Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1105: Liangcheng Auction!

"I still don't retreat, I still don't want to lose face?"

The nebula gods cold face angered the eight great arrogances. If he does not say anything again, it is very likely that these eight people still want to continue to provoke Lin Feng, which is really dead. It is obvious that Lin Feng has kept restraint. I am afraid that before the change, these eight days of arrogance are hard to live.

The face of the nebula gods is gloomy and shocked by the strength of Lin Feng. The strength that Lin Feng shows is the strength of the five emperors. It is the strength of the Emperor and even the Emperor. Lin Feng is still very difficult, the Emperor Qizhong or the Emperor's eight-day Tianjiao or the older generation.

It is undeniable that Lin Feng’s strength is indeed strong enough to make him feel shocked. If Lin Feng continues to practice at such a speed, then I am afraid that it will take a few years to break through and become a god. At that time, perhaps one of the youngest gods. .

As for why he used one of them, because above the war, there are also geniuses who have become ancestors in the age of a thousand, and now they are above the list of war.

The eight great Tianjiao held their chests or picked up their long swords. They looked at Lin Feng and then sighed heavily. They drank a weak tone and were uncle.

Lin Feng’s face is very dull, and he is not even more angry because of the provocation of the eight arrogances. The only anger is that the Yumenjie, Yumenjie is too heavy, and I am afraid that the future is a shortcoming of the college.

However, Lin Feng did not say such a thing, nor did he tell the nebula gods. Since it is a disciple of the other party's choice, then he is not qualified to comment on other people's disciples.

The Eight Great Tianjiao and the Royal Gate knots all retreated. The face of Yumenjie was still unwilling and angry. He held his fist and secretly vowed that one day he would take the position of this vice president with real strength. come back!

However, he did not know that Lin Feng did not glimpse the position of this vice president. Even for this position, Lin Feng was not tempted. It was nothing more than the position of a deputy dean of a college. He was not a baby, only the Yumen knot. Think of him as a baby, making people laugh.

"Xiandi, today's business, you don't go to the heart, they are like this, they...".

"Brother, this time, when I am testing your disciples, it doesn't matter, but if there is next time, I can't guarantee that I will kill."

Lin Feng expresses his own dissatisfaction in a straightforward manner. This time it gives you the face of the nebula. If there is another time, then you may kill directly, instead of being a simple little punishment.

The nebula **** ancestors saw Lin Feng’s attitude so firm, and there was no joking element. His face suddenly dignified a bit, and he thought a lot, but the important point is that you must not let these disciples who are not dying to provoke Lin Feng, otherwise One hundred dead people.

"The sage is relieved, I must tell them, pay attention to some." The nebula nodded his ancestors. It was not easy for him to train these disciples. It took three hundred years of hard work. If he was killed by Lin Feng, it would be too much wronged, and he would be killed by his own worshipped priest. He is in a dilemma.

Lin Feng nodded, and did not pay much attention to it. Today’s farce ended like this. Lin Feng continued to go back to the main hall to rest. The face of the nebula **** was very ugly. He carried his hands directly to the place where the eight great arrogants flew. He wants tonight. Have a good lesson about these unsuspecting disciples.

In order to avoid the troubles in the future, I thought that in the college is a personal thing, you can provoke everyone, this time really suffered, and simply encountered Lin Feng, if it is other strong people who do not know, now there is still Their chances of living.

This night, in addition to Lin Feng, it is doomed that other people are in a state of insomnia.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Feng got up very early, twisted his neck and arms, stood in front of the window and looked at the white mist over the entire college and the town in the distance. The white fog continued to float, occasionally rich, and there were It is thin, and there is a blue sky above the white fog.

The wind blows the grass and the white fog is low. There is no unrestrained sea. There are no steep canyons and high mountains, and there are no mountains and mountains. Everything looks so breezy.

The things here are much better than the eternal kingdom. It is like a scene filled with the scenery, the land of heaven, and the best place to live in the picture.

"It is said that the war is **** and cruel, and it should not be absolute. It is all rumored to demonize the war." Lin Feng gave a feeling in his heart, and the war world also divided the place and the sinister place, and could not be partial.

"The second ancestor, the ancestors invited you to the discussion hall."

At this time, a young man in blue stood under the main hall, but there is still a long way to go from the main hall. He dared not violate the rules and could only hide in the far cry.

Lin Feng looked at the disciple. After stepping into the sky, he flew straight to the hall of deliberation. The young man in the blue dress on the ground looked at the **** of the sky. This is the real arrogance.

He will become such a strong man in the future!

Lin Feng flew to the sky above the conference hall. After landing, Lin Feng walked into the discussion hall.

The simple and direct way, many disciples do not know what to say, it is estimated that only Lin Feng dare to fly in the entire college, if the change is an ordinary person, will be severely punished by the nebula gods, this is the contempt of the college's majesty.

Only Lin Feng dared to do this, the nebula gods also smiled and greeted, not angry, this treatment, so many disciples want to become Lin Feng's strength and the point, they can be so crazy.

"Xiandi, sit." The old ancestors pointed to the chair next to him and told Lin Feng to sit down.

Lin Feng waved his hand: "Brother, what do you say directly, if nothing happens, I am going to see it in that city."

"Would you like to go to Liangcheng?" After listening to Lin Feng's words, the nebula gods suddenly became shocked, and then a slight curvature appeared in the corner of his mouth. He thought about how to talk about Lin Feng, since Lin Feng himself was going to cool. City, it will be easy.

"Is this city called Liangcheng?" Lin Feng heard the words of the nebula gods and understood the name of the city.

"Xiandi, you may wish to take a look at this first, huh, huh." The nebula gods waved and picked up the red invitation on the table and handed it to Lin Feng. Lin Feng looked at the invitation and saw the contents inside.

“Auction? Cool City Auction?” Lin Feng was a little surprised and looked at the nebula.

The nebula gods put away the invitations, and the heart is praised by Lin Feng's powerful gods. He is a powerful ancestor and can hold the invitations to be broken by Lin Feng's knowledge. He is the leader of Tianjiao in the lower bound.

"Xiandi, are you interested?" Nebula Godzu smiled and asked, he really hopes that Lin Feng will go, so that the things that can be obtained will be safer and will not be taken away.

In exchange for weekdays, he still needs to worry about whether the college auction will be robbed, and he is also a strong ancestor. It is impossible to go to the battlefield himself. Now, Lin Feng, there is nothing to worry about, and on the lower part of Liangcheng. Should few people be Lin Feng’s opponents?

The nebula thought of the ancestors, the heart is more assured.

"This auction, is there any good thing?" Lin Feng faintly asked, he has not touched the auction in such a form for many years, and after becoming a god, what other baby can be at the auction On the auction?

"Of course, the auction in the battlefield is also a way to choose the baby. The bones of Warcraft can be used to exercise weapons. The corpse of the strong ancestors can be used to refine the essence of God and steal it from the tomb. Bamboo slips or ancient books can meet the essence of powerful Taoism."

"There are a lot of spar that is very helpful to the Emperor of the Emperor. The energy covered by a **** of the spar can be much stronger than the time when the Emperor of the Emperor himself practiced for a month."

"If the auction is going to the climax, it will inevitably appear as a weapon of the Emperor's level. Once the Emperor's soldiers appear, it will definitely make countless people snapped up, and even killing for the baby may not be possible."

"How, good brother, are you interested?" said the nebula goddess, looking at Lin Feng with a bright smile, waiting for Lin Feng's answer.

Above the eternal kingdom, this form of auction is not practiced. If you want a baby, you need to find it yourself or grab it from the other side. It is very barbaric.

Therefore, in the past few years, Lin Feng has hardly entered the door of the auction, but this time the battlefield has carried out this auction atmosphere, and the auction of things is a treasure to the gods, the gods have a great effect, if If you don’t go, it’s inevitable that it’s a pity.

I originally wanted to go shopping in that city. Since there are invitations to go to the auction, why not?

"Brother, please give me the invitation, I will go!" Lin Feng promised the request of the nebula gods, or not a request, after all, he also wants to see.

"Haha, good, good brother has timidity." The nebula ancestors' face was The invitation was handed over to Lin Feng at the fastest speed, and then the eight big Tianjiao in the lobby were added to the Yumenjie.

"Xiandi, you choose a disciple, who will go with you." The nebula gods refer to these days of arrogance plus the royal gate knot, the entire Emperor of the Nebula Academy is here, any Lin Feng selection, but they have become Lin Feng's defeat.

The admiration of the eyes of the eight great arrogances is no longer a rejection of the uncle, and gradually is in the position of acceptance. Any strong person can receive their admiration, except for the royal knot.

Yu Jiejie's face is still a bit ugly, he still can't think of a **** five-fold, and he is a level, why can he become a benefactor of the college, and he is the same level, but can only be defeated by Lin Feng.

The mood of Yumenjie has been seriously disharmonized, but at this moment he still looks at Lin Feng, hoping that the latter can choose him. After all, the Liangcheng auction is a place where he can show himself, and there are many powerful forces secretly sending elders to evaluate. .

The heart of Yumenjie is far more than this nebula college. He wants to go to a bigger stage. He has to be on the battle list and become a presence of millions of people.

"If this is the case, then the royal knot, and him!"

After a long time, Lin Feng’s plain voice came from the lobby, and his words were quite surprising.

"Yumenjie, Emperor Merchant, you two will go to the auction with your uncle!" Nebula Shenzu sighed and his face was serious.

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