Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 914: Old slave!

"What do you mean?" The horror of the net without a trace, looking at Lin Feng inexplicably, he did not understand what Lin Feng suddenly said, what is the meaning, or what he wants to express.

Lin Feng looked at the eyes without a trace, but did not speak, but the complex complex walked in the direction of the scattered city, the speed of walking is not fast, the net no trace looked at the pace of Lin Feng walking, his face a little heavy.

"Yuan Feng is your enemy. Do you want to say this?" The net has no complicated eyes. After a while, he woke up and followed Lin Feng's back and followed.

Lin Feng jumped into a jump, the whole person flew into the sky, and flew straight in the direction of the scattered city. The net was traced behind him. He did not return to the Imperial City of Zeguo, and followed Lin Feng to Sancheng.

Before this, Long Laner had escorted more than 1,000 members of the Dragon King with the Black Dragon King and the Qinglong King, and went straight to the city. Although the speed of the dragon was very fast, most of these black dragons and dragons were in the Emperor. Level, so the speed can't be too fast.

Lin Feng and the net no trace to fully catch up with these dragons, but an hour has already seen in front of the dragon team led by Long Laner is running all the way to the city.

Lin Feng and the net no trace did not keep up, so he followed the dragon army behind to avoid any accidents. There is Long Laner in front of the half-step god, and there is Lin Feng and the net without traces. It can be said that it is a comparison. safe.

At the same time, the West City of the evil city, thousands of miles away, or now it should be called Tiandaoyuan.

Tiandaoyuan, inside the main hall, an old man with a pale face and a back squatting, standing in front of the main hall with his hands on his back, facing the seven guards behind him, the complicated color of his face.

Slowly, the old man turned around and looked at the seven guardians. His eyes were gloomy but sharp, and it was hard to see that this is an old man’s demeanor and horror.

In front of him, seven people headed by the ancestors and Tianyuan Shenzun, Zi Yan, the ruin and the lack of land, as well as the law and the Dao Ling, are all here.

"Are you all waste? Can you do something that is not good?" The old man's face was extremely gloomy, his eyes were sharp and sharp, and he was stunned by seven people. He did not have much affection because they were protecting the law. Even the ancestors are the strongest of the reincarnation of the fifth world. They are the oldest people in Tiandaoyuan, but in the eyes of the old ones, they are still the usual.

After the seven people listened to the anger of the old man, they did not dare to have the slightest anger. They even dared to look up and look at the old man, because the old man has a very high status, that is, the old slave.

The old slave is not a slave, but an old slave of Tiandaoyuan. That is to say, since the creation of Tiandaoyuan, the old slave is the only **** who has been guarded for a hundred years. He has never left, and has never left, for Tiandaoyuan. Brilliant for it.

Old slaves can be said to represent the entire Tiandaoyuan to a certain extent. The status of the old slaves is only second to the ancestors of Tiandaoyuan. Even when the ancestors lived, they also respected the old slaves for three points. Nothing else, only Because the strength of the old slaves was already a half-step god, and now the strength of the old slaves has reached the five cents of the gods.

After all, the five old masters of the Emperor, not to mention the Seven Law Enforcement After all, even the other Heavenly Courts are too respectful to the elders, and they dare not make the old slaves, and the Heavenly Court is also because of the old slaves. The existence has only sheltered this hundred years, and compared with those shattered clan, happiness is more than a little bit.

"Daoling, the lonely, what is the attitude of the master?" After the words of the old slave paused, they whispered and looked at the tomb and the law.

The law did not dare to refute the old slaves to call him an orphan. He was an orphan in the past, but now he is a law, but he dare not tell the old slaves that they are now called the law, only to provoke the resentment of the old slaves.

Therefore, the law did not speak, looked at the Taoling, but when I wanted to see Lin Feng, Dao Ling gave all the opportunities to persuade Lin Feng, this time also let the Tao Ling and the old slave explain it, so Live, he doesn't do it.

Dao Ling sighed deeply, and did not blame the sin law for taking such a clear and defensive practice. After all, the whole thing was supposed to be responsible for him. Dao Ling took out the blue token and handed it to his hands.

The old slave looked at the token in his hand, and suddenly he understood everything. He couldn’t help but sneer out loudly: "Oh, what you do is really a bad thing."

"Old slaves, we should all say that it is the master's temper is too big, do not want to be kept in the drums." Dao Ling must answer truthfully. He did not intend to shirk his responsibility to Lin Feng. It was just that Lin Feng refused.

When the old slaves listened to Dao Ling’s words, his face changed slightly. He suddenly thought that Lin Feng’s little master also had his own temper. It seemed that he would not be so easy to obey. After all, he suddenly heard that he became the master of Tiandaoyuan. It is indeed somewhat unacceptable.

The old slaves can understand Lin Feng’s thoughts, but today’s Tiandaoyuan can’t wait for Lin Feng to think clearly about all the problems. If necessary, he must take the necessary measures. If Lin Feng is not willing to come to Tiandaoyuan, then he can only use the means to turn Lin Feng. Tied to Tiandaoyuan and let him accept the complete Tiandaoyuan heritage.

He hasn't thought about it. There are still such proud people in the world. If someone else knows that he is the master of the ancient clan, it is estimated that he will not be able to keep his mouth for three days and three nights, but Lin Feng is Look at this matter with such care.

Only in this way, the old slave is full of expectations for this new little master. Perhaps this is a different master. There are some differences with the past, and there will be more and more hopes for the rise of Tiandaoyuan.

The old slave thought so, so the anger in his heart disappeared by more than half.

The old slave looked at the token and then put away the token. This is the token of the owner of Tiandaoyuan. No one can get it. Only Lin Feng has this qualification to hold it. Now that Lin Feng has not promised to come to Tiandaoyuan, then he This old slave should also be at the moment of the shot.

"Empty ancestor, Zi Yan, you two and I go to the city." After the old slave sighed, his eyes became a little firmer, and if he couldn’t do it, he could only be hard.

If you want Lin Feng to be proud, but at this critical moment, you can't disagree with you, this little yellow-haired boy, and let the ducks go through the shelves and let Lin Feng accept the inheritance.

"Follow the order."


Both the ancestors and the sacred gods and goddess looked at each other, and then understood the meaning of the old slaves. They couldn’t help but feel that Lin Feng’s kid was afraid of suffering some flesh and blood. The old slaves personally shot, only afraid of Lin Feng’s this time. If you disagree, you have to agree.

"I am a stupid apprentice, oh." Zi Yan Shen respected the look of pride and shook his head tightly. One of the most proud things he had done was to accept Lin Feng as the inheritor. Now his inheritor has to become the master of Tiandaoyuan. For him, Only full of pride, no other.

The Tiandaoyuan incident has passed, and in the Leimen of the East City of the Evil City, after listening to Lei Gang and Lei Ben’s report, Lei Jingang’s face is a smile of satisfaction and satisfaction. Properly, there was no accident.

"Haha, Lei Gang, you actually met Lin Feng, haha, I really didn't expect it." Lei Jingang listened to Lei Gang’s report and Lin Feng’s grievances on the land of God, and made Lei Jingang’s face full of surprise and joy. Now there is such a relationship, I am afraid that the relationship between Leimen and Sancheng will be closer. .

"Master, I am not an enemy with Lin Feng, huh, huh." Lei Gang’s smile on Lei Jingang’s face was a bitter bitterness. At the beginning, it was almost because of the recovery, and Lin Feng became an enemy.

Now think of this, some regret, if it really became an enemy, I am afraid that there will be no alliance today. For Leimen, what is most needed now is the alliance, although Lin Feng’s scattered city is even a god. No, but Lin Feng himself is the closest person to the Emperor.

Lin Feng’s talent, Lei Gang’s eyes, also deeply felt Lin Feng’s super talent. In the past, he was still on the Shenlu and the lower god. Now he is a half-step god, but Lin Feng is also a half-step god. Emperor, but how much strength did Lin Feng had at the beginning? The peak of the Emperor.

Who is afraid of such a terrible talent? Who dares to be cautious?

Treating Lin Feng, Lei Gang believes that there are only two extreme methods. The first one is to kill Lin Feng with absolute strength and destroy Lin Feng’s soul, and not let the latter have the opportunity to resurrect. The second way is to do with Lin Feng. Friends, the income is greater.

The people of Leimen disdain the first method, so naturally they choose the second method. It is much better to be a friend than to have a terrible enemy.

It’s a terrible thing to be the enemy of Lin Feng. His big apprentice recovery is afraid to become a bone.

"Thundermen need allies, not only Leimen needs, but now there are so many ancient clan, except for the ultra-strong forces such as Taiqingmen and the ancients, almost all of them must be alliances."

"You should have heard that the Yuan Temple wants to pass the news of the marriage alliance Taiqingmen?"

Lei Jingang’s face changed from the first joy to the current dignity and He only needs to think that Leimen’s status will be depressed, so Leimen also needs alliance.

"Well, I heard that, but I know another secret, which is far more shocking than this." Lei Gang nodded. He knew about it. However, the secret that he knew in Sanshou was far more shocking than this.

"What?" Lei Jingang looked a little surprised and stared at Lei Gang.

Lei Gang looked around, even if this is the main hall of Leimen, he still has some peace of mind, because this fact is too scary.

Lei Gang had to squat in front of Lei Jingang’s ear and told Lei Jingang the secret he heard.

"What? What you said is true?"

The secret was exchanged by Lei Jingang, who was shocked to the extreme, because the news really made him unbelievable and excited at the same time.

If this news is true, then the alliance with Lin Feng is imperative!


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