Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 899: Lin’s decision!

"But, father, I really have no confidence." Lin Shutian opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he only said that this sentence was extremely unconfident, and his head was deeply buried on the ground.

Lin Feng looked at Lin to cover the sky, and his heart was extremely painful. He never thought that Lin Shutian would once again have such a situation, doubting his cultivation, doubting his strength and even doubting his own talent.

"I just want to ask you, how old are you now?" Lin Feng condensed his face, coldly glaring at the forest, and asked quietly.

Lin Shutian raised his head and did not understand why Lin Feng would ask such a question, but he did not answer, his father should be the clearest.

Lin Feng saw Lin not cover the sky, it was a faint smile: "How? Don't say? Or do you think I am clear, do not need to answer?"

"Is Lin Shutian, when the whole world is a few hundred years old, it will reach the median deity?"

"There are several in this world, give you such excellent cultivation resources? Is there such a good cultivation environment?"

"But after some blows, you are so ruined, like a silt of mud, waste!"

Lin Feng hated iron and did not become steel. At the same time, my heart was indeed angry to the extreme. It was a roar of voice, and the voice was louder. Even the opposite room heard the sound of Lin Feng’s screaming. Lin Hai and Yue Meng He Quan came out, followed by a few Female.

Yue Menghe wants to enter the house. Lin Feng reprimanded his grandson, but he was stopped by Lin Hai. Lin Hai shook his head and shook his head, indicating that he would not intervene in the father and son. Lin Feng’s educational method is weird. But it is the right way.

Yue Menghe stopped his footsteps, but there was still some worry in his heart. Liu Fei held the hand of Yue Menghe at the crucial moment and smiled at her comfortingly. Yue Menghe only let go of her heart, and once again walked with a few women. The house, but Lin Hai is out of the house, sitting on the wooden chair in the courtyard.

Although he prevented the moon dream from entering the house, he was also worried about his grandson, so he could hear Lin Feng’s reprimanding when he sat outside. If something was wrong, he could also rush into the house to stop it.

Lin Feng’s words were deeply introduced into the ears of Lin’s sky, and they infiltrated into the heart. He looked at his father with horror and carefully reflected Lin Feng’s words. There are indeed many reasons, however...

"You have also had despair, when did the father not have such an idea? Hehe." Lin Feng’s voice suddenly turned, and the anger on his face disappeared. It also revealed a bit of bitterness and fear.

Lin was so surprised to see his father, opened his mouth slightly, but did not know what to say, the atmosphere was a bit dull.

"Sky, when my father just came here, he also encountered a major event, almost let his father decadent to the point of self-sufficiency." Lin Feng slowly raised her head and looked at Lin to cover the sky, faintly speaking.

Wen Yan, Lin Qitian's face changed dramatically, and some incredulously looked at Lin Feng and asked: "How is it possible, father?"

"Listen to me, there is nothing surprising, my father is not omnipotent, my father will have underestimation and crisis."

"Father's chaotic body, you know, but you look at your father now, is there any breath of chaos?" Lin Feng smiled, stunned and looked at the sky, while the latter was squinting, his The mind has always been in the dream, but did not pay attention to the father has no chaotic body, suddenly changed his face.

"Is it?"

"The guess in your heart is the answer. The father's chaotic body has been ruthlessly cut, and this culprit is the culprit that harms your mother, the evil tomb." Lin Feng said faintly, some emotions in the eyes, but also some anger.

After Lin Shutian heard the name of the evil tomb, his face became more and more sinister, and he clenched his fist and yelled: "It is him!"

He thought that his mother's dreams were calculated by the evil tombs. However, now his father has been equally hurt in the evil tomb. No wonder why the father must kill the evil tomb. It still has this layer of hatred.

"Sky, the father's chaotic body was cut down, and then the evil tomb was placed on the elite of the ancient evil spirits of the Tianjiao evil temple, the evil temple has a chaotic body since then, but the father, but became a waste."

"At that time, my father was desperate, and even wanted to settle his own life. You don't have to endure insults and the pain of losing chaos."

"But, my father did not lose the last sensibility at that time, that is, the father would live for your mother and all the aunts, your teachers, and the brothers and friends of the father. If the father died at that time, what should you do? ?"

"Remember, cover the sky, it is the man who lives in this world. The shoulders are carrying the burden and pressure. If you can't even hold these pressures, are you still a man?"

Are you still a man?

Lin Feng’s words were deeply immersed in Lin’s heart. The ear was constantly lingering with Lin Feng’s last sentence, which seemed to be ridiculous and seemed to be warning. Are you still a man?

The man who lives between heaven and earth is to take all the burdens for all and to bring all the responsibilities into his own body, thus creating a better environment for the family. If this responsibility is to escape, then this is also It does not deserve to be a man.

Lin covered his head and looked up at Lin Feng silently. He didn't talk any more, but his face was more and more solemn. He had found the best way to solve his low self-esteem.

"Father, I want to go out and hone myself. Even if I die, I will die." Lin Shutian held his fist and said seriously to Lin Feng, he made a decision.

Lin Feng listened to Lin's decision, and his brow wrinkled slightly. He just made Lin cover the sky and did not let him go out, but Lin Cetian thought of this aspect, Lin Feng could not say anything.

Moreover, Lin Zhongtian's median deity is far better than when he first came to the Kingdom of God. He can be mixed to this level. Lin Feng believes his son will never let himself down.

"Go, it's best to go to the French Blue Empire or the Sunlight Empire and the Moonlight Empire. This is a powerful force."

"Also, remember that there are all the ancient clan on this godland, and they are behind, you have to be careful."

Lin Feng, although agreeing to go out this time, but I can't wait to tell Lin Cetian about all the things I know. My father is my father. No matter whether Lin Feng's heart is strong, but facing his son, I still hope that he can be safe.

Lin is so steadfast that he has decided to go out and find a way to save the soul from poisoning. He wants to save his mother.

Lin Feng sighed, and then personally sent Lin to cover the world of Wuhun, Lin Feng gave Lin Shutian a map of the entire eternal kingdom, which marked the experience of Lin Feng and which empire existed in which ancient clan, all marked one Clear two Chu.

Looking at the shadow of Lin Shutian disappeared in the sky above the city, Lin Feng could not help but sigh, and the children were worried, but who can know, the father's heart will be uncomfortable?

"It seems that you have finally understood the responsibility as a father."

Lin Hai’s words rang behind Lin Feng, and Lin Feng turned to look at his father, and his eyes were grateful.

"Father, this is not just a title. It represents a kind of responsibility. Before you had no children, you naturally couldn't understand. Now that you have more than one child, this ideal must be understood."

Lin Hai smiled at his son, his face was gratified and appreciated.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly, but did not talk much, but returned to the world of Wuhun, Lin Hai followed Lin Feng back to the world of Wuhun, Lin Hai's current strength can now freely cross the inside and outside of the Wuhun world, that is, if Lin Hai If you want to get out of the world of Wuhun, you don't need Lin Feng.

Of course, Lin Hai does not have great ambitions. He just wants to stay with his wife, Yue Menghe, and enjoy the happiness of family. This is enough.

Lin Feng returned to the house, the dream is still lying quietly, the white dress is not contaminated with a trace of dust, still so beautiful and noble, Xue Lingzhen is always like this, the fate is extraordinary.

"Emotions, our cover of the sky, finally understand the responsibility and responsibility of being a man, have you heard it?"

"You have to get better soon. Although I don't know what the poisoning of the soul is, I can know that with your sleek physique and strong willpower, you will be able to get better, cheer, and affection."

Lin Feng's tone is slightly Holding a dreamy white but cold hand, Lin Fengxin is anxious.

At this moment, the eyelashes of the dreams moved slightly, only this time, but Lin Feng’s heart was full of hope, and his face even showed a ecstatic look.

"Yes, yes, just like this, love, persist, must insist, Xiangong is always by your side, and there is a shadow, our son."

"You also heard the decision to cover the sky, so if you don't want him to be in danger, then wake up quickly, love."

Lin Feng encourages dreams and holds his dreams tightly.

Gradually, Lin Feng’s consciousness was a little stunned, and he slept by the side of his dreams.

At night, when Liu Fei returned to her house, she saw Lin Feng, who was sleeping in the past. She couldn’t help but have a little worry and heartache.

Yue Menghe walked into the house and saw his son sleeping with a dream. He felt some pain in his heart. Lin Feng and his love of dreams are comparable to those of ordinary people.

"Fairchild, come over." Yue Menghe whispered Liu Fei, fearing that he would wake up his son. He was too tired and tired.

Liu Fei walked quietly in the footsteps, and Yue Meng He went out of the house and stood in the corridor.

"Feier, I have three more daughter-in-laws. How do you feel?"

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