Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 857: Long Devil Valley!

"You do not know?"

The law took the elders a little surprised, and surprised Lin Feng’s ignorance of the sorcerer’s valley. Lin Feng’s Tianjiao should not even know the sorcerer’s valley. At least one of the most famous ancient ruins on the French empire is the enchantment. Valley.

Lin Feng still shook his head in a puzzled, bitter smile, and he did not know what the French Blue Empire had in the Valley of the Devil.

The law-raising elders shook their heads and smiled, and there was no expression of too much surprise. He patiently and Lin Feng explained the origin of the Devil Valley.

"The legendary Long Mo Valley is also an ancient ancestor in the ancient times. Their ancestral name is the enchanted valley, but in a crisis of 200,000 years, the sorcerer valley did not escape the crisis. The destruction of the ancestry has since become history."

"When the Devil Valley was strong, there were four god-level powerhouses, more than 300 god-level powerhouses, and tens of thousands of god-level powerhouses, but such a powerful sect. The cover was destroyed."

"Since 200,000 years ago, the eternal kingdom has also fallen into a low tide period. There are not many people in the Devil Valley. Recently, someone has dug a gods from the Valley of the Devil, and it is the superior god. This is shaking the whole continent."

"So from now on, the Devil Valley has people going to dig treasures almost every day, but if you are not lucky, you will dig into the shackles. After all, the entire sect is destroyed. The skeletons of thousands of disciples are buried in the Devil Valley."

The law took the elders very patiently to talk about the origins of the Devil Valley. Lin Feng heard these, and my heart really has a longing for it. This opportunity has not been encountered for a long time. If you speculate, the Devil Valley should still have A lot of good things have not been discovered.

It’s just that this goes to the Valley of the Devil, at least for a few days. I came to the French Blue Empire to save the snow, but now I don’t have any thoughts. I don’t know when I can get into the cold palace and save the snow.

"Mu Feng, you and I tell the truth, you come to the French Blue Empire, is it for the cold palace?"

The law took the elders to observe the slight change of Lin Feng's expression, plus the words that the old country speculated, he still felt that it was time to remind Lin Feng, so that when Lin Fenglu stuffing, it would be troublesome, so he asked straightforwardly.

Lin Feng was originally in contemplation. Suddenly listening to the law of the elders, she suddenly changed her face, but she quickly returned to normal. She squeezed a smile and said: "No, your guess is not accurate."

"Don't pretend, Lin Feng, should you come to the French Blue Empire with a hint of purpose?" The law took the elders and smiled, watching Lin Feng.

Lin Feng’s heart screamed, and the horror looked at the law to win the elders. Lin Feng was somewhat unbelievable. How did the latter find out his own, and even shouted his real name so accurately, Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's back is cold, but he is not afraid, but there is almost no chance to save the snow after the tension is removed.

However, the law took the elders to reveal the true body of Lin Feng, and there is no other meaning. One of the guardians who have returned to Tiandaoyuan, how can they be against the master?

"Lin Feng, now the timing is wrong, not suitable for shooting, no matter what purpose you have, temporarily stop, today the old country has already suspected you, I helped you to eliminate doubts."

"But if you continue to act, the old lord is not a stupid person, you will find you. Finally, you are investigating Lin Feng. At that time, you are worse, know?"

The law took the elders and looked at Lin Feng seriously, shouting.

Wen Yan, Lin Feng is a bit stunned, and there are many doubts in her heart. The law takes the elders as the right arm of the old man, and clearly exposes himself. Why not talk to the old country? Instead, remind yourself here?

"What do you mean by this?" Lin Feng looked at the law and took the elders in a complicated way. He asked straightforwardly that Lin Feng didn't want to be confused. He wanted to make these things clear as soon as possible. What does it mean to win the law? Is it threatening yourself with this matter, or is there any other purpose?

"I don't have much meaning, just warn you, don't worry, what you do, I won't tell the old king."


"You will understand later, you have no choice but to believe me, and I will not harm you, and you will understand in the end." When the law was said, he stood up and finally looked at Lin Feng and placed a yellowed kraft paper on the table.

"This is the map of the Devil Valley. Kaloulou, the five masters of the ancient souls have already arrived there. If you don't want them to find good things, it is best to leave now."

"If you are worried about the cold palace, you should have the people you want to see in the cold palace? Since you can't go in, why not do the opposite? Let the people you want to see come out of the cold palace?"

When the law claimed the elders, they turned around and disappeared into the hall, and disappeared into the night outside.

Lin Feng looked at the yellow kraft paper map on the table, and listened to the strange words and expressions of the elders. Lin Feng was completely confused. I don’t know what this elder would do in the end, obviously the right arm of the old man. But help yourself?

"What is hidden inside?" Lin Feng had some doubts. He didn't know what was in it. It was something he didn't know.

"Can't enter, why don't you let her out?" Lin Feng thought about the trick before the elders left, and his face slowly rose a touch of color.

Yes, since it is not possible to enter the cold palace, then it is necessary to let the snow come out actively, and the person who makes the snow come out is very simple, that is, the words of the old king.

Moreover, Lin Feng heard that the old man was not doing a good job against the snow. Since such an opportunity is used, it is easy for the snow to come out, but this can't be done by himself. So who is the best?

Three emperors, Fa Xuan.

Lin Feng soon thought of a person. This relatively dying three princes has been relatively smooth recently. As long as the law has declared the scourge of the frontiers, the law will become more and more important to the old owners. At that time, it was proposed by the law to release all the abandonment.

The old lord can not consider other abandonment, but he will not care if it is snowy. The request of the sect of the law coincides with the wishes of the old lord. At that time, the law can not only get a good impression, but snow can also come out. .

At that time, Lin Feng had a thousand ways to save the snow, even if he used his fist, he could safely leave the French Blue Empire with a slap in the snow.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng is no longer in a hurry, the cold palace is heavily guarded, and the danger of snow is almost zero.

"The Valley of the Devil, the Valley of the Devil." Lin Feng looked at the kraft paper map in his hand. He had some expectations in his heart. He hadn’t taken a risk for a long time. This time, maybe he could get some new opportunities.

"The ancestors of the ancestors, do you know the sorcerer valley?" Lin Feng shouted the old ancestors, the old man is also tens of thousands of years old, should know the enchanted valley.

"Lin Feng, the Devil Valley is too dangerous, I don't recommend you to go." The old ancestors made a sound, but the first sentence made Lin Feng’s enthusiasm and enthusiasm more doubtful.

“Why?” Lin Feng was puzzled and looked at the old ancestors who came out of the space ring.

"The Valley of the Devils was indeed destroyed 200,000 years ago. However, their undead has not dissipated. The grievances of the Devil Valley have reached a level of terror, and they can instantly invade the human brain and be manipulated by these spirits."

"Although there may be a lot of treasures buried in the Valley of the Devil, even the treasures that are not encountered in this era, but there are still very corpses inside, and some of the remnants of the soul have not died, so I don't mind if you go."

The ancestral old man is very solemnly persuading, and hopes that Lin Feng will stay away from the Devil Valley.

However, his words made Lin Feng more and more determined in his heart. Since it is so challenging, how can it not go?

"Predecessors, gossip, and I venture to go."

Lin Feng laughed loudly, and then smiled and pushed out the door. He looked at the direction on the map. It was in the south of the Imperial City, about three million miles in the Valley of the Devil.

The old ancestors saw Lin Feng who was bent on going to the Devil Valley. He could only sigh, and then the whole person turned into a mass of light and disappeared into the hall, falling into the space ring of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng walked to the palace gate of the palace The guarded elders have already known Lin Feng, the old king has orders, Lin Feng can enter and leave at will, the ancestors of the ancestors do not obey such orders, but they are empire The elders must naturally obey and let go.

Out of the palace gate, Lin Feng jumped directly into the sky with a head, and went straight to the vertical magic valley in the south direction at three times the speed of light.

"Look at the direction of his flight, you should go to the Valley of the Devil." A guardian elder saw this and couldn't help but talk.

"Gailuluo and the five souls of the ancient soul family seem to have gone, can Wood Fengqi not go?"

"This time it’s lively. It is said that the Devil Valley has dug up the Shenzong artifacts some time ago, causing many elders and disciples of the ancient and ancient tribes to go."

"Wait a minute, in less than half a month, it will be transmitted from the Valley of the Devil, and a certain Tianjiao is killed. Hope is not Mufeng...".



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