dreams. Even if the final result is not the **** of you and me, but he I will also feel no regret for my own efforts."

"Chu Chunqiu, what do you say?" Lin Feng said here, looking at Chu Chunqiu complex face, the tone is very solemn.

Chu Chunqiu heard this, his heart is full of shock, he has never seen Lin Feng and this side, nowadays the real get along, only to know that his opponents in the past few hundred years have such a human side, not just a Bloodthirsty madman.

Although Lin Feng’s words were not loud, the ‘Old Man’ in the kitchen was still able to hear clearly. After listening to Lin Feng’s words, he was not very happy. His eyes gradually ooze tears.

Lin Feng said that there is no mistake. He has always been called a genius by the family. He is highly hoped by the family. If it is not calculated midway, he should not be the owner of the tea house now. It is likely to be qualified and Lin Feng. Sitting with Chu Chunqiu to drink.

Bitter, helpless, who can understand this qualification?

He has always felt disheartened. It is very likely that he will pass this life in this life, but now Lin Feng’s words make him understand what is the real Tianjiao and what is the real heart.

Lin Feng is worthy of the glory of the eternal kingdom of the eternal kingdom. He has this qualification and strength.

"Lin Feng, today's grace of dripping water, he will report the springs, and Wu Chengzu vows that he will be my son or my grandson, even my family will always support you!"

"Wu family, always support Lin Feng."

Wu Chengzu said, wiped his tears, soaked, and kept a good state, took the two dishes and went out.

At the moment, Lin Feng and Chu Chunqiu were silently meditating. Wu Chengzu placed the two dishes on the table, and then he went straight without saying anything.

"Lin Feng, why are you destroying the entire Yuan Temple?"

After a long time, Chu Chunqiu broke the dull atmosphere, looked up and asked Lin Feng seriously, and then filled Lin Feng with wine.

"I give my friends a revenge." Lin Feng picked up the glass, a bowl of wine and a drink, the words are also light and indifferent, there is not much emotional fluctuations.

After Chu Chunqiu heard this, his face could not help but change. He asked strangely: "If you vent your friends, you will destroy an ancient clan?"

"Is there a problem?" Lin Feng asked Chu Chunqiu, and suddenly let the latter be speechless. I don't know what to say. Indeed, there is no problem. Lin Feng is really resolute and very loyal, and can't let friends get a little bit of it. Wronged.

"I sometimes think again, if I have a distress one day, will you save me?" Chu Chunqiu whispered and looked at Lin Feng.

Wen Yan, Lin Feng brow slightly provoked, some wonder why Chu Chunqiu will ask such a question.

The atmosphere was awkward. Chu Chunqiu waved his hand and smiled casually: "Nothing else, don't think too much, just make a joke. If I fall into a crisis, you definitely want me to die, haha."

Chu Chunqiu said, he himself drank a bowl of wine, and once he drank it, he was already drunk.

"If you have a crisis, I will save you." Lin Feng said with a deep voice, the tone is very firm and more solemn, without any jokes.

When the words fall, Chu Chunqiu’s face suddenly changes, and some incredulously look at Lin Feng, and Lin Feng smiles and says: “I will save you, then kill you again. I just told them that my death is right, you are not qualified to kill. Only I can kill, haha."

"Ha ha ha, good, good." After Chu Chunqiu listened to Lin Feng’s explanation, his face was also overjoyed, and he laughed loudly, continued to pour wine, and then drank.

Two people laughed. After drinking, there was no other thing. A large pot of wine, two people almost drunk more than 20 bowls of wine, but they were already drunk.

Lin Feng and Chu Chunqiu all claim that the thousand cups are not drunk, but at this moment, Lin Feng or Chu Chunqiu is actually fascinated by this drunken scent. It is really shocking.

Two people fell on the table and didn't know how many hours later they woke up in a faint way. It was already dark outside, but there was no moonlight in the stars.

"Are you drunk?" Lin Feng looked up and looked at Chu Chunqiu, who was struggling to get up, with a smile on his face.

"You are not the same?" Chu Chunqiu laughed and looked at Lin Feng.

"Well, talking nonsense so much, here is the time to talk about something meaningful." Lin Feng waved his hand and interrupted Chu Chunqiu’s words, ready to return to the topic.

Chu Chunqiu put away a smile and his face returned to normal.

"Have you seen the ancient demon king?" Chu Chunqiu looked at Lin Feng, Shen Sheng asked, his face was gloomy.

"I have seen it. In Shibuya, he is also one of the black robes under the mysterious man." Lin Feng nodded and replied faintly.

"What are you going to do?" Chu Chunqiu asked, his only worry so far is the Taikoo Devil. Kill the devil!

"Of course, killing him is the ultimate goal, but he is the emperor's four-fold, and extremely secret, and the mysterious person's men, I am not 100% sure." Lin Feng said what he was worried about. Although he knew the fate of the Taikoo, he still had little hope.

"I think so too, so I want to join hands with you to deal with the Taikoo Devil. Although we are dead, you can't wait for me to die, I can't wait for you to die, but at the moment we have to say that we must join hands to deal with him."

"Well, I know this, or I won't come to you right away." Lin Feng solemnly nodded, and these principles themselves understood.

"In this case, what are your plans?" Chu Chunqiu asked Lin Feng, his face was very gloomy.

"I didn't plan, but I have to go back to Shibuya within half a Lin Feng did not conceal the time limit for the mysterious person to give himself, told Chu Chunqiu.


"Mysterious people only gave me a one-month deadline. If I don't go back after one month, my friends and myself are in danger."

"I came out this time, but it was just to solve some things. After solving the problem, I still need to go back." Lin Feng said quietly, his face was gloomy.

"It turns out that I still wonder why you can come out so easily. It turns out that you have conditions before." Chu Chunqiu's face is gloomy. He can't imagine who the black robe is. Why is it so powerful? It's just... I have never seen it.

I am afraid that the entire eternal kingdom is not so powerful.

"Lin Feng, I am going to Shibuya with you." Chu Chunqiu also thought of his own plan, which is to say to Lin Feng.

Wen Yan, Lin Feng's face changed slightly, but also nodded. Since Chu Chunqiu had a decision, it must be decided after he thought through it.

"Alright, if you are there, I am safer." Lin Feng smiled faintly.

"But how do I feel that I am more dangerous with you?" Chu Chunqiu said with a slap in the face, opened a small joke, and eased the embarrassing atmosphere.

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