Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1140: Nebula gods, fallen!


Lin Feng and the nebula gods went out from the main hall and went straight into the sky.

The appearance of two people is undoubtedly small, especially the other side is the eight great gods and hundreds of god-level powerhouses, and more than a dozen border dragons soaring in the sky, just the imposing Lin Feng and the nebula gods Can't breathe.

This situation, no one expected, the nebula gods are like this, Lin Feng is the same.

And at this moment, the eight great ancestors of the ancestors are not the ancestors of the ancestors of the spirits. Lin Feng can feel that these eight ancestors are probably at the level of the giant eagle gods. Even Lin Feng thinks of the patriarch of the ancient nationality of the eternal kingdom. Fuxi, perhaps also the ancestor of this level.

No matter what level, Lin Feng is very clear, today is difficult to be good, although the ice spirit is the creation of the spirit, but I am afraid it is difficult to resist such eight great gods.

Unless the ice spirit and the fire spirit fight side by side, it may be possible to kill the eight great gods, but unfortunately the fire spirit is impossible to join hands with the ice spirit, she is already very good not to kill herself, and how can it be combined with the ice spirit.

When Lin Feng stood up, it attracted everyone's attention.

Lin Feng’s time, however, has already spread throughout the small battlefield. Of course, this thing is in the mind of the second and third parties, or the second-class power of the last, and those who have the hegemony. , not in my heart.

However, it is only a dozen or so gods. If you kill more than a dozen gods, it may attract their attention. Therefore, Lin Feng’s affairs spread throughout the small battlefield, and only ordinary gods and gods were set off. The storm of the emperor level.

But at this moment in Liangcheng, the space above the Nebula Academy is lively.

"Lin Feng, how dare you dare to kill me who is fighting the spirits, who will give you the courage?"

A burly middle-aged man with a beard and a big man, screaming at the scorpion, with a humiliating and ridiculous look.

Dahan is the ancestor of the Warring States. This time it was the murder of the gods.

Lin Feng glanced at the great ancestor of the great man, but did not answer without speaking, but looked at the other seven ancestors.

"How? I am talking to you, have you not heard?"

Dahan saw Lin Feng did not look at him, but did not answer, could not help but slightly angry, holding his fist seems to crush the body of Lin Feng's heart, of course, Lin Feng also felt the momentum of this oppression, it is terrible.

"If you come here, you just want to kill me, it is not reasonable. Then I say nothing, it is useless, isn't it?"

"Since all the words are useless, then why should you answer your words? Can I not kill me if I say something, or can I listen to me when I say something?"

Lin Feng drank two words in a cold, not giving the big man a half face, the tone is also the cold, so that the face of the big man's face is getting deeper and deeper, he can't wait to punch Lin Feng's head melon now.

"Kid, you should pay attention to your point of view, your little life is in the hands of Laozi!" The burly big man screamed, still holding his fists, just like Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sneered at the big man, still did not speak, and now there are some regrets, the two sentences that were said before are also superfluous, because this big man simply can't understand the words, he is like saying two sentences with the dog.

Dahan saw Lin Feng’s mocking smile on him and couldn’t help but be angry.

"Stop, war, after so many years, are you still so reckless?"

A drink rang from the side of the burly big man, then extended an arm to stop the big man, Lin Feng's line of sight was also transferred from the big man to the jade face of a white robe.

The appearance is very handsome, maybe there will be many women's likes, of course, there are some men who like it, and Lin Feng values ​​that this jade face is also the ancestor of the gods, and it is much stronger than this war.

"War, this kid killed the dean of our branch school, but the brothers of the two brothers, don't you want to kill him to vent their anger?"

War Man can't understand why the war is not anxious about Lin Feng's life and death. Anyway, he can't help but this anger in his heart is going to kill Lin Feng.

The war is still dull, and he has not changed his mind because of the war.

"You are called Lin Feng?" The war stunned Lin Feng, a faint question.

Lin Feng raised her brow and said something impatiently: "Do you know why? You asked if you have no questions?"

"Hey, mix things, believe that I don't believe that I have destroyed you in minutes?" The anger of the warrior swelled up again, and once again clenched his fists to shoot.

The six ancestors on the side were scornful and shameful about this person, but there was no way to unite with the spirit.

"Lin Feng, don't you know your situation now?" The war is still blocking the war and not letting him shoot, and then looking at Lin Feng with a lot of cold eyes, obviously Lin Feng's answer has already consumed his patience.

"Don't stop talking, you are here to be discouraged, isn't it just for the people of the four colleges?"

"I am Lin Feng, I am here, I want to settle accounts, even if I am looking for me."

Lin Feng stood in the air, without a fear of stepping back, the eyes are more calm, since these people have already found the door, then only face, hiding is not able to hide.

The ancestors of the two warring spirits, warfare and warfare, the remaining six should be the ancestors of the Dragons, because of the rich dragon, Lin Feng can fully feel it.

"Oh, good domineering, if you have not provoked us, I am afraid that in the future you should also be the overlord on the battle list, but we need to tie you up."

"Oh, it’s a pity, you have to be so crazy, don’t kill you, who should you kill?”

The war sighed helplessly, so it seemed like it was really sighing for Lin Feng, but his acting skills were a bit poor. Lin Feng could see that it was a schadenfreude, and even a trace of it... fortunately!

They are fortunate to kill Lin Feng now, so that the future will be smooth sailing. If Lin Feng is allowed to grow up, I am afraid that it will not be a hundred years. If they are warlocks or the Dragons, they will be destroyed by Lin Feng.

At that time, it was too late to talk about destroying Lin Feng. It is only the best way to kill Lin Feng directly in the growth.

"Enough, don't talk nonsense, Jielong people, give me a share of Lin Feng!"

A whistling sound directly broke the dull atmosphere. The ancestors of the six major dragons rushed up, and the relatively stable situation in the blink of an eye suddenly became terrible.

Lin Feng stood in the air and looked at the ancestors of the six dragons who were walking in the clouds. The speed could not be described in words.

Behind the six great ancestors, there are twelve hundred dragons in the world. Each dragon has a large mouth and a bright mouth.

Lin Feng closes his eyes and waits for the death to come!

"Haha, come on, who is afraid of who, Xiandi, my brother's life is for you, haha"

"You are going, good brother, don't avenge your brother, go!"


Suddenly, Lin Feng only heard a gust of wind whistling through the ear, followed by the screams of the nebula's ancestors and the sound of claws into the flesh and blood.

Lin Feng, who had already been extremely calm, directly smashed his eyes. After seeing the scene in front of him, the brain fell into a blank.

"No, no, brother!!"

Lin Feng suddenly witnessed the splitting of the blood, looking at the fierce scene in front of him, the body of the nebula gods inserted in the claws of a dragon, the claws penetrated the chest of the nebula gods, blood splash.

The nebula's ancestors looked at their own direction with their eyes wide open, and their left hand was still doing the waving action. However, such an action has already been fixed here.

Lin Feng's brain was blank, and his body gradually trembled. Lin Feng cried. For a long time, he didn't feel the taste of crying.

But at the moment, Lin Feng cried.

Another brother who died for himself, the nebula god!

I thought that blood staining was like this. In order to let myself break through the gods, he would rather die and achieve himself.

Now, in order to give himself a time to escape, in order to prevent himself from dying under the claws of this group of dragons, he is a pioneer!

Lin Feng is disheartened, why?

why? Everyone who is sincere to himself has no good end? why?

"Why? Ah!! Why?"

Lin Feng's bloody, it seems to ooze blood, hands clenched, snarling in the sky, the horrible magic of the moment completely flowed to the body of Lin Feng, as for the Buddha power, I do not know that I was rushed to the corner.

In this moment, Lin Feng is a demon ancestor and a horrible demon ancestor.

Even at this moment, the twelve dragons and the six great gods who went straight to Lin Feng were shocked.

"Don't hesitate, kill him!"

I don’t know which ancestors suddenly heard the anger, and strengthened the determination of these twelve dragons.

The dragon that pierces the chest of the nebula gods shakes the claws, and the nebula gods fall to the, ah! ! ”

"Brothers, revenge for the Master, revenge for the Master!"

Emperor and other people are all caught in madness. The **** red is rushing over these dragons. At this moment, everyone seems to have lost their sense of reason. There is only one purpose in the eyes, that is, revenge for the nebula gods!

"Take me back!"

When Lin Feng lost his sense of reason, he still saw that Emperor and other people wanted to rush to death, and was directly kicked back by Lin Feng.

This battle has nothing to do with the disciples of these colleges.

The nebula **** died because of himself, Lin Feng will not forget this life.

"My Lin Feng swears again, and one day, I will revenge for my brother Xingyun's ancestors, killing and waiting for the door!"

"If there is a swearing intention, heaven! Oh! Ground! Off!"

Lin Feng is dancing with long hair at this moment, the magical spirits are square and square, the black robes are blown by the cold, hunting and screaming, two-finger days, swearing!


In an instant, the golden thunder above the clouds suddenly began to shake, seemingly also venting the uneasiness and incitement of this moment.

The six great dragons and their ancestors are also ready to start.

Once Lin Feng really has the opportunity to survive, then the future is really dangerous, so for their respective clan, you must not let Lin Feng live!

"Kill, kill me for him"

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