Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 870: The balcony of the border!


Cpa300_4(); "Mu Feng, are you threatening to intimidate us?" The four old men were extremely gloomy and full of anger, staring at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng’s unspoken words are obviously threats and intimidation. To get rid of this matter, you must first go out and say, if they want to say it out, then four people before this. It can only be turned into a pile of dead bones.

Lin Feng looked at the four old men, and there was a slap in the corner of his mouth. He smiled faintly: "It doesn't matter, as you understand, I kill people, you say your things."

The smile on Lin Feng’s face is very rich, with a hint of ridicule, so that the faces of the four old men are red and white. This Lin Feng is simply a naked threat, so that the four people have some panic, but more is still angry, but angry so what? They can't beat Lin Feng, but they will let Lin Feng kill.

Therefore, they can only bear with it. When they can bear it, when they can say it, they will shake it all out. They don’t believe that the French Blue Empire will not be in trouble, especially when the law is about to become the head of the country. If this incident is taken out, the blow to the French Blue Empire can be said to be fatal.

Lin Feng could not guess their tricks, but at that time, he had already had nothing to do with himself. He only needed to be in this period of time, and there was no unexpected thing before he rescued the snow. As for the future trend of the French Blue Empire, It has nothing to do with yourself.

The law announced the eye Lin Feng, and looked at the eyes and eyes, and some complicated four elders, and finally decided to return to the Imperial City with Lin Feng.

In this way, Lin Feng walked away with the law. The four elders naturally withdrew from the border area with the disciples of the Sun Empire. As for the disciples of the Fa Xuan and the French Empire, they were still responsible for guarding the border.

Before Lin Feng and Fa Xuan left the border, Fa Xuan first invited Lin Feng to the city of the frontier and came to the residence of Fa Xuan. This is a very old mansion. Even the high walls are somewhat damaged. It is hard to imagine that this is a The place where the emperor lived.

When I came to the hall, Fa Xuan personally gave Lin Feng tea and poured water. Lin Feng did not drink, but just looked at the law.

The law knows that when Lin Feng knows his own details and all these calculations, there will be anger and dissatisfaction in his heart. He is very clear about this, and he does not really know Lin Feng’s name. Lin Feng stands out from the selection. After that, some of them rushed back to the side to tell themselves.

He himself heard that the three emperors had fought for Lin Feng, and had already squandered the blood, and even sent a luxurious gift, so this time he appeared. Because of the great contrast and experience, Lin Feng will inevitably pity. Yourself.

That's it, his strategy started a little bit, and Lin Feng began to calculate from the first time, until now, all in his own calculations, as his three brothers, from the beginning is in the calculation.

Lin Feng is somewhat amazed and even more admired. Such a three-prince may be the most terrible, and may be the future of the French Blue Empire. Of course, all this now requires the old king to say that the law is the only one. I dare to count on the old country, because in the face of absolute strength, the calculation is nothing but a side door, not on the table.

From the beginning to the present, Fa Xuan insisted on a very simple style, and even a shabby style, in order to confuse everyone, in order to achieve his own purposes, has now reached.

"Mu Feng Big Brother, do you know why the Sunshine Empire wants to get the border?" Fa Xuan looked at Lin Feng and asked with a smile.

Lin Feng looked up at Fa Xuan and finally shook his head and said that he did not know.

"Please come to the wood maple big brother with me." Fa Xuan’s face still showed a faint smile, and then he stood up and took Lin Feng to the depths of the hall. Lin Feng stood up and followed him.

Not long after, the two men walked to a separate secret room in the hall. The secret room was not very large, and the space was only three hundred square meters. But the floor of this room was smooth and scary, and it radiated from the inside. At the hot height, the white ground is baked thousands of feet.

"Bird balcony?" Lin Feng saw the floor inside the chamber, and the faint heat from the inside, I thought that only the habitat balcony can do it.

Lin Feng’s face was shocked, and the incredible balcony in front of him was full of horror. The balcony that he had seen was only the balcony of the evil city, and both Dongcheng and Xicheng had one of them.

Now the border is also in the direction of the balcony, which means that the number of habitated balconies is not a small amount, but it has not been discovered until now, or it has been collected by the ancient and ancient people in the dark.

However, if the balcony is definitely unpredictable when the crisis occurs, this baby is very fragile, and Lin Feng feels deeply shocked.

The balcony of the habitat will never be understood. Suo Lin Feng will no longer think about it. Instead, he will step forward and step on the white floor. A hot high temperature seems to melt the toes halfway. Lin Feng is feeling comfortable.

"The things that live on the balcony, don't act rashly, don't mess in. It's all over the sea, and it's already purple."

Lin Feng carefully persuaded Fa Xuan, and he said that he would not make such a daring thing. He also knows a little about the sea of ​​fire. Once he is angry, it will be the whole world. It must be destroyed.

"If I guessed it well, the Nikko Empire would not be interested in this habitation balcony. It seems that it can only be too clear."

"But they want to occupy the balcony, what is the use?" Lin Feng did not understand the time, no matter which ancient and ancient people have to occupy a habitat balcony, otherwise it is like a comeback failed.

It’s very good to know the insider, but the ancient and the ancients are very clear, even they may know more, know more than they know.

"Go, and I will return to the French Empire, I believe that the old kingdom will praise you."

"In addition, you need to promise me one thing, you have no power to refute or refuse, you can only promise." Lin Feng said that his eyes are complicated again, and his tone is also firm.

Hearing the words, Fa Xuan’s face changed slightly. He had not seen Lin Feng’s seriousness. He immediately knew that this was definitely not a trivial matter.

"You please say."

"After returning to the palace, plead with your father and release all the abandonment of the cold palace." Lin Feng does not talk nonsense, and straightforwardly speaks his own thoughts.

Suddenly, Fa Xuan’s face changed, and some looked at Lin Feng incredibly, but Lin Feng only said this sentence. The law prophet understood that Lin Feng asked him to plead, and all the abandonment of the cold palace was released, then it was shown that There are also people who care and remember Lin Feng.

The law nodded and agreed to this condition. This is not a big deal, at least not in his eyes.

In this way, Lin Feng and Fa Xuan two people flying in the air, after a day of flight, Lin Feng and Fa Xuan two people, finally arrived at the Imperial City.

"You can't go in like this." The law was prepared to enter the palace, but it was blocked by Lin Feng. He was blinded by the eyes, and there was no injury. He did not even get tired and wandering. The old king saw the spirit of the law, and he must have doubt.

Fa Xuan also understood the meaning of Lin Feng, so he clenched his teeth, and his fist clenched his fist and gave him a fist in his left arm. When he was on the door, he slammed his arm and interrupted his arm. This is not counting. In order to express the wolf in the image, Fa Xuan also broke his own meridians, and Lin Feng had to feel that this prince was the most embarrassing to himself.

After self-abuse, the propaganda of the law was wilted to a certain extent. The soft arm was placed on the right hand, and the robes were somewhat damaged and unkempt. This way is enough for the old country to believe.

However, after Lin Feng’s eye-catching announcement, he kicked it out with a kick, and the sudden kick kicked the law out directly. The back fell heavily on the ground, and the spine of the entire back was broken. The law’s face was pale and shocked, watching Lin Feng.

"Since you are jealous of yourself, you have to swear to the end." Lin Feng said faintly, looking at the law and ignoring the law, so that the law has no other reasons for rebuttal, can only endure the pain from the back ~ ~ come, come, I put three The emperor saved it."

Lin Feng looked at the law propaganda lying on the ground, and shouted loudly at the entrance to the palace. Soon the gate of the palace was pushed open, and the elders responsible for the guards ran out.

"Wu Feng, three emperors."

Many people lifted the three emperors, but the spine bones and meridians of Fa Xuan were all damaged and broken, so that Xuan Xuan could not stand up and walk.

"Take him back to the room first, and the old man will definitely go see him." Lin Feng said to a dozen elders who were guarding the door. He heard that more than a dozen elders hesitated for a moment, but when they thought of such a serious injury, they sent the law to the remote hall to retreat.

Lin Feng saw the law propaganda being carried away from the palace gate, and the corner of his mouth could not help but a slight arc.

"This is what you are doing." Lin Feng’s mood is very good. He is about to let the snow come out of the cold palace. The possibility of saving the snow is much bigger. His heart finally has no need to worry about it.


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