Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1445: Destroy the hall!


Lin Feng’s face was extremely cold, and the two women shouted: “Want to wait, don’t want to leave, is it necessary for you to leave her? Don’t forget, this is my place!”

Lin Feng was completely angry. I was not in a good mood. Now I heard two women care about it for a little bit of things. It is a special resentment.

Qian Jincai was quiet, and Lingling had to shut up. They all realized that Lin Feng was irritated, so I dare not say it again. Especially after the loss of her memory, she only knows Lin Feng and she is also a person. Really afraid that Lin Feng does not want her, then where should she go?

Lin Feng no longer pays attention to the two women, pushes the door and leaves the room directly, slamming, the room is only two women face each other, some confession in the eyes, the spirit of the bite of the teeth, this is the first time Lin Feng angered her But it is indeed too much.

Qianjin Caiyue did not think that he would always worry about his own man. This completely shocked her, and she never dared to reprimand Lin Feng.

The atmosphere of the whole night is not good. No matter who is, I am careful, I am afraid that Lin Feng will find trouble, but the coming will come. After asking the ten great arrogances, I will become a hellish night of killing tonight. .

Lin Feng did not shoot, but the representatives of various fields killed the strong ones of 120 people late at night. They were also the strong supporters of the splitting, the three ancestors of the spirits, the twenty-five ancestors of the gods, the peaks of the gods. There are more than a hundred strong people, and there are many strong gods.

This is a night of killing, the **** smell in the air, everything is slightly weird, and Lin Feng is not returning overnight, I do not know where to go.

In the depths of a jungle in the corpse, there are traces of blood coagulation on the ground, the dried war and the ancestors of Lin Zu. Here, Lin Feng sat for a long time and the eyes were slightly moist.

"Son, waiting for my father, my father will definitely save you!" Lin Feng looked at the dark night sky, the stars were dense, but there was a meteor across, although it was beautiful, but the heart had an unspeakable bitterness.

"I am tired, really tired!"

"Who can tell me, where is the end of cultivation? Can anyone tell me how the world can be free of disputes, no killings, no life and death?"

For the first time, Lin Feng issued such a deep feeling. She worked hard for a thousand years and struggled for a thousand years. In the end, she was only a **** of the land. Even the hegemons were not. The overlord also had an ancient overlord, and those legendary days. The ancestors of the gods, as well as Hongmeng, and the ancestors.

Maybe, there is...

One night, Lin Feng thought a lot, unconsciously, and the sky gradually became brighter. Lin Feng glanced at the white belly of the sky and the deep red sun rising from the sky. The earth was a little warmer.

"It's time to let people down the hall!" Lin Feng stood up and subconsciously clenched his fists! Resolutely left.

Zhuang Lingyun thought for a long time. After Lin Feng returned, he learned from Song Qiu's nine mouths that he came back to the center of the wild domain. At this moment, he saw Lin Feng. Zhuang Lingyun’s nose was sour, the father was gone, if he was even If the temple is also destroyed, how should he be better in the future?

Zhuang Lingyun cried his eyes, but it was only a teenager. But the pressure in his heart was extremely great. He was really afraid that one day, all Zhuang’s family would be destroyed by Lin Feng. So, to some extent, Lin Feng Is this righteous father a genocide?

"Yefu, do you really want to destroy the temple?"

Zhuang Lingyun’s heart is very complicated, so he prayed for Lin Feng not to destroy the capital hall. After all, Zhuang Chonghuan is already dead. Isn’t this a hundred things?

The child's thoughts are always naive. Lin Feng can only shake his head and sigh. From the perspective of Zhuang Lingyun, if he destroys the temple, it is really difficult for him to accept. To some extent, he is indeed his genocide.

However, this matter must be done. There is no reason for any change. When Zhuang Chonghuan first exposed himself to the ancient hegemon at the event, he once thought about the safety of everyone in the octagonal domain. Since he did not think about it, why did he consider so much?

"Ling Yun, the righteous father is not a saint, and his heart is not open. When your father exposes me to frame, have you ever thought about the safety of other people in the Bajiao domain? Have you ever thought about your safety?"

Zhuang Lingyun listened to Lin Feng’s resentment and refused to talk. His face was pale and a few steps back. He turned away and silently, and his tears wet his clothes. What can he do? Lin Feng insisted on destroying the hall, he could only watch.

As for Lin Feng’s enemies? That is simply impossible. Lin Feng really treats him like his own son. At this time, he himself can only choose to forget the temple.

Sorry, the people of Zhuang’s surname, blame you for blaming Zhuang Chonghuan for doing too much, thus ruining your life! It is reasonable for the righteous to do this.


"set off!"

Lin Feng waved his hand, and everyone standing next to Lin Feng suddenly ascended into the sky and flew straight in the direction of the deep sea magic forest. There was no reason to refuse to go to a scattered person and Tazu. They could only go with Lin Feng. Participate in the action of destroying the hall.

In fact, even if there is no such thing as a scattered person and Tazu, Lin Feng and these men can completely destroy the hall, but Lin Feng is to make every effort for every strongman in the octagonal domain. After all, the guilt of the octagonal domain is derived from temple.

In this line, Lin Feng took twenty-five holy sacred ancestors, and fifteen of them were newly promoted Tianjiao. Many Tianjiao took the initiative to ask for a battle in order to make a fortune, and the remaining ten people were powerful, cold and others. They are all high-level octagonal domains.

In addition to the twenty-five holy sacred ancestors, there are nearly two hundred spiritual ancestors and more than three hundred genius ancestors, these strong are the strongest cultivated in the octagonal field in these two years, before the tens of thousands I can't imagine this scale.

However, Lin Feng still feels that there is a huge gap between the octagonal domain and the Zhenwu dynasty. The Zhenwu dynasty can easily form nearly three hundred sacred ancestors, and the criminal law army and the combat army are each half. This scale can be achieved by the octagonal domain. of?

Not to mention the octagonal domain. I am afraid that there are no hundred sacred gods in the hands of the neon phoenix. Let alone the neon phoenix, plus the phoenix family, the Fengcai family, the 鲲Peng, the Jinwu, the peacock, may be able to have Hundreds of holy gods? But skeptical.

Compared with the southern warfare, the overall strength of the northern warfare is indeed too different. It is no wonder that there are few overlords here. The pattern of the strong south and the north is unlikely to change. As for the East and West, it is not necessary to mention it. Western Buddhism, or the Eastern Terran, are strong and strong.

Qianjin Caiyue and Ninglingjiao also originally requested to go to the deep sea magic forest, but Lin Feng glanced at it, the two women also stopped many, and Qianjin Caiyue did not dare to blame Lin Feng as before. She began to realize that this man is not good. It’s not her next person, there is no reason to be called and drinked by her.

Nian Lingjiao does not want to mix things between the octagonal domain and the temple, but after seeing the scale of Lin Feng leading the strong, he can only sigh for the people in the temple in his heart, and it is never wise to offend Lin Feng. Dongfang Yuqing offended Lin Feng, what is the result?

In one day, Lin Feng’s more than 500-strong strongman went straight to the deep sea magic forest. Wherever he went, the strong people on the ground felt shock and fear, and covered the sky like a dark cloud of action. The darkness before the storm, the people in all areas of the octagonal field are shocked, this is their dependence!

"Long live the forest lord!"

"The lord, destroy the temple, and raise my octagonal domain majesty!"

"Lin Meng master, unified northwest war!"

Zhuang Chongyuan has been extremely uncomfortable in the halls of the city in the past few months. He has been sending people to inquire about Lin Feng all the time, but there has been no news all the time. Just this morning, his men came over and reported that Lin Feng has returned to the octagonal domain.

When Deng Zhuang Chongyuan panicked, he quickly assembled all the strongmen who had been cultivated for so many years, and prepared to 'greet' this nightmare character. After Zhuang Chonghuan unveiled Lin Feng’s old bottom, he expected that there would be such a day sooner or later. .

"Big Brother, you are confused, and you have been working hard for so many years, and you still have to be destroyed in your own hands." Zhuang Chongyuan’s disappointing disappointment, Zhuang Chonghuan’s hard work and trepidation have been managed for tens of thousands of years, and the temple has developed into today’s scale.

However, it is this matter that can ruin the efforts of the Duomo for many years. In the eyes of Zhuang Chongyuan, it is not worth it.

"You are a sinner!" Zhuang Chongyuan hated Zhuang Chonghuan more and more. When he thought that there would be too many strong people in the temple to pay blood and life for Zhuang Chonghuan's mistake, he became more and more angry.

"Three lords, all the strong men have been assembled, the holy ancestors of the ancestors of thirty-two, the spiritual ancestors of one hundred and fifty-five, the ancestors of the gods two hundred!" The men came to report, the face is not too good They are all aware of what.

From the death of Zhuang Chonghuan to the present, the halls of the temple have been mourning all over the They all realized that the future is awkward, and only Lin Feng is waiting to kill like a nightmare.

"Would you like to make a request to the sales hall?"

Zhuang Ling's mother, the pretty face of a middle-aged woman is a bit pale, she doesn't want to die, the child inside her belly can't die, because this child is the flesh of the lord of the soul. Of course, it is now the remains of Zhuang Chonghuan. child.

"I have already issued a request, three days, huh, huh, there is no answer, it is estimated that they will not offend Lin Feng for a dying hall." Zhuang Chongyuan smiled again and again, who can appreciate this taste? What is the taste of being abandoned by allies?

The middle-aged beautiful woman is full of sorrowful faces, and she wants to say that the child in her stomach is the one who sells the soul. If she tells this fact, the latter will come, but she will think of it if she says this fact. The person will tear her up alive, and she will be timid and afraid to say it.


There was a thunderous sound of the thunder in the sky above the temple. The distant sky was like a red stained with blood. The horrible atmosphere filled the thousands of miles around, the earth was silent. In the depths of the mountains, no matter what kind of World of Warcraft, all of them were kneeling. The land, mourning the wild.

Up and down the temple, all the strong people are looking above the sky. When there are strong people like black clouds, their hearts are completely chaotic, and a deadly death is on everyone's head.

Zhuang Chongyuan looked to the high-altitude octagonal domain alliance of nearly 600 people, led by Lin Feng and the three overlord strong, he could not help but smile: "There will come, come."

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