Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1351: No one is good!

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In Zhuang Chongyuan's cognition, Lin Feng needs at least a respectful fist to give a sigh of relief, indicating that the younger generation respects the predecessors. After all, this is a hegemonic strong, but Lin Feng just nodded and responded. Let everyone feel embarrassed.

Do not care!

Unknowing the enemy

Lin Feng does not give Zhuang Chongyuan's face, but does not give the face of the lord, even if he is the overlord, the same is true. In the eyes of Lin Feng, from the appearance of the Temple, he represents the entire octagonal domain, and he has only one identity. , the lord of the octagonal domain.

Zhuang Chongyuan’s smile, but he still gave this thing to the lord and asked him to deal with it. This is the confrontation between the two forces, and the confrontation between Lin Feng and the lord, and they The confrontation is for the lesser owners who support each other, Zhuang Lingyun and Zhuang Lingwei.

"As a younger generation, Lin Feng, do you talk to your predecessors?" The Lord’s cold smile, a straightforward statement, pointed out that Lin Feng did not understand the rules and disrespected the elders.

"The younger generation? Is there something wrong with the lord? I represent the octagonal domain. As the lord of the octagonal domain, you are the lord of the temple. Between us, there is a relationship between the predecessors and the younger generations? Oh, it seems that it does not exist? "If Lin Feng does not wait, then he will turn against the 'lip', and he will not care.

The main face of the temple, 'color', a little bit of 'yin' sank, he wanted to steal the concept of the number of Lin Fengfeng, but still did not succeed, but let Lin Feng give a sarcasm, indeed, the octagonal domain and the temple are The same, equal status.

"Lin Meng's main teeth are sharp, just don't know how strong?" The Lord smiled coldly, even if his status was the same, but he also did not put Lin Feng in his eyes. A very simple reason, that is, the land ancestors and The gap between the spirits and the ancestors.

Even if you become the ally of the octagonal domain, how about that? However, the spirit of the ancestors is gone. He is a powerful overlord who can slap and kill a spiritual ancestor, and can care for a Lin Feng?

"Small, but not talented, just hit the war spirits, and gathered a group of strong people of the war spirits." Lin Feng did not use his shortcomings to let the lord make fun of himself, nor did he give the owner a chance to make fun of it.

Lin Feng's answer bypassed the humiliation of the Lord, and answered the latter's question very well. The War Spirit can be defeated, the temple, maybe, the same!

This potential threat, the main lord can naturally hear, so the face 'color' is somewhat ugly, clenched his fists and snorted, and no longer cares about Lin Feng, stepping into the courtyard, he brought behind him. Quickly keep up, one of them, Lin Feng knows.

Tianchuan Alliance’s salesman, and his identity is the big apprentice of the Lord.

"Slow, this courtyard is where I lived with Ling Yun. You broke in and asked for my consent?" Lin Feng turned and glared at the owner of the courtyard, and he snorted without hesitation.

Hearing the words, the color of the main face of the temple changed again. In the middle of anger, he turned directly. The simple slap was 'pumped' over, and at the same time he said: "I am doing things, use your waste pipe? You Really think of yourself as a personal thing?"

The most ugly words and the most slap in the face of humiliation went straight to Lin Feng. Lin Feng only felt a ‘flower’ in front of him, and the cold slap had already been pulled out.

But Lin Feng is not in a hurry, because in any case this slap is impossible to ‘puck’ on his face.

"stop". Zhuang Chongyuan's face 'color' suddenly changed, and stopped the slap of the main lord at the fastest speed. In front of Lin Feng, Lin Feng was knocked back by the collision of two great ancestors. The pain, can not help but sigh that it is the overlord, the strength is really strong.

Lin Feng is increasingly eager for higher strength. Hegemony is indeed used to play the prestige, but also the most powerful person in the war world. Of course, throw away those ancestors who can't be met.

With a dull sound, Zhuang Chongyuan took over the palm of the temple, and then both sides stepped back. Zhuang Chongyuan sighed deeply, his face was pale, and the lord was normal.

It can be seen that there are still some gaps in the strength of the two sides.

"Lord, Lin Meng is the representative of the octagonal domain, you humiliate him is fine, but don't forget, there is a terrible existence in the octagonal domain!" Zhuang Chongyuan reminded the lord, do not do wrong, that is the ancestor of the five parties One of the ancestors, although it has become a thing of the past, but the strength is still there, and it is the master of the new land of Zu Kun Road, not to be underestimated.

After the hatred is not a ghost, after the war, it is noisy

It was said that the face of the main face of the temple had changed, and the anger of the heart was suppressed. After turning to Lin Feng, he turned and then prepared to enter the courtyard.

"Three lords, can I understand what you are doing to humiliate me?" Lin Feng saw that the lord also planned to break in. Lin Feng once set his sights on Zhuang Chongyuan's body. Everything was arranged by him. Now The main lord of the temple occupies the nest, then you should also find Zhuang Chongyuan.

Zhuang Chongyuan’s face showed a bit of bitterness and helplessness. He thought that the Lord of the House and Zhuang Lingyu lived in the main house of the temple, but who knew that the owner would occupy Lin Feng’s residence, which made him quite helpless.

The practice of the lord is also very simple. There is only one purpose, that is, let Lin Feng lose face. When the two children have not started to run for election, Lin Feng will be humiliated. Once Lin Feng is humiliated, Zhuang Chonghuan naturally considers the back of Zhuang Lingyun. They are all humiliated, so his heir position is naturally not guaranteed.

It can be said that the lord is very mean, but it is indeed a bright use of the yin to make tricks, so that people can not pick out the 'hair' disease.

"Lin Meng, Lord, if you change a place, I will arrange the best for you." Zhuang Chongyuan has no other way. He can only let Lin Feng change places. After all, Lin Feng is still worse than the main owner. This is a fact.

Lin Feng sneered out, and thought that Zhuang Chongyuan would definitely compromise the lord after the comparison, but let him change the place, but for himself and Zhuang Lingyun, it is a big humiliation, if you really changed If you live in a place, then Zhuang Lingyun basically loses the opportunity to compete for heirs.

An enemy of love and hate

Lin Feng is not allowed to be so humiliated, Zhuang Lingyun can not lose such an opportunity.

Suddenly, the atmosphere fell into silence, in front of the courtyard, the lord of the temple was coldly mocking, and several people behind him, including Pinchuan, were smiling coldly.

Zhuang Chongyuan waited for Lin Feng’s decision. He could only force ‘sex’ measures when necessary. After all, Zhuang Lingyun’s heir was originally ignored.

Zhuang Lingyun sees the father's face 'color' is not good, he is very embarrassed and very angry, he knows that it is because of himself, let the righteous father 'Mongolian' humiliated, when the octagonal domain, when the righteous father received this The humiliation, silently, Zhuang Lingyun hated everyone in the hall.

"Father, let's go." Zhuang Lingyun sighed in a depressed mood. He didn't want Lin Feng to be so humiliated. He couldn't bear it. He didn't want to compete for the heir. He had lost all confidence in the hall and was disappointed with Zhuang Chonghuan's father.

He has only one relative, one father, and that is Lin Feng. If you count the domain owners of the dead wilderness, you will be two relatives.

Lin Feng looked at Zhuang Lingyun's shy and sorrowful **** ‘color’, and there was more and more anger in his heart. These people are nothing more than humiliating themselves by relying on the ancestors of the land. After all, the high strength can humiliate others arbitrarily?

However, if you really think that you are a soft persimmon, then everyone is wrong, and indeed you do not have the strength of the gods, but this does not mean that you have no way to deal with it.

"Zhuang Chongyuan, I only ask you a sentence, are you sure that I want to change places?" Lin Feng narrowed his eyes, and asked in a tone of yin and Shen, waiting for Zhuang Chongyuan's decision.

Zhuang Chongyuan did not hesitate and nodded directly and said: "I am sure."

"Well, if you have this sentence, you will be responsible for the consequences of one." Lin Feng nodded and smiled, and it was a bright smile, but if anyone familiar with Lin Feng met, he would definitely be shocked. This is the most angry time for Lin Feng.

"Ice spirit, fire spirit, come out and help me, all insult me ​​with the attitude of the overlord. I can only cure the person with his own way!" Lin Feng screamed at the corner of his mouth, summoning the ice spirit and Fire spirit comes out.

If you are the sacred ancestor, then you have the courage and self-confidence of the battle with the lord, but now you are the spiritual ancestor, and the ancestors of the land are separated from each other by a sacred ancestor.

But Lin Feng always thinks that the background and assistant are also part of the strength!

Zhuang Chongyuan’s face 'color' has changed a little bit. He felt two extremely tyrannical tyrants from Lin Feng’s body. An icy cold iceberg’s 'yin' soul gas, a hot heat like **** fire; two breaths They are far beyond the imposing power of the main hall, and even Zhuang Chongyuan feels that any breath is not weaker than his older brother Zhuang Chonghuan.

At this moment, Zhuang Chongyuan’s face ‘color’ has completely changed. It is confession and self-blame. It is even more panic-stricken and offended Lin Feng. Then this consequence can only be borne by himself.

Two delicate bodies, appearing one after the other behind Lin Feng, are also pretty beautiful 'female', ice spirit in white, like a nine-day fairy 'female' under the hood, not contaminated with a trace of ordinary cheesy, holy temperament 'fascination' Lived in countless people, including the main lord; Huo Ling a red robe, high boots, 'lender' snowy double 'legs', a charming beauty, but also 'fascinated' lived countless men, including Zhuang Chongyuan.

Zhuang Lingyun also stunned. He has never seen these two beautiful ‘female’ people. What’s even more shocking is that the righteous father still has a card, not just the grandfather!

The atmosphere, once again changed, shocked, is it!

"That, Lin Mengzhu, or else, do you live together?" Zhuang Chongyuan felt the cold murderous movement in the back, and the cold sweat suddenly flowed down, and his eyes were full of bitterness.

These two ‘female’ people, any one of them is comparable to Zhuang Chonghuan’s strength. Where did Lin Feng find such a terrible power?

Lin Fengxiao shook his head with no expression, looked down at Zhuang Lingyun and smiled: "Ling Let's go back to the octagonal domain!"

The tone was dull, but the air was full, and Lin Feng turned and walked out of the courtyard. A resolutely determined temperament made Zhuang Chongyuan’s face ‘color’ completely changed.

If only Lin Feng is the backing of Zhuang Lingyun, then it is obviously not qualified, but now there are two more beautiful women, and the qualifications are enough. Sure enough.

If Lin Feng is gone now, it is really a loss of the temple, so Lin Feng can’t leave anyway.

"Three brothers, you retreat, I personally treat Lin Meng and the Lord."

After the land, the distant land, hates the sun and promises

Just as the atmosphere was tense, a man with a slightly husky but full-spirited voice spread throughout the courtyard, and everyone saw Zhuang Chonghuan and walked in from the outside with a smile.

Four chapters are updated today, brothers

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