Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 802: Jessant's gaffe!


"Door? You?"

Not to mention that Chen Guangyu stunned, even the Qingyun Yueshou after the Qingxinyue was also stunned. The three people all looked at Qingxinyue very strangely, but the expression of Qingxinyue was still indifferent.

"Three seniors, this time we give up, should there be no problem?". Qing Xinyue looked at the wind and the moon, and his face showed a pure smile, just like asking a very dull thing.

The third person looked at each other and had some doubts on his face. However, before he came here, the master had already explained it. Here, everything is based on the order of Qingxinyue. Qingxinyue is the gatekeeper, then all her decisions, everyone Need to follow without hesitation, if anyone does not obey the order, kill innocent.

"There is no problem, and everything is based on the orders of the Lord." Fengyun Yuemi slightly bowed his head and expressed his approval and support for the decision of Qingxinyue.

The smile on the face of Qingxinyue is getting brighter and brighter. Looking at the field, I look at Lin Feng, and the faint floating sounds.

"Please continue to fight, we are too clear to exit."

"I quit". Chen Guangyu shouted and finally shouted out. He chose to quit and gave the opportunity to the evil spirits. Although he was shocked by the sudden retreat of the opponent, Lin Feng would not need to retire after he retired.

In this way, Lin Feng did not go through the baptism of the battle, it was automatically promoted to the top 12.

"The next round, the Qingxi battle against the Japanese."

Another disciple of Taiqingmen is also the only female disciple of Qingxi. Her upcoming battle is the day of the Sunshine Empire. After dozens of moves, Qingxi won the battle with absolute strength and eliminated it. The arrogance of the Sunshine Empire.

In this way, there is one less empire's arrogance on the court. For each empire, it is not a good thing.

"In the next round, the ghost son is no match for the moon."

Under the expectation of everyone, the last champion, the ghost boy, finally ushered in the battle, the opponent is the moon empire's Tianjiao month.

There is a realm of the upper-class gods in the moon. It can be said that it is already the top level of the arrogance above the empire. Even if you dig through the various empires, it is difficult to find a few more arrogant than him.

The highest level of the moon can represent the highest level between the empire's Tianjiao. If the game of the moon is lost, the leaders of each empire should give up this event because their Tianjiao has no impact. The qualification of the second strong match.

The ghost boy walked out, wearing a black robe with black gauze on his face and a pair of golden necklaces on his neck, sparkling with golden luster.

This is the first time that Lin Feng really saw the ghost son, and it was so close to inquire about this ghost son. Finally, Lin Feng’s heart could not help but be shocked, because the strength of this ghost son has already reached the high respect.

In other words, the strength of this ghost son compared to the evil hall and other people, does not fall into the wind, and may even strengthen the situation.

Lin Feng saw this and could not help but have a respect for this ghost son. The last Imperial Contest was only the middle god, but now the time of the year has reached the upper deity from the middle god. easily.

Some strong people have spent decades or even hundreds of years of hard work to break through the superior gods. The ghost son has only used one year of strength, not only to break through the upper gods, but also to respect the superior gods.

This ghost son in the heart of Lin Feng, immediately ranked, and the position is extremely high.

The ghost son and the supreme battle did not go through a hint of hints, it has already begun quietly, the ghost son stepped out in one step, the whole humanity is particularly embarrassing, as if there are countless ghosts that are entangled in the moon, let The scope of the monthly activities has been significantly limited.

The moon is very uncomfortable. He only feels that the whole person’s strength is bound by the ghost son. However, when he sees the normal expression of the ghost son, he himself doubts whether it is a ghost of a ghost son.

The mood of the moon is getting more and more flustered, and while the ghost boy stepped out at this time, the strength on his feet suddenly increased several times. The purple slate high platform was suddenly pulled out by a half-meter deep footprint, scaring the moon. Last hop.

The moon did not dare to fight the power of the ghost son. He already felt that the ghost son had a power to control.

Lin Feng observed the battle between two people from the beginning. Although the fighting mode of the ghost son is very simple, it is simple and rude, and it is the battle that is the easiest to get results.

Sure enough, in Lin Feng’s heart, he thought that he had not yet formed. He had no shackles in the moon. He was slammed out by the ghost son and flew out along the railing. Fortunately, he finally adjusted his body balance and avoided falling very much. awful.

The battle takes place quickly, and the end is not slow. Just when everyone sees it, the battle is almost like the end of the electric light, and the ghost son advances with a strong posture. As for the moon, he can only be eliminated without willingness. Twelve strong.

It is also a scattered repair into the top 12, plus Lin Feng has two strong 12 is the strongest of the scattered, and among the eight people who are promoted, in addition to the law and balance, the other are the patriots of the clan.

"The next round, Dao Ling vs. Jess."

At this moment, the voices of the three voices were very uncomfortable, interrupting the mood of many people. Countless people in the battle just remembered, but it was over.

Dao Ling?

Lin Feng listened to the opponent who played against Jessin is Dao Ling, then who is the Tao?

It's him?

Lin Feng's eyes looked at the people above the entire high platform. In the end, he found that the man in the black robes had moved in the footsteps and walked to the center of the field. He suddenly understood that the cloak was the Tao.


The evil hall closed its eyes and raised its spirits. When he heard the name of Dao Ling, his unchanging look was finally revealed with a trace of horror and doubt. The man in front of the cloak was called Dao Ling? Then will it be that... Dao Ling!

It’s not just the evil hall that has been silenced, but the celestial patriots of Jia Luluo and Bone Tian Ao are all gloomy and cautious. They all think about a problem. If it’s really that Tao, then This game is really interesting!

Many people put their gaze on the body of Dao Ling, and Lin Feng put his gaze on Jessin's body. Jessin is the inheritor of the righteousness of light, and he is full of light, and can be said to be ordinary arrogance. But he.

However, this time with Jess as the opponent is the Dao Ling, the performance is very strong from the beginning of the Tao, whether Jessin can win, Lin Feng is the most worried.

"let's start". Jessant didn't have that much, just faintly glanced at the tomb and sighed. That's it, the two people started quietly.

Jessin took the lead to leave the ground and rushed to the chest of Dao Ling. The powerful force could smash several mountains, but it still couldn’t shake the chest of the tomb, even if there was no trace of pain.

Jessell's face changed slightly, but he was not in a hurry. Jessin quickly turned his fists into palms, and his palms were shot. The golden energy swept the whole high platform. The energy of light poured down like rain. The golden sand made countless People are shocked.

Above the sky, there seems to be a rainbow, but all are golden rainbows, and with the emergence of the energy of light, the exhaustion of everyone's mind is completely eliminated.

Not to mention these spectators, even the leaders of several clan who sit on the high platform feel that they suddenly have endless strength, which makes them even more shocked.

"Light? It turned out to be a light body?" Lenbi seems to have seen some rare treasures in the Holy Land. The eyes are big and round and sparkling, and the eyes are full of eagerness.

"Really is a light body." The patriarch of the ancient orc family also became surprised and slightly opened his mouth. He was also the first person to see the light of the legend.

The body of chaos, the physical form of light, and the legendary physique can be said to be the three most precious physiques. In the past, Lin Feng, the evil hall of today occupies the body of chaos, which is already crazy.

However, today I saw the physique of the unknown light. Jessin’s name was instantly launched. Some people may still not know Jessin after the contest today, but no one is unclear about the temperament of the physique of light.

Dao Ling wore a cloak, so I couldn't see what his face was like, but everyone could obviously feel the mentality of Dao Ling at the moment according to the course of the battle. He was very cautious and treated this seriously. The game physique of light, this is the physique he has seen for the first time in his life, but if only because of this, he can overcome himself and get the chance of the top 12.

Oh, it’s too ridiculous. Dao Ling thought of it here, the corner of his mouth was a little curved, extremely evil, such an expression, and Lin Feng’s mouth was a bit too much like a smile.

"You have the physical qualities of light, and my physique may not be worse than you." The cold sound of the Dao Ling is like the World of Warcraft, which has not been spoken for thousands of years. The first time it was extremely hoarse, but it was killing.

Jessart browed slightly, and suddenly felt a terrible momentum swept out of the body of Dao Ling, and suddenly Jessant's look became cautious.

"Is this?" Jessell looked at the horrible energy from the tomb, and his face was shocked.

This is especially true for others, who are only able to watch the slow spread of the black-black energy light that emanates from the body.

"Dark physique? How is it possible? This is absolutely impossible!"

Jessin’s face suddenly changed, even pale, and the whole body began to tremble, and his expression was even more embarrassing.

Lin Feng has never seen such a state of disappointment with Jessin. Such a huge reaction can not help but look at the black energy of the body that is emitted from the tomb.

"Dark physical constitution? Is it the nemesis of light?"

Lin Feng snorted and his face was dignified.

The atmosphere in the field suddenly fell below freezing point.

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