Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 1030: Is it for me to abuse you? ...

Chu Chunqiu stared at Lin Feng but did not speak. In his heart, Lin Feng could not be hurt by this move, and Lin Feng, who has the power of creation, could not be defeated so easily, and it would certainly be resistant, but now The situation of Lin Feng is not resistant, which is intriguing.

"Lin Feng, what the **** are you doing?" Chu Chunqiu whispered and shook his head. He found that he couldn't understand Lin Feng, and he couldn't guess what Lin Feng wanted to do next.

After so many years have passed, as an opponent, he is more and more unable to keep up with Lin Feng’s ideas. Is this a kind of sorrow?

The black robe man slammed out and went straight to Lin Feng in the high altitude. Lin Feng jumped and suddenly fell. The double fists rushed out to the black robe who went straight to the sky. The two energy collided together. Lin Feng was It crashed out and fell heavily on the ground.

Lin Feng’s mouth has a trace of blood, and the two energy in the body are constantly colliding. Lin Feng knows that if he persists in this moment, he will be able to break through. At that time, he will also fight back, but now he must endure the abuse. The status quo.

The black robe stepped out in one step and instantly came to Lin Feng's front. One hand raised Lin Feng up, and the corner of his mouth smeared a strange smile. Then he shot it and directly hit Lin Feng's chest. Lin Feng snorted and only felt. The chest was crushed and the energy was transmitted to the whole body.

But the power that spreads throughout the body can't change the collision of two energy in his body. Lin Feng is still patient. Although the process is extremely painful, he has to bear the abuse of the black robe, but it is all worthwhile. Breaking through the three emperors is not hesitating.

This is also the reason why Lin Feng can break through the first step. Why is the gap between Tianjiao and the ordinary martial artists getting bigger and bigger? That is, Tianjiao dares to take his own life to make a bet, break through the higher level, and it is inevitable to cultivate stronger. The reason, this is also the old guys dare not try.

Lin Feng is now in a great crisis, but the same opportunity is also huge, so no matter how the black robe people abuse themselves, Lin Feng will not frown, because he is very clear, the breakthrough is very fast.

After seeing Lin Feng being beaten, the black robe did not react after snoring. He couldn’t help but be disappointed. He always thought that Lin Feng could scream a few times, so he would feel cool, but it didn’t. The black robe people have a heart, and today Lin Feng must be screamed, otherwise it will not be successful.

The general sound of the smashing bangs sounded, and the black robes once again clenched their fists and directly bombarded Lin Feng’s lower abdomen. Lin Feng only felt the abdomen being penetrated. The two energies encountered great trouble in the body confrontation. Rebel against your own meridians.

Crisis, the absolute crisis, Lin Feng's face suddenly pale, I thought about breaking through, but now he knows that this is impossible, the black robe people abuse themselves, not only the suffering of the flesh is so simple, its energy can also wear Through the whole body, the game affecting the two energy.

Lin Feng suddenly screamed and kicked out with a big kick. The black robe was concentrating on how to abuse Lin Feng. He didn’t expect the rabbit to counterattack, kicking in his chest and letting him squirt directly. A bloody, heavy fly back.

The black robe was kicked out and suddenly surprised the head of the Oriental Green. Lin Feng has now the ability to counterattack? I am afraid it is not simple.

"Don Juan, don't have to talk nonsense with him, he will die half directly." The oriental green anger sighed and looked at the second child.

Tang Qiangqiang got up from the ground and only felt that his chest was crushed. The pain of the twisted heart almost made him scream, and he sighed. Tang Yan adjusted his breath, and his face became more and more cold. foot.

Lin Feng is still standing on the ground, but his face is pale, because Lin Feng has already fallen into a huge crisis at this moment. Both energy must be reversed. If this happens, you can burst yourself in an instant. Don't say that it is a breakthrough. Whether you can survive is a problem.

There are opportunities in the so-called crisis, but at this moment, Lin Feng has encountered a crisis and it has been solved very well. However, Tang Yan will not let himself go, which is very difficult.

Lin Feng has not played the strength of Tang Yan. Now he has to take care of the two energy sources in the body and become more difficult. He can't let himself give up the breakthrough, but in this way, efforts must be paid, two It is impossible for the black robe to go back.

No, Lin Feng bites his teeth tightly. Even if he encounters a huge crisis, he can't give up this opportunity to break through. If he gives up, he still doesn't know when he can break through the next stage.

The breakthrough of the Emperor level is no longer like the Emperor. When God respects, you can rely on comprehension to make a breakthrough. Today, the Emperor has nothing to understand, because the Emperor has surpassed Heaven and needs to comprehend.

Then there is only one breakthrough channel, that is, continuous fighting and then hone yourself, and finally seek a breakthrough in the crisis, and then rely on time to break through, but that breakthrough method, for Lin Feng, an acute child, will not consider.

Looking for wealth and danger, Lin Feng at this moment is caught in such a contradiction, whether it is a breakthrough or abandon.

Lin Feng chose a breakthrough.

Tang Yan once again came to Lin Feng in front of him. He grabbed Lin Feng’s collar with one hand, and threw out Lin Feng vigorously. Lin Feng was thrown out heavily and landed on the ground to pull out the earth. The deep pit exudes a dark atmosphere.

Lin Feng’s horror discovery found that the fall caused the body’s reversal energy to weaken a lot. With a trend of re-emphasis, but still did not completely change, Lin Feng’s face was overjoyed, and then he took the initiative to jump out of the pit.

"How? Didn't you eat? I didn't use any strength?" Lin Feng made a sound for the first time after a long time, but he laughed at Tang Yan's lack of strength.

Tang Yan was a former kicker of Lin Feng, Lin Feng said so, and made him angry, suddenly screamed, stepped out, once again appeared in front of Lin Feng, grabbed Lin Feng's collar, compared to before The strength of his strength, he increased by 30%, and then thrown Lin Feng.

A loud bang, and a deep pit appeared, Lin Feng was once again thrown into the deep pit, but the energy of Lin Feng has gradually changed from reverse reversal to homeopathic flow, and this change finally gave Lin Feng a sigh of relief.

The distance is only a step away from success. The next thing you need to do is to go out and find a battle with Tang Yan, and then wait for the two energy pairs to make a breakthrough.

Tang Yan stood in the deep pit and looked down at Lin Feng, who had been abused for a long time. His face was full of ridiculous smiles. After so long, Lin Feng should know that his strength is insufficient. After he has abused him for so long, he should also know what It is a rule.

"Lin Feng, dissatisfied?" Tang Yan sighed and looked at Lin Feng in the deep pit, the tone was full of sarcasm and disdain.

Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes and flashed a golden light. Lin Feng himself jumped out of the deep pit and stared straight at Tang Yin.

"You have been abused for so long, now, should I change to abuse you?" Lin Feng smiled faintly, and there was a more confident thing in his tone, which made Tang Yan's face suddenly look awkward.

"It seems that you still refuse to obey me?" Tang Yan shook his head, his face once again gloomy, nonsense, he took another step, one hand directly pulled Lin Feng's collar, ready to throw Lin Feng again.

This time, Lin Feng was still moving, Tang Yan’s face suddenly looked awkward, and some looked at Lin Feng with awkwardness. It seemed that he found the wrong sign. Lin Feng looked at Tang Yan, and then he smiled a little in the corner of his mouth: “I said It’s been a long time since you’ve been abused, and it’s time for me to abuse you?”

"Whether it is not all to seek some fairness, isn't it? Tang Yan?" Lin Feng smiled inexplicably and splendidly, and instead seized the collar of Tang Yan. When Tang Yin was still wrong, Lin Feng made a billions of pounds. Force directly turned Tang Yan to the ground.

There was another bang in the bang, but there was another deep pit, but the deep pit at the moment was not the one that Lin Feng took out, but the Tang dynasty.

Under the deafening sound, Lin Feng's body also flashed a brilliant golden light, and a loud bang sounded from Lin Feng's foot to the whole body, and the momentum became more and more terrifying.

Chu Chunqiu or Dongfangqing, all of them are shocked to look at Lin Feng, looking at Lin Feng at the moment, the realm directly from the Emperor of the Emperor to the Emperor triple, this is not over, the final realm Lin Feng stayed in the Emperor On the edge of the triple peak, only one step is the triple peak of the Emperor breakthrough? Lin Feng actually broke through in everyone unconsciously? How did he do it?

"Oh, you are willing to be abused. Is this a cover for you to break through? So smart and savvy." Dongfang Qing sneered out, he found himself deceived, Tang Yan was also deceived, everyone was cheated, and only Lin Feng went on his own plan.

Breakthrough, the Emperor triple, tend to peak!

Lin Feng laughed out loud, looked at everyone faintly, and finally stood in the deep pit, blinking and seeing Tang Yan struggling out from the deep pit, Lin Feng was stepping out, and died in Tang Yin. Above the forehead, a powerful blow, once again kicked him into the pit.

"Today, this pit is guarded by me. Don Juan needs to lie in this deep pit for three hours, otherwise no one wants him to come out!". Lin Feng’s domineering anger screamed and looked at the oriental green.

The face of Dongfang Qing suddenly became gloomy. Lin Feng’s words were meant to be heard by him. It is even more understandable that Lin Feng took the initiative to provoke him.

After the breakthrough, Lin Feng has been unable to speak the same day. How much is being abused, naturally he has to go back, and he will go back in multiples.

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