Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 892: Come back to the ancient evils!

"Do you really don't mind?" The net has no doubts on his face. He must ask clearly. After all, this is not a trivial matter.

Lin Feng’s stunned eyes were clear and silent, saying without words: “Otherwise? Always solve this single kingdom?”

"Well, you don't mind if you do." The net face is full of smiles, as long as Lin Feng agrees, then he has no worries, can be a new chase dragon blue, if you can really take the dragon girl as a wife, this wife is the lord of Gu Longzong, then On the face of Yuan Dian, there are more and more opportunities to favor yourself.

Of course, there is no trace of the net. It is not because this thing wants to let Long Laner be his own woman. He really likes this dragon girl.

"Well, you go back to Long Laner, wait for me for three days, three days later, you take Longlan to go to the city." Lin Feng patted the shoulders without a trace, and then prepared to leave Zeguo and went straight to the city.

"Lin Feng, you, are you sure? Don't need us to help?" Net did not stop Lin Feng, quite worried to ask, Lin Feng looked at the net without a trace, smiled faintly, shook his head: "For me, you There should be confidence."

"But after all, there are so many strong people in the ancient evils, you are also alone..." There is nothing to say about the net, but at this time, Lin Feng waved his left hand, a purple light flashed in the air, majestic Under the air, there were more than one hundred and eight people in an instant.

Seeing this hundred and eight corpse demon people, under the purple skin is the blood of the violent, the red light in the eyes is more **** red, the sharp fangs are exposed, extremely scary.

"This, is this?" The net was scared in an instant, and he looked at the powerful ones of the one hundred and eighty-step gods that suddenly appeared in front of him. He only felt the brain idle.

More than one hundred and a half steps of the Emperor of the Emperor? Such a horrible army destroys the ancient evils? It is simply a breeze, let alone destroying the ancient evils. I am afraid that except for the Taiqing Gate and a few powerful ancient clan, all can be destroyed.

The foundation of the Yuan Dian, he is clear and clear, and there is no trace of self-knowledge. If Lin Feng uses this hundred and eight dead bodies to kill the Yuan Temple, then under the Emperor, no one of the Yuan Dian people can live, even The head of the temple of Yuan Temple is full of energy and can survive.

How did Lin Feng get such a horrible legion?

The net no trace of the shocking look, Lin Feng is a grin, and then a wave of left hand, the corpse of the corpse disappeared into the sky, continue to return to the world of Wuhun, these corpse people do not need their At that time, Lin Feng sent to the world of Wuhun to guard.

Although the Wuhun world itself is absolutely dominant, it does not rule out the birth of creatures that have never been seen before. These creatures evade their negligent knowledge, grow to a terrible point, or breed countless varieties. The world of Wuhun is also a disaster.

Therefore, Lin Feng sent these corpse to guard the world of martial arts. If they were known by the masters of the corpse of the old corpse, they would definitely laugh at Lin Feng’s overkill, but Lin Feng knows exactly what he wants, definitely not all. It is as simple as the fact that the forces are completely destroyed and they can become absolute kings.

The corpse of the corpse, used to be used to destroy the ancient clan or the big forces, and then occupy the territory of the entire eternal kingdom, but Lin Feng will not, this corpse will be a big trump card under his own hand, the key moment will Give a fatal blow.

And this first hit, the ancient evils to sacrifice.

Lin Feng left the palace and jumped into the sky, flying directly in the direction of Sancheng. The distance between Sancheng and Zeguo was not too far, especially for Lin Feng who had already broken through the half-step Shendi level. Half a day will be able to arrive.

Lin Feng Sheng Bing out, pointing to the ancient evils, and in the scattered city, the ancient evils are no longer low-key, above the clan contest, the sudden disappearance of the evil tomb makes the entire ancient evils completely dull, not afraid of excessive Zhang Yang.

During this period, the affairs of the entire ancient evils were ruled by the evil spirits and the high priests, and the great sects and sects. The three people were fully managed, and they were safe and sound.

However, just yesterday, the interior of the ancient evils suddenly became high-profile. First, it occupied three hundred miles of land on the border of Zeguo, and wounded more than one hundred disciples of Zeguo. This is what happened yesterday, and there is no trace of the net. Lin Feng said.

In the middle of the night, the weather was a bit cold, as if the atmosphere became dull with the cold weather. When Lin Feng stepped into the sky above the city, he felt that there was a bit of weirdness in the whole city, but where Weird, but it is not clear.

Lin Feng didn't stay at high altitude for much time. No matter what is wrong with the ancient evils today, today is the time when this evil ancient tribe is destroyed. It will never be dragged to tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow morning, the entire continent can only hear the news that the ancient evils were destroyed, and will not let the ancient evil people live the next morning.

Lin Feng flies at full speed, about half an hour or so, Lin Feng has already arrived in Dazhai, and came to the front of the city government.

The whole city owner's house also exudes a strange and evil atmosphere. Lin Feng feels around with the gods, but in the end he has not found anything strange, but Lin Feng always feels that the ancient evils have really undergone some changes.

Lin Feng wore a cloak, and the whole was quietly lurking into the city's main house. It is most easy to use Lin Feng's current strength to enter the mansion without guarding.

After a lapse of one year, Lin Feng came to the city's main government. The only thing Lin Feng can remember is that the back garden is still buried with the body of Yan Tianjiao. This woman finally chose to commit suicide because of excessive despair, and she did not have the courage to face herself.

This is also a woman that Lin Feng feels sorry for. Of course, these have already become quicksand and disappeared into the long river of history.

The city's main government is also very dark. There are few lights in the main halls. Lin Feng also understands that the ancient evils are a kind of evil ancient people, and they are willing to live in the darkness.

However, the darkness at the moment always brought some strange taste to Lin Feng's heart. He always felt that there was a pair of twins in his own eyes looking at himself, as if he could see through his own, and let his back be a bit cold.

Lin Feng didn't want to continue to waste time. He walked straight into the main hall and walked into a hall. He didn't care if he had a light.

A loud bang, Lin Feng kicked the door of the hall, and people have already come in.



There was a roar in the dark hall, but the voice did not fall, the sound of two knives coming into the flesh came, the blood splashed on the door of the hall, and the four ancient evil disciples in the house, Lin Feng all killed. One does not stay.

After killing four disciples, the entire hall was also hit by Lin Feng, and the entire hall suddenly became a ruined wall. The bodies buried under the ruins were the bodies of four disciples.

The deafening sound naturally attracted the attention of more and more ancient evil disciples. Many disciples ran out of the hall. However, Lin Feng had sent these disciples to the local government. The souls of these disciples Naturally, it was crushed by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng may be somewhat selfish, but he can't forget the severe pain he suffered in the ancient evils. Even if these people are innocent, Lin Feng can't let go. You can only blame why these people were born to be disciples of the ancient evils.

In the blink of an eye, the ground was already covered with the disciples of the ancient evils who were killed. The blood was not clear in the darkness. Lin Feng walked on the inside of the hall and walked to the main hall.

"Killed so many people, how, the strongest of the ancient evils still have to choose to shrink?" Lin Feng coldly screamed, the tone was abnormally cold, half-step the Emperor's momentum, the entire hall followed by shaking.

The cluttered footsteps sounded intensively behind Lin Feng, and there were hundreds of disciples of the ancient evil spirits. All of them screamed at Lin Feng, as if everyone could kill Lin Feng’s revenge.

Lin Feng’s ridiculous laughter came out, and then the left hand remained, a night pearl appeared above the sky, and suddenly the entire city government was completely illuminated. Then hundreds of disciples appeared all saw the bodies under their feet. Suddenly, his face was pale.

"Xie Shenzun, old friends came over to see you, how, still not?" Lin Feng turned his facelessly, looking at the main hall, the tone was full of playfulness and playfulness.

"Hey, Lin Feng, I really didn't think that it was you, you are still alive?"

With a bang, the door of the main hall of the city was pushed away. Several figures came out from the inside in turn. These are the evil gods, the evil arrogance and the evil ink. These three ancient evils are now The main event.

The three-and-a-half-step gods are the same as Lin Feng’s strength.

The evil spirits looked coldly at Lin Feng, but the heart was shocking, but for more than half a year, Lin Feng had already broken through to become a half-step god. If you really want to give Lin Feng a few years, is it again? Want to have a young god?

The more I think about the evil spirits, the more I feel the horror of the opponent. However, if I put it a few days ago, he may be afraid, but today, he only has ridicule and ridicule in his heart. What is Lin Feng’s half-step god?

The return of the evil tomb makes the evil spirits full of confidence. Lin Feng will never live this time. The whole person will be buried in the ancient evil family, and his death will also be revenge for the evil temple.

Lin Feng looked at the evil gods, and looked at the other two people. There was not much attention on the face, only drama.

"It seems that if you don't have a grave, you will live well." Lin Feng teased and looked at three people.


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