Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 841: Change the order!

"What is your looks?"

After the two excited, they still showed a strong surprise and incomprehensible look. The Lin Feng they saw on the same day was not like this. Now what is going on here.

"This is my true look." Lin Feng’s faint smile, without too much explanation, seems to be false.

When two people heard such an explanation, they no longer doubted it. The strong fear in their hearts had disappeared. If the four emperors asked, then Lin Feng was introduced as the Tianjiao who competed with the four emperors and the four emperors.

Moreover, they know the mind of the four emperors, but they don’t ask the big prince why they haven’t robbed themselves. Because no words are the best irony, this is the way that the four emperors have always valued, so the two men dare to lie.

"After waiting for your name, you will come to the stage, do you know?" The black man headed looked at Lin Feng and cautiously reminded him.

Lin Feng nodded, and then did not speak again, and when two people asked their names, Lin Feng only said that he called Mu Feng.

Mufeng is also the name used a long time ago. Now, with the name of Shangmufeng, Lin Feng also feels the desolation of the world.

"Three emperors, who will come first?" The law took the elders and looked at the three emperors indifferently. There was no look of respect and respect on his face. Instead, the three emperors did not dare to be mad, and even dared not to take the elders in the face of the law. The prince is living alone.

"Law the elders, let me come first." The first prince raised his hand, and since he was the boss and the great power among the princes, this first opportunity naturally cannot fall into the hands of others.

"Well, if this is the case, then it should be assessed according to the ranking of the emperor. The first emperor is the first, the second emperor is the second, and the fourth is the four emperors."

"Thank you for the elders." Faye’s face suddenly became overjoyed, and then he smugly squinted at Fafa and Fahe, and then led a dozen of his arrogance behind him to the high platform.

The law took the elders a little, and the whole person appeared on the high platform in an instant. The whole person’s use of the breath has reached the point of perfection. Not only that, but the law of the elders is even more sharp, just like a hand. Sharp sword.

Lin Feng stood under the stage and felt this momentum. Lin Feng was able to conclude that this method of winning the elders could break through the half-step of the emperor at any time, but it may be because of some reasons, but did not make a breakthrough. .

It is unrealistic to defeat the old man. Of course, for others, it is only the best result that can be tied with the old man. This is the best result, and may even be defeated.

"The rules for annual assessment are that you must beat the old man, but every year you can't recruit Tianjiao. Only the sporadic Tianjiao follows several emperors. This is too difficult. So this year, the old man has reduced his conditions. Anyone who can catch the old man. If you recruit more than the old man, you can join your camp."

The law robbed the old man and said, his tone was firm and firm. Although there were a lot of wrinkles and gullies on his face, his hair was gray, but the momentum of the old man was unstoppable. In the whole law, the old man was the strongest. By.

"Really? Thank you for the completion of the elders." When I heard the changes of the rules of the old man, I suddenly felt a big face. Usually, he worried that every year's assessment would not be overwhelmed by all the selected Tianjiao. After all, it has not been selected for 15 consecutive years. This time, the Emperor of the Great King paid special attention to this.

The other two emperors heard this and couldn't help but secretly sneak a sneak peek, but they wouldn't express their excitement and excitement on their faces, because in their eyes, this is a very low performance of the city.

However, in the eyes of Fa Ling, why not think that the city of the Second Emperor and the Four Emperors are not deep? This kind of thing is to express the expression of excitement and joy, let the law win the elders know that the decision he made is correct, although this can not change anything, but it can let the law win the elders to remember the support of the great emperor.

This is the calculation between each other. If you count him, he will count you, and you can say that you are in a conspiracy all the time. This is the royal battle.

Lin Feng stood at the farthest distance behind the four emperors, watching the emperors have a careful thought between each other, each one is not simple, it is more curious about their father, the old king of the French blue empire What is it like? The so-called tiger father has no dogs. Since the three sons are so good, then the old man who is Laozi should be more savvy.

Lin Feng also paid attention to the three emperors’ law that did not appear in the law. This is the only emperor who has not been valued by the French Blue Empire and the royal family. This makes Lin Feng more or less strange. Is it because of this law? Too much waste or hard to be elegant?

Lin Feng thought in his heart that the time for this assessment has arrived.

"The first one, Ye He of the Great Emperor Group." The law took the elders and squinted at the list of choices, faintly sighed, and then looked around the high platform.

Soon, a man wearing a blue robe standing behind the great emperor appeared on the opposite side of the elders. His face was full of respect and even charming, as if he was very interested in the idea of ​​winning the elders.

It’s not surprising that the elders have seen such a lot of people, so they just don’t care, because there is no need.

"let's start". The law took the elders and waved at the blue-robed man named Yeh, indicating that the battle could begin.

Yeh nodded, his face became a little dignified, his fists clenched and creaked, and the momentum of the upper-class gods was swept out. It was terrible, and went straight to the law to win the elders. The past.

The big prince's face is full of expectation, waiting for Ye He to support a hundred strokes, so that he will have a more arrogant, and it will be convenient in the future.

However, Fa’s thoughts are too good. Don’t say a hundred strokes, even one move can’t hold on. When Yeh appeared in front of the law to win the elders, the elders of the law had already stretched out and kicked their feet. Above Yeh’s chest, Ye He kicked out directly, and he was heavily squatted under the high platform.

Cough, two coughs with a piece of blood, Ye He only felt that the internal organs were shattered, this feeling is very uncomfortable, so that he wants to grasp the broken internal organs but there is no way.

"next". The look of the elders is very dignified, and nothing has changed because of the failure of a person. It is still the original expression.

The big prince’s face was wrinkled, only feeling awful, and the teacher was unfavorable. The first person was kicked out by the elders. How could such a person deserve the title of Tianjiao?

"The second, the two princes Fah group, Duan Xiu." The law took the elders and gave a sigh of relief. He set his gaze behind the second emperor Fach and waited quietly for this piece called Duan Xiu.

Duan Xiu is also a respected superior god, but the only difference is that he comes from the ancients. As for which ancients he can't say, because this is a secret.

Duan Xiu wore a black robes, and his long hair was also entangled with a golden bun.

"Predecessors, please." Duan Xiu stood on the high platform, did not say how much nonsense, directly chose to shoot, preemptively the same tricks, only to see Duan Xiu double-handed, a terrible boxing shadow on the high ground, a fist shadow into Two, and finally blasted on the chest of the law.

During this period, the law did not stop, but did not make a defensive trick. This is how the two punches and shadows came down. However, when the light and shadow dissipated, all the talents were horrified to discover that the elders were still normal and did not receive one. A little bit of injury.

The law took the elders out of his hand and patted the dust and stains that were slightly shot above the chest. Then he slowly looked up and looked at Duan Xiu.

"Kid, some strength, but still not enough, you have been eliminated." The law claimed that the figure suddenly disappeared in the same place, and the entire high platform immediately swept a hundred winds, and everyone’s eyes were blocked.

Duan Xiu is also the same. Duan Xiu simply couldn’t feel where the elders had gone. At this moment, he felt a cold breath behind him. He had no time to react and was directly bombarded by the huge energy popping up behind him. Heavy fell under the high platform.

"The next law wins the face as normal, there is no slight change, every year is such a quality Tianjiao, he is used to it.

Seeing that his own Tianjiao has not passed the assessment, the second emperor Fah is also somewhat sad and lost, can only expect the following Tianjiao to succeed.

"The third, the four emperors of the law group, Mu Feng." In the mouth of the law, the name of Mu Feng was faintly read, and Lin Feng felt a slight surprise.

If you follow the order, you should be the last one of the three groups, but why did you arrange yourself in the first group of assessments? Lin Feng looked up and looked at the two men, and the two men were also surprised. They looked at the four kings of France and India.

I saw the four emperors of the French and Indians were gloomy and clenched their fists. He saw that the Tianjiao selected by the Great Emperor and the Second Emperor were eliminated, so he was ready to transfer the most powerful people in the group, so that the French and Indians could be the most powerful. How far can it be achieved?

Lin Feng also saw the expression of the French and Indian, and can also guess what the meaning of the four emperors, so I no longer think about it. Since I have already chosen myself, then Lin Feng thinks only one purpose, early assessment, and then join Imperial City, find a chance to save the snow.

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